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Important RGPV Question, ME-402 , Instrumentation , IV Sem, B.Tech.

Updated: Feb 25, 2024

Important RGPV Question

ME-402 (Instrumentation And Control)

IV Sem, ME

UNIT-1 Introduction to Instruments System

Q.1)  Give two advantages of each- (i) Mechanical instruments (ii) Electrical instruments (iii) Electronic instruments.

(RGPV Dec 2015)

Q.2) Distinguish between analog and digital type instruments.

(RGPV Dec 2016)

Q.3)  Distinguish between the following instruments and give appropriate examples in each case- (i) Deflection and null type (ii) Manually operated and automatic type

(iii) Analog and digital type (iv) Contacting and non-contacting type.

(RGPV Dec 2012)

Q.4) Distinguish between direct and indirect methods of measurements.

Give examples.

RGPV Dec 2013


What do you understand by direct and indirect methods of measurement?

RGPV Dec 2011


Compare direct and indirect methods of measurement.

RGPV June 2015

Q.5) What is a measurement system? Discuss various elements of a general measurement system with neat sketch. RGPV Dec 2014


Explain basic and auxiliary functional elements of a measurement system with the help of a block diagram.

RGPV Dec 2009


Draw a generalized measurement system explaining all the components and their functions.

RGPV June 2010


What is a measurement system? Discuss various elements of a general measurement system.

RGPV Dec 2010


Explain about general measurement system along with neat sketch.

RGPV June 2015


Draw and discuss general model for a dynamic measurement system.

RGPV June 2016 Nov 2018

Q.6) Define calibration. State about static and dynamic calibration.

RGPV Dec 2014

Q.7) What is static and dynamic calibration?

RGPV Dec 2015


Compare static and dynamic calibration.

RGPV June 2016

Q.8) Explain the need and standard procedure for calibration.

RGPV May 2019

Q.9) Explain calibration and its necessity for an instrument. How do you proceed to draw the calibration curve and error curve?

RGPV Dec 2017


What is calibration and why is it necessary for an instrument? How do you proceed to draw the calibration curve and an error curve?

RGPV June 2011

Q.10) Define the following terms (i) Repeatability (ii) Accuracy (iv) Static sensitivity (v) Resolution. (iii) Precision.

RGPV Dec 2012

Q.11) A mercury thermometer has a capillary tube of 0.25 mm diameter. If the bulb and capillary tube are made of a zero expansion material, what volume must it have if a sensitivity of 2.5 mm/C is desired? Assume that the operating temperature is 20°C and coefficient of volumetric expansion of mercury is 0.181 x 10-3°C.

RGPV Dec 2016

Q.12) Describe different types of errors encountered in measurement with suitable examples.

RGPV June 2016, Nov 2018


Explain the following errors by giving suitable examples. Discuss the means adopted to minimize these errors -

(i) Gross errors (ii) Systematic errors (iii) Random errors.

RGPV June 2010


Classify the types of error and explain each type briefly.

RGPV Dec 2009


Explain the following errors with suitable examples -

(i) Gross errors (ii) Systematic errors (iii) Random errors.

RGPV June 2015

Q.13) What is error? Discuss the various types of error during measurement.

RGPV May 2019

Q.14) Compare gross error and systematic error.

RGPV Dec 2013

Q.15) Explain a method to estimate the propagation of error.

RGPV Dec 2015

Q.16) Explain the following terms -

(i) Sensitivity (iii) Errors (ii) Precision (iv) Noise and interference.

RGPV May 2018

Q.17) Explain the following terms (i) Sensitivity (ii) Range

(iii) Accuracy (iv) Precision (v) Errors (vi) Sequential and random tests (vii) Noise and interference.

RGPV Dec 2014

Q.18) A force measuring instrument described by the following data-

Resolution-0.25 N, Range-0-100 N

Linearity within 0.3 N over range

Repeatability within 0.4 N over range -

Provide an estimate of the uncertainty attributable to this instrument d the instrument design stage uncertainty.

