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Important RGPV Question, EC-302 (EMI) Electronic Measurement & Instrumentation, III Sem, EC

Updated: Dec 28, 2023

Important RGPV Question

EC-302 (EMI) Electronic Measurement & Instrumentation


UNIT-1 Theory of Measurement

UNIT-3 Transducer

UNIT-4 Signal & Function Generators

UNIT-5 Digital & Analog Instrument


Theory of Measurement

Q. 1) Discuss about the electrostatic focusing deflection system of a CRO with necessary diagrams.

(RGPV June 2023)

Q. 2) List out different AC voltmeters and explain the working of any one voltmeter in detail.

(RGPV Nov 2022)

Q. 3) Discuss the theoretical analysis of measuring instruments. Explain its characteristic features.

(RGPV June 2020)

Q. 4) How we can analyses errors during measuring through instruments? Give its classification.

(RGPV June 2020)

Q. 5) Explain the working principle of AC voltmeter working as a rectifier circuit.

(RGPV June 2020)

Q. 6) Explain the principle of extending the range of DC ammeter.

(RGPV June 2020,May 2019)

Q. 7) What are Rectifiers? Define Average, RMS and peak value of full wave rectifier.

(RGPV May 2019)

Q. 8) What is error? Write different types of errors occurred is instruments in detail.

(RGPV Nov 2019)

Q. 9) Define the terms -

i) Types of errors

ii) Resolution

iii) Calorimeter

iv) Multimeter

(RGPV Nov 2019)

Q. 10) Write any five differences between the multimeter and power meter.

(RGPV June 2020)

Q. 11) Explain how the effects of modifying and interfering inputs is minimized or eliminated in measurement systems. Cite suitable examples.

(RGPV Nov 2018)

Q. 12) Differentiate between accuracy and precision.


Define and differentiate accuracy and precision.


What is difference between accuracy and precision of a measuring instrument?

(RGPV June 2013, RGPV Dec 2015, RGPV Dec 2017)

Q. 13) Define the term sensitivity.


Describe the term sensitivity.

(RGPV Feb 2010, Dec 2011, 2016, RGPV Dec 2008, 2012)

Q. 14) Describe the term linearity.


Define linearity.


Discuss linearity and its different aspects with graphs.

(RGPV Dec 2012, RGPV Dec 2010, 2011, 2013, RGPV Dec 2014)

Q. 15) Define accuracy, precision, sensitivity and linearity.

(RGPV June 2017)

Q. 16) Define accuracy, precision, and linearity.

(RGPV June 2014)

Q. 17) Define the terms accuracy, precision, resolution, sensitivity and errors, related to measuring instruments. Explain each with examples.

(RGPV June 2011)

Q. 18) Explain the terms - static error, static correction, relative error and percentage relative error.

(RGPV Nov 2018)

Q. 19) Define loading effect.


Write short note on loading effect.

(RGPV Dec 2013, RGPV Dec 2017)

Q. 20) Explain hysteresis and loading effect.


What do you understand by hysteresis and loading effect?

(RGPV Dec 2010, June 2012, RGPV Dec 2016)

Q. 21) What is calibration? How calibration of instruments is done?

(RGPV Dec 2015)

Q. 22) A Digital voltmeter has a read out range from 0 to 9,999 count. determine the resolution of the instrument in volt when full scale reading is 9.999v.

(RGPV June 2014)

Q. 23) A multimeter having a sensitivity of 2,000Ω/v is used for the measurement of voltage across a circuit having an output resistance of 10kΩ. The open circuit voltage of the circuit is 6V. Find the reading of multimeter when it is set to its 10v scale. Find the percentage error.

(RGPV June 2014)

Q. 24) Write short note on D.C. and A.C. ammeter.

(RGPV June 2017)

Q. 25) Describe the principle of operation of chopper type D.C. voltmeter.


Explain the working of chopper type D.C. voltmeter.


Describe with a diagram the operation of a chopper type microvoltmeter.


Write short note on chopper type D.C. voltmeter.

(RGPV Dec 2013, June 2017, RGPV June 2010, Dec 2010, 2011, 2012, RGPV Dec 2014, RGPV Dec 2017)

Q. 26) Give the classification of electronic voltmeters. Explain the principle of working of D.C. chopper type voltmeter.

