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Important RGPV Question, EC-404, CONTROL SYSTEM, IV Sem, B.Tech.

Important RGPV Question

EC-404 (Control System)

IV Sem, EC

UNIT-1 Introduction to Control System

Q.1 Define open loop and closed loop systems and describe effect of feedback on external disturbances.

(RGPV Nov 2023)

Q.2 Write mathematical model of electrical and mechanical system shown in figure (i) and figure (ii).

(RGPV Nov 2023)


Q.3 Construct signal flow graph for block diagram shown in figure (iii) and find out transfer function.

(RGPV Nov 2023)


Q.4 Define terminologies used in control system and classify different types of control systems with suitable examples.

(RGPV Nov 2023)

Q.5 For a unity feedback system having

Find error constants and error for ramp input with magnitude 5.

(RGPV Nov 2023)


 Q.6 What are effects of feedback? Classify different types of control systems with examples.

(RGPV June 2023)


Q.7 Write mathematical model of mechanical system shown in figure (i) and write analogous electrical equations.

(RGPV June 2023)


Q.8 Compare open loop and closed loop systems and find transfer function of block diagram shown in figure (ii) by reduction rules

(RGPV June 2023)

Q.9 Determine transfer function of signal flow graph as shown in figure (iii) by using Mason's gain formula.

(RGPV June 2023)


Q.10 Explain the classification of control systems.

(RGPV June 2022)


Q.11 Define transfer function and determine the transfer function of RLC series circuit if the voltage across the capacitor is a output variable and input is voltage source v(s).

(RGPV June 2022)


Q.12 Discuss basis for framing the rules of block diagram reduction technique? What are drawbacks of the block diagram reduction technique?

(RGPV June 2022)


Q.13 Find the transfer function for the block diagram shown as below.

(RGPV June 2022)


Q.14 Find the transfer function C/R of the system for the given signal flow graph.

(RGPV Dec 2020)


Q.15 What is closed loop system? Write its advantages and disadvantages with example.

(RGPV Dec 2020)


Q.16  Give an introductory note on control system. Discuss about its terminology in brief.

(RGPV June 2020)


Q.17 Write and explain any one practical example of control system which we can use in our day to day life.

(RGPV June 2020)


Q.18 Write down the advantages and disadvantages of transfer function approach.

(RGPV June 2020)


Q.19 What are the basic differences between open and closed loop control system and which one is preferred mostly and why?

(RGPV June 2020)


UNIT – 2 Time Response Analysis

Q.1 Discuss time response of following:

i) 1st order system ii) 2nd order system

(RGPV Nov 2023)


Q.2 Describe following in detail

i) Concept of stability of linear systems

ii) Routh Hurwitz stability criteria

(RGPV Nov 2023)


Q.3 Describe standard test signals, steady state errors and error constants in detail.

(RGPV June 2023)


Q.4 Discuss effects of additions of poles and zeros to open loop and closed loop system.

(RGPV June 2023)


Q.5 Apply Routh Hurwitz stability criteria to determine the stability and find the number of roots lying in the right half of the s-plane if characteristic equation of the two systems are given as follows:

(RGPV June 2023)


Q.6 What is root locus? Describe steps involved in sketching root locus.

(RGPV June 2023)


Q.7 Explain about various test signals used in control systems?

(RGPV June 2022)


Q.8 The closed loop transfer function of a unity feedback control system is given by

C(s)/R(s) 20/(s²+16s+25)


i) Damping ratio

ii) Natural undammed resonance frequency

iii) Percentage peak overshoot

iv) Expression for error response

(RGPV June 2022)


Q.9 Find stability of the system using Routh Hurwitz criterion s5 +2s4 +2s3 +4s²+10s+20 = 0

(RGPV Dec 2020)


Q.10 Sketch the root locus for the open loop transfer function of a unity feedback control system

(RGPV Dec 2020)


Q.11 For a unity feedback control system the forward path gain


then find the value of K for which the Root-locus crosses the imaginary axis and also find the value of angle of departure for complex roots.

(RGPV June 2020)


Q.12 The limitation of root locus analysis is over come by Bode plot, this sentence is true or false, explain in details.

(RGPV June 2020)


Q.13 Calculate the angle of asymptotes and the centroid for the system having.

(RGPV Nov 2023)


Q.14 What are the necessary conditions to have all the roots of characteristics equation in the left half of s-plane?

(RGPV June 2022)


Q.15 For the unity feedback system the open loop T.F.


a) Range of values of K

b) Marginal K

c) Frequency of sustained oscillations

(RGPV June 2022)

Q.16 Open loop transfer function of a system is

Determine the gain 'k' so that the system has damping ratio of 0.5. For this value of 'k' also find rise time, peak time of the system for a unit step input.

(RGPV Dec 2020)


Q.17 Explain system, control system, automatic control system, stability, response.