RGPV Dec 2015, May 2018

Q.19) Distinguish between the following

i) Accuracy and Precision

RGPV June 2022

Q.20) Discuss followings: a) Sequential and random tests

RGPV June 2020

UNIT-2 Dynamic characteristics of the Instrumentation

Q.1) Define the following terms used for dynamic systems with proper


(i) Speed of response and measuring lag.

(ii) Fidelity and dynamic error.

(iii) Overshoots.

(iv) Dead time and dead zone.

RGPV Dec 2012

Q.2) Explain zero order, first order, and second order systems of measurement.

RGPV June 2015


Write about zero order, first order and second order systems.

RGPV June 2016

Q.3) Give differential equation for a general first order system derive transfer function for it.

RGPV Dec 2015

Q.4) What is the order of an instrument? How it is decided? Discuss the dynamics for sinusoidal input to a first order system.

RGPV June 2011, Dec 2017


How the order of an instrument is decided? Discuss the dynamics for sinusoidal input to a first order system.

RGPV June 2010

Q.5) How time constant is determined? State briefly.

RGPV Dec 2014

Q.6) Write the general input function for second order system and

draw for second order system-

(i) Frequency response Vs magnitude ratio

(ii) Frequency response Vs phase shift.

RGPV Dec 2015, May 2018


Discuss phase linearity in measurement system.

RGPV June 2015


Define the term phase linearity.

RGPV June 2016

Q.7) Define the following-

(i) Static calibration

(ii) Dynamic calibration

(iii) Range

(iv) Phase linearity.

RGPV Nov 2018

Q.8) Discuss in brief, how to get the output response of an instrument for transient input signals using-

(i) Differential equation solution method.

(ii) Fourier transformation method.

RGPV May 2019

Q.9) Calculate the time constant of a first order mercury in glass thermometer inside of the bulb 4 mm, assuming the bulb to be spherical, density of mercury-13600 kg/m, specific heat-0.15 kJ/kg C, heat transfer coefficient 40 W/m²C.

If the thermometer bulb had been cylindrical in shape having the same volume and diameter as the spherical bulb, what would be the time constant ?

(i) Neglecting both the end areas of the cylinder

(ii) Accounting for one of the end areas.

RGPV Dec 2009

UNIT-3 Temperature, Pressure and flow measurement

Q.1) State various temperature standards.

RGPV Dec 2014


Discuss various temperature standards.

RGPV June 2015

Q.2) Classify the temperature measuring instruments and indicate approximate temperature range of each category.

RGPV June 2011

Q.3) How will you classify temperature measuring devices?

RGPV Dec 2013

Q.4) Explain briefly pressure thermometer with neat sketch.

RGPV Dec 2009


Sketch pressure thermometer.

RGPV June 2015

Q.5) Explain liquid-in-glass thermometers.

RGPV Dec 2014

Q.6) Explain the working of a bimetallic thermometer with the help

of neat diagrams.

RGPV Dec 2011, 2017


Discuss bimetallic thermometer with neat sketch.

RGPV Dec 2014 2016


State the working of bimetallic thermometers.

RGPV June 2016

Q.7) Explain construction and working of thermocouples.

RGPV June 2015

Q.8) What are the laws of thermocouples? Sketch a thermocouple circuit showing the important details.

RGPV June 2011

Q.9) Discuss various methods used for measuring output of thermo-


RGPV Dec 2013

Q.10) Sketch a thermocouple circuit showing the important details. How output from a thermocouple is measured and what are the sources of errors in thermocouples?

RGPV Dec 2012

Q.11) Draw the Wheatstone bridge circuit for temperature measurement.

RGPV Dec 2015

Q.12) Explain various applications of thermistors with the help of circuit diagrams.

RGPV Dec 2013

Q.13) Explain the principle, construction and working of resistance temperature detectors (RTD).

RGPV May 2019


Explain the principle of metallic electric resistance thermometers. Describe their construction and working.

RGPV Dec 2011

Q.14) Explain RTD with a labeled diagram.


Explain constructional details of RTD, with a neat sketch.