(RGPV Dec 2015)

Q. 27) An amplifier whose bandwidth is 100 kHz has a noise power spectrum density input of 7 x 10-21 J. If the input resistance is 50 k ohm and the amplifier gain 100, what is the noise output voltage?

(RGPV Nov 2018)

Q. 28) A voltmeter having a sensitivity of 10 kV reads 180V on a 200V scale when connected across an unknown resistor. The current through the resistor is 2mA. Calculate the percentage of error due to loading effect.

(RGPV Dec 2017)

Q. 29) A voltmeter, having a sensitivity of 1 kV is connected across an unknown resistance in series with a milliammeter reading 110V on 250V scale. When the milliammeter reads 25 mA, calculate the

(i) Apparent resistance of the unknown resistance

(ii) Actual resistance of the unknown resistance (iii) Error due to the loading effect of the voltmeter.

(RGPV June 2011)

Q. 30) Explain the operating principle of rectifier.


How is A.C. voltmeter designed using rectifier?

(RGPV Dec 2013, RGPV June 2013)

Q. 31) Differentiate between D.C. and A.C. voltmeters.

(RGPV Dec 2012)

Q. 32) Write the advantages of electronic instruments over conventional instruments.

(RGPV Dec 2017)

Q. 33) Draw the circuit diagram of average reading A.C. voltmeter using semiconductor diode as half wave rectifier and explain it.

(RGPV Dec 2017)

Q. 34) Explain the working principle of RMS type (thermocouple based) voltmeter with suitable diagram.

(RGPV June 2015)

Q. 35) What is a Bolometer? How is a power measured using a Bolometer? Explain in detail.


Discuss the working principle of Bolometer.


Explain Bolometer.


What is a Bolometer? Explain with diagram the operation of a Bolometer bridge for measurement of power.


Explain the Bolometer type power meter with neat and suitable block diagram.


Write a short note on Bolometer.


What is Bolometer? How is power measured using a Bolometer?

(RGPV June 2011, RGPV Dec 2011, RGPV June 2014, RGPV Dec 2014, RGPV June 2015, RGPV Dec 2016, RGPV June 2017)

Q. 36) Discuss the working principle of calorimeter.


Explain calorimeter.

(RGPV Dec 2011, June 2012, 2013, RGPV June 2014)

Q. 37) Explain the working of a differential amplifier using two FET's. Derive the expression for the output voltage.

(RGPV Nov 2018)



Q. 1) Draw the internal structure of CRT and list its functions.

(RGPV June 2023)

Q. 2) Show how the Wien's bridge can be used for the measurement of frequency in audio range. Derive the equation for frequency f.

(RGPV June 2023)

Q. 3) Discuss the condition during which the Bridge sensitivity is maximum for a detector.

(RGPV June 2023)

Q. 4) Draw the circuit diagram of Sampling oscilloscope and explain its operation in detail.

(RGPV Nov 2022)

Q. 5) Draw and explain the basic block diagram of CRO.


Draw the block diagram of CRO and explain the function of each block.

(RGPV June 2020, RGPV Nov 2019)

Q. 6) What do you mean by post deflection acceleration? What are the consequences of these accelerations in CRO images?

(RGPV June 2020)

Q. 7) Explain special purpose CRO's with examples.

(RGPV June 2020)

Q. 8) Derive a relation for high voltage and relative permitivity of Schering Bridge.

(RGPV June 2020)

Q. 9) A moving coil instrument gives a full scale deflection of 10mA when potential across its terminal is 150 mV. Calculate the following:

i) Shunt resistance for a full scale deflection corresponding to 50 mA

ii) The series resistance for full scale reading with 500V.

(RGPV May 2019)

Q. 10) Explain Anderson Bridge and write its uses.

(RGPV May 2019)

Q. 11) Explain the function of various controls on front panel of CRO with neat diagram.

(RGPV May 2019)

Q. 12) Explain Maxwell's bridge.

(RGPV May 2019)

Q. 13) Write short notes on: Audio-frequency measurement.

(RGPV May 2019)

Q. 14) Explain the working of Q-meter with block diagram.

(RGPV May 2019)

Q. 15) List the different types of probes used in oscilloscopes. Explain front panel control of CRO.

(RGPV Nov 2019)

Q. 16) Explain the measurement of capacitance using Schering bridge.

(RGPV Nov 2019)

Q. 17) With the help of block diagram explain the working of CRO. Also discuss in brief about each block.


Draw the block diagram of CRO and explain the working of different parts of CRO.