(RGPV Dec 2020)


Q.18 Determine the phase margin of a system with the open loop transfer function.

(RGPV Dec 2020)


UNIT – 3 Frequency Response Analysis


Q.1 Discuss following in brief

i) Polar plots       ii) Bode plots

iii) Correlation between time and frequency response

(RGPV Nov 2023)

Q.2 Write Nyquist stability criterion and draw the Nyquist plot 1 for G(s)H(s) = 1/ (s + 2) Also decide stability.

(RGPV Nov 2023)


Q.3 State Nyquist stability criterion and describe procedure of assessment of relative stability using Nyquist plot.

(RGPV June 2023)

Q.4 Establish correlation between time response and frequency response parameters.

(RGPV June 2023)


Q.5 Define gain margin, phase margin and draw bode plot for the system having open loop transfer function.

(RGPV June 2023)


Q.6 Write short notes on various frequency domain specifications.

(RGPV June 2022)


Q.7 Derive expression for resonant peak and resonant frequency and hence establish correlation between time and frequency response.

(RGPV June 2022)


Q.8 The open loop transfer function of a system is

Determine the value of K such that

i) Gain Margin=10dB

ii) Phase Margin = 50 degree

(RGPV June 2022)


Q.9 Construct the Bode plot for the given system.

(RGPV Dec 2020)


Q.10 The open loop transfer function of a system is

Determine phase margin.

(RGPV Dec 2020)


Q.11 Write a short note on Mason's Gain formula which is used for solving signal flow graph.

(RGPV June 2020)


 Q.12 The signal flow graph for a system is given below. Find the transfer function Y(s) / U(s)

(RGPV June 2020)


Q.13  Explain the concept of Relative stability and Absolute stability.

(RGPV June 2020)

Q.14 Explain the term Gain margin. Write a short note on the advantages of Bode plot.

Draw the Nyquist plot for


and make a comment on stability.

(RGPV June 2020)

UNIT – 4 Approach to System Design


Q.1 Describe types of compensation techniques.

(RGPV Nov 2023)


Q.2 Design compensators in time and frequency domain for following cases.

i) Phase lag ii) Phase lead lag

(RGPV Nov 2023)


Q.3 Discuss types of compensation techniques and design of phase - lag and phase lead compensators.

(RGPV June 2023)


Q.4 Compare proportional, derivative, integral and composite controllers.

(RGPV June 2023)


Q.5 What is lag-lead compensator? Under what conditions it is employed.

(RGPV June 2022)


Q.6 Derive the relationship between 'α' and 'Φm' for a lead m compensator.

(RGPV June 2022)


Q.7 Explain integral and derivative controller in detail.

(RGPV Dec 2020)


Q.8 Write advantages and disadvantages of phase lead and phase lag compensator.

(RGPV Dec 2020)


Q.9 Explain lead-lag compensator with diagram.

(RGPV Dec 2020)


Q.10 Explain the relationship in between the state equation and transfer function.

(RGPV June 2020)


Q.11 Explain the concept of Controllability and Observability in details.

(RGPV June 2020)


Q.12 Write down the advantages of phase lead-lag compensation network.

(RGPV June 2020)

Q.13 Explain the different types of compensation network in details.

(RGPV June 2020)


Q.14 Write notes on following:

i) Proportional and derivative controllers

ii) Integral controllers

iii) Composite controllers

(RGPV Nov 2023)


Q.15 Write short notes on (any four):

a) Steady state response

b) Damping ratio

c) Root locus

d) Phase margin

e) Composite controllers

(RGPV Dec 2020)


UNIT – 5 Noise


Q.1 Express the following transfer function in state space phase variable form.

 (RGPV Nov 2023)


Q.2 Evaluate the controllability and observability of the system with

(RGPV Nov 2023)


Q.3 Discuss following in detail:

i) Transfer function decomposition

ii) State Transition Matrix (STM)

iii) Kalman's Test

(RGPV Nov 2023)


Q.4 Describe general state space representation and write state model for nth order differential equation.

(RGPV June 2023)


Q.5 Convert the following transfer function into state-space form:

(RGPV June 2023)


Q.6 Write short note on following

i) Controllability and observability

ii) Transfer function decomposition

iii) Solution of state equation

iv) All-pass and minimum - phase systems

(RGPV June 2023)


Q.7 Obtain the solution of state equation and list the properties of state transition matrix.

(RGPV June 2022)


Q.8 Test the given system for Observability using Kalman's test

(RGPV June 2022)


Q.9 Find the controllability and observability of the system with the transfer function

(RGPV Dec 2020)


Q.10 Define the following:

i) State vector

ii) State space

iii) State equations

iv) State variable representation

(RGPV Dec 2020)


Q.11 What are the advantages of state space approach over transfer function as well as graphical approach for the analysis of control system? Explain with suitable example.

(RGPV June 2020)


--- Best of Luck for Exam ---

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