RGPV Dec 2013, 2016

Q.15) Discuss the construction and working of resistance temperature detector.

RGPV June 2016

Q.16) Compare and contrast the advantages and limitations of

(i) Resistance thermometers and thermistors

(ii) Thermocouples and resistance thermometers.

RGPV June 2010

Q.17) Write short note on pyrometers.

RGPV May 2019

Q.18) Write about relative pressure scales.

RGPV June 2016

 Q.19) Write briefly about manometers.

RGPV Dec. 2014

Q.20) Differentiate between barometer and manometer. Also state their working range.

RGPV Dec 2014

Q.21) Write about a simple U-tube manometer, and explain its use for measurement of gauge pressure and vacuum pressure.


Discuss the construction, working and application of U-tube manometer.

RGPV May 2019

Q.22) Explain with a neat sketch the constructional features and basic working principle of McLeod gauge used for the measurement of low pressure.

RGPV Dec 2012, 2017

Q.23) Draw diagrams to show how LVDTs can be used with bellows elements and Bourdon tubes for measurement of pressure. Give their advantages and disadvantages.

RGPV Dec 2012


Explain LVDT type pressure transducer with the help of line diagram.

RGPV Dec 2009

Q.24) Describe the construction and working of a venturimeter. Derive the expression for actual flow rate for incompressible fluids.

RGPV Dec 2010, 2012, 2015


Describe briefly the construction and working of venturimeter.

RGPV Dec 2016


Describe/Explain the construction and working of a venturimeter.

RGPV May 2018, 2019, Dec 2020

Q.25) Distinguish between the following

Dead zone and Hysteresis

RGPV June 2022

Q.26) What are working principle of thermocouple?

RGPV Dec 2020

Q.27 Do you measure pressure? Discuss.

RGPV Dec 2020

UNIT-4 Strain Motion Force And Torque Measurement

Q.1) How stress can be measured?

RGPV Dec 2015

Q.2)  Explain mechanical and electrical strain gauges with advantages over each other.

RGPV Nov 2018

Q.3) What are mechanical strain gauges.

RGPV Dec 2013, 2016


Write about mechanical strain gauge.

RGPV June 2015


Explain the principle of working of resistance strain gauge.

RGPV Dec 2015

Q.4) Explain the working principle of electrical strain gauges.

RGPV May 2019

Q.5) Define and derive gauge factor of strain gauge.

RGPV Dec 2013

Q.6) What are the requirements of materials for strain gauge? Explain the construction and bonding technique for an electrical resistance strain gauge. On what factors the selection of grid material based and why?

RGPV Dec 2012

Q.7) Discuss a null type and deflection type wheatstone bridge circuit used for strain measurement.

RGPV Dec 2011

Q.8) Explain the method of calibration of strain gauges.

RGPV Dec 2016

Q.9)  What are resistance strain gauges? Describe the method to calibrate it.

RGPV Nov 2018

Q.10) What are the points that need consideration while designing any

strain gauge so that it gives an accurate measure of strain?

RGPV June 2011

Q.11) Discuss the construction and working of a potentiometer used

for displacement measurement.

RGPV Dec 2011

Q.12) Describe the principle of operation of linear variable differential transformer. Identify the input and output of the system and sketch the typical input-output graph.

RGPV June 2011


Explain construction and working of LVDT with neat sketch.

RGPV Dec 2016


State the working of LVDT

RGPV June 2016


Write short note on-LVDT

RGPV May 2019

Q.13) Draw neat sketch of the following-

(i) Moving coil transducer

(ii) Potentiometer.

RGPV Dec 2014, May 2018

Q.14) What do you mean by angular velocity measurements?

RGPV June 2016

Q.15) Explain the various types of mechanical tachometers.

RGPV Dec 2017

Q.16) Explain electromagnetic technique to measure angular velocity.

RGPV Nov 2018


Draw the diagram of tachometer generator. Write its two limitations.

RGPV Dec 2015


Explain the working of tachometer generator.

RGPV May 2018

Q.17) What are load cells? Explain the working of a load cell using strain gauges with suitable diagram.