With the help of block diagram explain the working of CRO.


List the various parts of CRO. Draw its block diagram and explain the working of all parts of CRO.


Draw the basic block diagram of an oscilloscope and explain the functions of each block.


Explain different parts of CRO with the help of block diagram.


Write different main parts of a CRO.

(RGPV June 2013), RGPV June 2017, RGPV June 2010, 2012, Dec 2012, RGPV Dec 2010, 2016, RGPV June 2011, RGPV June 2014, RGPV June 2015)

Q. 18) Define deflection sensitivity and deflection factor for a CRO.

(RGPV Dec 2015)

Q. 19) Explain the principle of electrostatic focusing in CRO.


Explain electrostatic focusing system.


Explain electrostatic focusing.

(RGPV June 2012, RGPV June 2013, RGPV June 2015)

Q. 20) Explain the electrostatic focusing arrangement and derive the expression for deflection.

(RGPV Dec 2013)

Q. 21) Describe the function of attenuators in CROS. Explain how they are designed with particular reference to frequency compensation.

(RGPV Nov 2018)

Q. 22) Explain the term graticule related with CRO.


What do you mean by graticules?

(RGPV Dec 2015, RGPV June 2015)

Q. 23) State the function of a delay line used in the vertical section of an oscilloscope.


Why is delay line used in the vertical section of an oscilloscope.

(RGPV Dec 2014, RGPV Dec 2017)

Q. 24) Explain the following controls of a CRO- (i) Intensity (i) Focus.

(RGPV Dec 2017)

Q. 25) Discuss the different types of delay lines used in CRO.

(RGPV Dec 2011)

Q. 26) Draw the circuit and phasor diagram of Anderson's bridge. Derive the

expression for unknowns.


With the help of circuit diagram, balance equation and phasor diagram explain Anderson's bridge.

(RGPV Dec 2015, RGPV Dec 2017)

Q. 27) Explain in detail about horizontal deflection system with suitable block diagram.

(RGPV June 2015)

Q. 28) State and derive the two balance conditions for a Wien bridge.


Draw the circuit of Wiens bridge and derive the expression for frequency.

(RGPV Dec 2014, RGPV June 2017)

Q. 29) What is the difference between Analog and Digital storage oscilloscope?

(RGPV June 2014)

Q. 30) What is Lissajous Pattern?

(RGPV June 2014)

Q. 31) Explain dual trace oscilloscopes with the help of block diagram.

(RGPV June 2014)

Q. 32) ACRT has a anode voltage is 2000v and parallel deflecting plates 2cm long and 5mm apart. The screen is 30cm from the center of the plate find the input voltage required to deflect the beam through 3cm. The input voltage applied to the deflecting plates through amplifier having an over all gain 100.

(RGPV June 2014)

Q. 33) Explain in detail about horizontal deflection system with suitable block diagram.

(RGPV June 2015)

Q. 34) With the help of a suitable diagram explain the function of time base generator in a CRO.

(RGPV Dec 2017)

Q. 35) State the function of a probe and explain with a diagram the operation of a 10:1.

(RGPV Dec 2014)

Q. 36) Explain the CRO, in context of the following - (i) Voltage and current measurement. (ii) Phase and frequency measurement.

(RGPV Dec 2015)

Q. 37) Describe the dual trace type of oscilloscope.


Discuss the working of dual trace CRO.


Explain dual trace oscilloscopes with the help of block diagram.


Explain construction features of dual trace oscilloscope with neat sketch.

(RGPV Dec 2013, RGPV June 2012, RGPV June 2014, RGPV Dec 2015)

Q. 38) Describe the dual beam type of oscilloscope.


Explain the working of dual beam CRO.

(RGPV Dec 2013, RGPV Dec 2013)

Q. 39) Differentiate between dual trace and dual beam CRO.


Give the comparison between dual trace and dual beam oscilloscopes.

(RGPV June 2013, 2017, RGPV Dec 2017)

Q. 40) What is the difference between analog and digital storage oscilloscope?


How does the digital oscilloscope differ from the conventional storage oscilloscope using a storage cathode tube?

