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Important RGPV Question, CS-405 , Operating Systems , IV Sem, CSE

Important RGPV Question

CS-405 Operating Systems


UNIT 1- Introduction to Operating Systems:

Q.1) Define an operating system. What are the goals of an operating system? Explain.

RGPV June 2023

Q.2) What is meant by system call? How it can be used. How does an application program use these call during execution?

RGPV June 2023

Q.3) What is meant by a System call? How it can be used? How does an application program use these calls during execution?

RGPV June 2020

Q.4) What are System call? Explain briefly about various types of system call provided by an operating system.

RGPV Nov 2019

Q.5) What are the various services provided by Operating system?

RGPV Nov 2019

Q.6) What is an operating system? Write down its desirable characteristics?

RGPV May 2019

Q.7) Discuss different types of operating system with examples of each?

RGPV May 2019

Q.8) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the buffer cache?

RGPV May 2019

UNIT 2- File Systems:

Q.1) Explain file system used in Linux and Windows.

RGPV June 2023

Q.2) What is a file? Briefly explain different directory structures. What kind of directory structure is used in UNIX?

RGPV June 2023

Q.3) Describe various space allocation strategies with their merits/demerits.

RGPV June 2020

Q.4) What is File? What are the different File attributes and operations?

RGPV Nov 2019

Q.5) Explain various Disk scheduling algorithms with illustration?

RGPV May 2019

Q.6) Explain the following in brief.

i) Contiguous and linked list allocation for implementing file system.

ii) File attributes and File operations.

RGPV May 2019

Q.7)   Write short note on File system in Linux.

RGPV May 2019

UNIT 3- CPU Scheduling And Memory Management

Q.1) Describe the differences among short term, medium term and long term scheduling.

RGPV June 2023

Q.2) Define Process States. Draw the diagram of PCB.

RGPV June 2023

Q.3) Suppose that a disk drive has 200 cylinders, numbered 0 to 199. The work queue is: 23, 89, 132, 42, 187. Determine the total distance for the following disk scheduling algorithms:

i) Scan

ii) Look

RGPV June 2023

Q.4) List the advantages and disadvantages of Magnetic Tape memory.

RGPV June 2023

Q.5) Explain in detail about various ways of free space management.

RGPV June 2023

Q.6) What is the difference between threads and process.

RGPV June 2023

Q.7)  Explain paging and segmentation. How are they helpful in removing fragmentation?

RGPV June 2023

Q.8) Define Process States. Draw the diagram of PCB.

RGPV June 2020

Q.9) Compare Paging and Segmentation with example.

RGPV June 2020

Q.10) Consider the main memory with capacity of 3 frames. Assume that pages of a process are referenced in the order as given below:

7, 0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4, 2, 3, 0, 3

Which one is better FIFO or LRU and why?

RGPV June 2020

Q.11) What is Virtual Memory? Explain the concept of demand paging.

RGPV June 2020

Q.12) Explain how logical memory address are translated into physical memory address in segmented memory management system with example.

Q.13)  Consider the following set of processes.

Develop a Gantt-chart and calculate the average waiting time using:


ii) SJF

iii) Round Robin (q = 1)

RGPV June 2020

Q.14) - On a simple paging system with

2^24 bytes of physical memory, 256 pages of logical address space and a page size

2^10 bytes, How many bits are in logical address.

RGPV Nov 2019

Q.15) Define process and thread. What is process control Block? Explain its various entries with their usefulness?

RGPV May 2019

Q.16) Explain concept of a process with its components?

RGPV May 2019

Q.17) What is scheduling? Explain short, medium and long term scheduler?

RGPV May 2019

Q.18) What do you mean by virtual memory and write down its advantages?

RGPV May 2019

Q.19) Write short notes;

a) Programmed controlled I/O

b) Demand paging

RGPV May 2019

UNIT 4- Input / Output And Concurrent Processes :

Q.1) What do you mean by deadlock prevention? A computer has six tape drive with a processes competing for them. Each process need two tape drives for which values of n the system is deadlock free.

RGPV June 2023

Q.2) Explain mutual exclusion with suitable example.

RGPV June 2023

Q.3) Discuss Reader-Writers solution using Monitors.

RGPV June 2023

Q.4) Briefly explain the following.

i) Mutual exclusion

ii) Critical section problem

RGPV June 2020, May 2019

Q.5) Consider following Snapshot of a system:

Answer the following questions using Bankers Algorithm

i) Is the system in Safe state

ii) What is the content of the Matrix need?

RGPV June 2020

Q.6) What do you mean by Semaphore? Explain its uses and its implementation.

RGPV June 2020

Q.7) What is Binary and Counting semaphores?

RGPV Nov 2019

Q.8) Describe necessary conditions for a deadlocks situation to arise.

RGPV Nov 2019

Q.9) Define a deadlock? Write down the conditions responsible for deadlock? How can we recover from deadlock?

RGPV May 2019

Q.10) Write a semaphore solution for dining philosopher's problem?

RGPV May 2019

Q.11)  Write short note on Programmed controlled I/O.

RGPV May 2019

UNIT 5- Introduction to Network, Distributed and Multiprocessor Operating Systems. Case Studies:

  Q.1)  Write down the features of a Multiprocessor operating system?

RGPV May 2019


 Q.1) Write short notes:

a) Concurrent Programming

b) Virus

c) Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

d) Time Sharing.

RGPV June 2023

Q.2) Write a short notes

i) Time sharing

ii) Network

iii) Batch processing

RGPV June 2020

Q.3) What is meant by Thrashing? Explain various causes of thrashing.

RGPV June 2020

Q.4) Explain the concept of dirty bit for improving the performance during page fault.

RGPV June 2020

Q.5) Write short notes.

a) Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

b) Worms and Virus

c) Define levels of RAIO

RGPV June 2020

Q.6) What do you mean by PCB? Where is it used? What are its contents? Explain.

RGPV Nov 2019

Q.7)  Consider the following page reference string

निम्नलिखित पृष्ठ सदर्भ स्ट्रिंग पर विचार करें।

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 1, 6, 7, 8, 7, 8, 9, 7, 8, 9, 5, 4, 5. How many page faults would occur for the following replacement algorithm, assuming four frame:


b) LRU

RGPV Nov 2019

Q.8) Explain the following term.

a) Real and virtual concurrency

b) Critical section

c) Mutual exclusion

d) I/O Interfaces

RGPV Nov 2019

Q.9) Write a short notes

a) Multi processor operating system

b) Distributed operating system

c) Threads

d) File protection

RGPV Nov 2019


--- Best of Luck for Exam ---

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