RGPV Dec 2012


Explain the working of a load cell.

RGPV Dec 2016


Explain the working of load cell with neat sketch.

RGPV May 2019

Q.18) Name various transducers used for measurement of force. Discuss with neat sketch working of hydraulic load cells.

RGPV June 2015

Q.19) Explain piezoelectric load cells.

RGPV June 2015

Q.20) Discuss measurement of torque on rotating shaft.

RGPV June 2016


How measurement of torque on rotating shaft is done? Discuss.

RGPV June 2015

Q.21) Analyze of measurement of torque of rotating shaft.

RGPV Dec 2013


Explain the method of measuring torque of rotating shafts using strain gauge.

RGPV Dec 2015, May 2018

Q.22) With neat sketch explain the working principle of Strain gauge load cell.

RGPV June 2022

Q.23) Describe the properties of materials used for piezoelectric transducers. Derive the expressions for voltage and charge sensitivities.

RGPV June 2022

Q.24) Explain the following with neat sketches.

i) Piezoelectric Transducer

RGPV June 2022

UNIT-5 Control Systems

Q.1) What do you understand by control system? Give classification and explain it.

RGPV Dec 2011

Q.2) What are the elements of control system? Explain the control stem terminology.

RGPV June 2010 2011

Q.3) Draw the basic structure of a feedback control system.

RGPV Dec 2015

Q.4) What is block diagram?


Draw a neat block diagram of control system

RGPV Dec 2014

Q.5) Describe open-loop control system with suitable examples.

RGPV Dec 2016

Q.6) What is block diagram of a close-loop system?

RGPV Dec 2013


Draw the block diagram of a closed-loop control system.

RGPV Dec 2016

Q.7) What are the advantages of close-loop control systems?

RGPV Dec 2013

Q.8) Explain the open-loop and closed-loop control system with suitable diagram.

RGPV May 2019


Distinguish between open-loop and closed-loop control system with the help of a suitable diagram. Illustrate your answer using block diagram schematics. Identify the system parameters and components in each case.

RGPV June 2011


Explain the following control systems with the help of block diagrams-

(i) Open-loop control system (ii) Closed-loop control system.

RGPV Dec 2010


Draw neat sketch of open-loop and closed-loop control systems.

RGPV June 2013

Q.9) Explain the difference between open-loop and closed-loop control system.

RGPV June 2010, Dec 2014, 2017


Give the comparison between open-loop and closed-loop system.

RGPV Dec 2011


Compare open-loop control system and close-loop control system.

RGPV Dec 2013


Compare open- and closed-loop system.

RGPV Dec 2015

Q.10) What is a mathematical model? How mathematical equation of system can be used to derive the transfer function of the systems?

RGPV June 2011, Dec 2017

Q.11) What is mechanical system? Write down the transfer function for various mechanical systems.

RGPV Dec 2015


Briefly discuss modeling of mechanical systems.

RGPV Dec 2014

Q.12) How the modeling of electrical systems can be done?

RGPV Dec 2017

Q.13) What is liquid level system? Draw a simple liquid-level system.


Explain the liquid level system.

RGPV June 2016, Nov 2018

Q.14) What is a mathematical model? How modelling of fluid systems can be done. Discuss briefly.

RGPV June 2015

Q.15) Discuss the modelling of fluid systems or mechanical systems.

RGPV June 2016

Q.16) Explain modelling of thermal systems in detail.

RGPV Dec 2014, 2016


Discuss the modelling of thermal systems.

RGPV Nov 2018

Q.17) What do you understand by the term transient and steady-state response of control systems?

RGPV May 2019


Explain briefly transient and steady-state response of control systems.

RGPV Dec 2009, 2016


State brief about transient and steady-state response analysis.

RGPV June 2016

Q.18) How will you define impulse function input?


Define impulse response function.

RGPV Dec 2014


Explain impulse response function.

RGPV June 2016

Q.19) Compare and contrast the advantages and limitations of resistance thermometers and thermistors.

RGPV June 2022

--- Best of Luck for Exam ---

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