(RGPV June 2014, RGPV Dec 2016)

Q. 41) Discuss the working of digital storage CRO.


Describe with a block diagram the operation of a digital storage CRO. State the functions of each block.


Explain the working principle of digital storage oscilloscope.

(RGPV Dec 2011, RGPV Dec 2014, RGPV June 2015)

Q. 42) Describe in detail the construction and working of an analog type storage oscilloscope. Explain the principle of secondary emission.

(RGPV Nov 2018)

Q. 43) Why is it preferable in bridge circuits, that the equations of balance are independent of frequency? Explain.

(RGPV Nov 2018)

Q. 44) With the help of circuit diagram explain the working of Maxwell's inductance and capacitance bridge.


Write down the conditions for a balanced bridge.

(RGPV Dec 2011, RGPV June 2015)

Q. 45) Draw the circuit diagram of Schering's Bridge and explains the operation of it.


With the help of circuit diagram explain the working of Schering bridge.


Which bridge is suited for measurement of capacitors? Also discuss its working.


Describe the working of low voltage Schering bridge. Derive the equations for capacitance and dissipation factor. Draw the phasor diagram of the bridge under condition of balance.


Explain Schering bridge method for measurement of capacitance. Draw the phasor diagram to explain. Determine dissipating factor.


Write short note on Schering bridge.


Describe the working of a low voltage Schering bridge. Derive the equations for capacitance and dissipation factor.

(RGPV Nov 2022, RGPV June 2012, RGPV Dec 2008, 2012, RGPV June 2011, RGPV Dec 2016, RGPV June 2017, RGPV Nov 2018)

Q. 46) An A.C. bridge is balanced at 2 kHz with the following components in each arm- Arm AB= 10 k Arm BC= 100 uF in series with 100 k Arm AD 50 k

Find the unknown impedance RjX in the arm DC, if the detector is between BD.

(RGPV Dec 2017)

Continue Reading



Q. 1) In Hay's bridge the four arms are arranged as under.

AB is a resistance of 60052 in series with an inductor of 0.18 H, BC and DA are non-inductive resistances of 12002 each and CD consists of a resistance R in series with a capacitor C. A potential difference of 3V at a frequency of 50 Hz is applied between A and C. Determine the values of R and C. Derive the condition for bridge balance.

(RGPV June 2023)

Q. 2) Why is it preferable to have slightly under damped instrument? Explain.

(RGPV June 2023)

Q. 3) What is Thermistor and explain its importance along with advantages of it.

(RGPV Nov 2022)

Q. 4) What is the difference between photo-emissive, photo-conductive and photo voltaic transducers?

(RGPV Nov 2022)

Q. 5) Discuss the operating principle of transducers. Give a brief classification of Transducers.

(RGPV June 2020)

Q. 6) Define LVDT and explain its working.

(RGPV May 2019)

Q. 7) Write short notes on:

i) Capacitive transducers

ii) Hall-effect transducers

(RGPV May 2019)

Q. 8) What is Rotary variable differential transformer? Explain its working.

(RGPV Nov 2019)

Q. 9) Explain the types of optical transducers.

(RGPV Nov 2019)

Q. 10) Explain the working principle of LVDT.


With the help of diagram explain the principle working of LVDT.


Explain the construction and principle of working of a linear voltage differential transformer. Explain how the magnitude and direction of the displacement of core of an LVDT is detected.


Discuss the working of linear variable differential transformer.


Write short note on LVDT.

(RGPV June 2010, 2015, Dec 2015, RGPV Dec 2008, 2012, June 2017, RGPV June 2011, Nov 2018, RGPV Dec 2011, RGPV Dec 2017)

Q. 11) Write short note on strain gauge.

(RGPV June 2017, Nov 2018)

Q. 12) What is strain gauge? Derive the expression for it. Or

Explain the principle of working and function of strain gauge. Derive an expression for gauge factor of strain gauge.

(RGPV June 2014, RGPV Dec 2016)

Q. 13) Calculate the gauge factor of a 2 mm diameter conductor that is 29 mm long changes length by 1 mm and diameter by 0.02 mm, under a compression force.

(RGPV Dec 2017)

Q. 14) Explain the classification of transducers.


Give detailed classification of transducers.


Give the classification of transducers.

(RGPV Nov 2019, RGPV June 2017, RGPV Dec 2017)

Q. 15) Explain construction and operation of LVDT. Also explain the performance characteristics of LVDT.

(RGPV Dec 2016)

Q. 16) Write down the advantages of electrical transducers.

(RGPV June 2015)

Q. 17) What do you understand by transducer? Explain in brief.

(RGPV Dec 2015)

Q. 18) Define the temperature range for :

i) RID

ii) Thermistor

iii) Thermocouple

iv) Thermopile

(RGPV June 2014)

Q. 19) What is piezoelectric effect?

(RGPV June 2014)

Q. 20) Derive the expression for hay's bridge with Phasor diagram.

(RGPV June 2014)

Q. 21) What is strain gauges? Derive the expression for it.


A Thermistor has a resistance of 10kΩ at 25°C the resistance temperature coefficient is -0.05/°C a Wien's bridge oscillator uses two identical thermistor in the frequency determining part of the bridge. The value of capacitance used in the bridge is 500pf. Calculate the value of frequency of oscillator for.

i) 20°C

ii) 25°C

iii) 30°C

Frequency of oscillation is F = 1/2 πRC HZ.

(RGPV June 2014)

Q. 22) Explain the working of resistance temperature detector (RTD).


Explain the working principle of a resistance temperature detector.


Write short note on RTD.

(RGPV June 2013, RGPV Dec 2014, RGPV Nov 2018)

Q. 23) Describe the working principle of piezoelectric transducer.


Write a short note on piezoelectric transducer.

(RGPV Feb 2010, June 2015, RGPV Dec 2016)

Q. 24) Describe the different modes of operation of piezoelectric transducers. Define and sketch benders and twisters.

(RGPV Nov 2018)


Signal & Function Generators

Q. 1) Explain some points that gives the explanation between the LCD and LED.

(RGPV June 2020)

Q. 2) How you can define signal? How many types of signals you can explain ?

(RGPV June 2020)

Q. 3) Write some of the differences between Photo Diode and Photo Transistors.

(RGPV June 2020)

Q. 4) Explain working of function generators and square wave generator.

(RGPV Nov 2019)

Q. 5) Write short notes on -

i) LED

ii) LCD

(RGPV Nov 2019)

Q. 6) Explain the working of LCD.


Write short note on LCD.

(RGPV June 2013, RGPV Nov 2018)

Q. 7) Define the duty cycle of a pulse wave. Describe the characteristics and terminology associated with pulse waves.

(RGPV Nov 2018)

Q. 8) Write short note on display devices.

(RGPV June 2017)

Q. 9) Explain the principle of working and application of sweep frequency generator.

(RGPV Dec 2016)

Q. 10) Describe the engineering applications of wave analysers.

(RGPV Dec 2015)

Q. 11) Describe the construction and working of light emitting diodes.


Explain the working principle of a LED.

(RGPV Dec 2013, RGPV June 2015)

Q. 12) With the help of diagram explain the working of the sweep frequency generator.


Describe the working of a sweep frequency generator. What are the sweeper errors?


Describe the working of sweep frequency generator.

(RGPV June 2013, RGPV Dec 2013, RGPV June 2014)

Q. 13) Describe the construction and working principle of function genera with the help of neat block diagram.


Write a short note on function generator.


Draw the schematic of function generator and explain the function each block.

(RGPV Dec 2015, RGPV Dec 2016, RGPV June 2017)

Q. 14) What is beat frequency oscillator.

(RGPV June 2014)

Q. 15) What are the various digital display method?

(RGPV June 2014)

Q. 16) Explain function generator with help of block diagram.

(RGPV June 2014)

Q. 17) Explain the theory and working of LCD and also explain the advantage of LCD.


Describe the working of swept frequency generator.

(RGPV June 2014)

Q. 18) State with a diagram the working principle of a pulse generator.

(RGPV Dec 2014)

Q. 19) Describe the circuit of square wave generator which generates square, triangular and sine waveshapes.


Explain the working of the square wave generator.


Explain square wave generator.


Explain the working principle of square wave generator with neat and suitable block diagram.


With the help of block diagram explain the working principle of square wave generator.

(RGPV June 2011, Dec 2013, RGPV June 2013, RGPV Dec 2012, RGPV June 2015, RGPV June 2017)

Q. 20) Explain the beat frequency oscillator.


What is beat frequency oscillator ?


Explain the working principle of a beat frequency oscillator. State its applications.


Draw and explain briefly circuit of beat frequency oscillator.

(RGPV Dec 2012, RGPV June 2014, RGPV Dec 2014, RGPV Dec 2015)


Digital & Analog Instrument

Q. 1) Explain in case of DVM:

i)3½ digits ii) 5½ digits.

What is the significance of ½ digit?

(RGPV June 2023)

Q. 2) Explain about the conversion logic used in case of simultaneous type of A/D DVM.

(RGPV June 2023)

Q. 3) Draw a weighted resistor DAC and obtain the transfer characteristics of a 3 bit DAC.

(RGPV June 2023)

Q. 4) Draw and explain the circuit operation of Successive approximation ADC.

(RGPV June 2023)

Q. 5) Draw the block diagram of 3-bit R-2R ladder DAC and explain its operation.

(RGPV Nov 2022)

Q. 6) Write and explain the total number of clock pulses needed for counter type, flash, SAR, and dual slope ADC's.

(RGPV Nov 2022)

Q. 7) Explain the working principle of successive approximation A/D conversion with suitable diagram.

(RGPV Nov 2022)

Q. 8) Explain the 4-bit weighted resistor type D/A converter in detail.

(RGPV Nov 2022)

Q. 9) Discuss the principle of Resolution and Sensitivity of digital multimeter.

(RGPV June 2020)

Q. 10) Write some of the advantages of digital instrument over analog instrument with suitable examples.

(RGPV June 2020)

Q. 11) Explain the working of successive approximation type digital voltmeter.

(RGPV May 2019)

Q. 12) Explain R-2R ladder type DAC.

(RGPV May 2019)

Q. 13) Write short notes on: Dual-slope integrating type ADC.

(RGPV May 2019)

Q. 14) Draw the block diagram of digital frequency meter.

(RGPV Nov 2019)

Q. 15) Compare Analog and digital instruments.

(RGPV Nov 2019)

Q. 16) Write short note on digital multimeter.

(RGPV Nov 2018)

Q. 17) What is meant by DAC? Explain the accuracy, resolution and sensitivity of digital multimeter.

(RGPV Dec 2017)

Q. 18) Give advantages of digital instrument over analog instrument. Also define and explain resolution and sensitivity of digital meter.

(RGPV Dec 2010, 2016)

Q. 19) Discuss the advantages of digital instruments over analog instruments.


What are the advantages of digital instrument over analog instruments?


Write down the advantages of digital measurement system over analog



Explain the advantages of digital indicating instruments over their analog counterparts.


Give advantages of digital instruments over analog instruments.

(RGPV Dec 2011, RGPV June 2014, Dec 2017, RGPV June 2015, RGPV Dec 2015, RGPV June 2017)

Q. 20) Write short note on DAC.

(RGPV Nov 2018)

Q. 21) Describe the following terms used in conjunction with digital to analog conversion- (i) Quantization error (ii) Aperture time.

(RGPV Dec 2015)

Q. 22) Explain digital to analog conversion using R-2R ladder.


Explain R-2R ladder network for D-A converter for four digit inputs.


Explain the working of R-2R ladder type DAC with suitable block diagram.


Write short note on ladder type D/A converter.

(RGPV June 2017, RGPV June 2011, RGPV June 2015, RGPV Dec 2015)

Q. 23) Write short note on binary ladder.

(RGPV Dec 2015)

Q. 24) How digital voltmeters are broadly classified? Explain the working of ramp type digital voltmeter with the aid of block diagram.

(RGPV Dec 2015)

Q. 25) Explain the working of dual slope integrating type digital voltmeter.


Explain with the help of diagram the working principle of dual slope type DVM.


Explain the working principle of dual slope integrating type DVM.

Discuss why it has excellent noise rejection.

(RGPV June 2013, RGPV Dec 2014, RGPV Dec 2016)

Q. 26) What are the advantages of digital instrument over analog instruments?

(RGPV June 2014)

Q. 27) What are the advantages of PLC?

(RGPV June 2014)

Q. 28) A5 bit converter is used for a de voltage range of 0-10v. Find the weight of MSB and LSB also exact range of the converter and the error. Find the error if a 10 bit converter is used.

(RGPV June 2014)

Q. 29) Explain successive approximation method.


What is digital voltmeter? Explain their types.

(RGPV June 2014)

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