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Important RGPV Question, ME-403 , Theory of Machines, IV Sem, B.Tech.

Important RGPV Question

ME-403 (Theory Of Machines)

IV Sem, ME


Q.1) Define mechanism with suitable example.

RGPV June 2015

Q.2) Distinguish between mechanism and machine.

RGPV Dec 2015

Q.3) Differentiate between-

(i) A linkage and a mechanism (ii) A mechanism and a structure.

RGPV Dec 2016

Q.4) How are the kinematic pairs classified? Explain with examples.

RGPV June 2015, Dec 2015


Explain different kinds of kinematic pairs with the help of suitable sketches.

RGPV June 2012


Explain different kinds of kinematic pairs giving example for each one of them.

RGPV June 2011

Q.5) Define degree of freedom.

RGPV June 2014

Q.6) What do you mean by degree of freedom of a mechanism? How it determined?

RGPV May 2019

Q.7) Write short note on-Degree of freedom and Grubler's criterion.

RGPV June 2017

Q.8) What is redundant degree of freedom of a mechanism? Also explain Grubler's criterion for degree of freedom of 2D (planar) mechanism.

RGPV Dec 2014

Q.9) Extend Grubler's criterion for planar mechanism to obtain the Degree of freedom of a space mechanism as -

F-6 (n-1)-5g-4c-3s

Where g Total number of sliding pairs

c = Total number of cylindrical pairs

s = Total number of spherical pairs

n = Total number of links in the mechanism.

RGPV Dec 2011

Q.10) What do you mean by constrained motion? What are the different types of constrained motion? Explain each type with examples and neat sketches.

RGPV June 2013

Q.11) Find the degree of freedom of following- (i) Oldham coupling (ii) Folding iron board (iii) Folding beach chair.

RGPV June 2016

Q.12) A fork joint connects two links as shown in fig given below. What is the number of DOF of this system? Prove.

RGPV Dec 2016

Q.13) Define kinematic chain.

RGPV June 2015

Q.14) Define inversion of a mechanism.

RGPV June 2016

Q.15) Define Grashof's law. State how is it helpful in classifying the four bar mechanism into different types.

RGPV May 2019


State and explain Grashof's criterion.

RGPV Dec 2001, June 2013

Q.16) Define the following terms -

(i) Crank

(ii) Rocker

(iii) Crank-rocker mechanism

(iv) Double-crank mechanism

(v) Double-rocker mechanism.

RGPV Dec 2016

Q.17) Explain all inversions of four bar mechanism.

RGPV June 2014

Q.18) What do you mean by inversion of a mechanism? Explain with sketches all the inversions of single slider crank mechanism. Where these inversions are used?

RGPV Dec 2011, June 2013


What do you mean by inversion of a mechanism? Explain with neat sketches all the inversions of single slider crank mechanism.

RGPV June 2012, 2017, May 2019

Q.19) What are quick return mechanism? Where are they used? Discuss the functioning of any one of them.

RGPV Dec 2014

Q.20) Explain how Whitworth quick return mechanism and crank and slotted lever mechanism are different from each other.

RGPV May 2018

Q.21) Enlist the inversions of a double slider crank chain. Explain any one in detail. Give examples also.

RGPV Dec 2014

Q.22) What is the purpose of using an Oldham's coupling? Give a neat, rough, proportionate sketch of an Oldham's coupling.

RGPV Dec 2012

Q.23) Bring out clearly the difference between -

(i)Binary joints and links

(ii)Mechanism and machine

(iii)Completely and incompletely constrained motion

(iv)Single slider and double slider crank chain.

RGPV Dec 2012

Q.24) What is a configuration diagram? What is its use?

RGPV June 2015

Q.25) Explain the rubbing velocity at a pin joint.

RGPV Dec 2015


What is velocity of rubbing? How is it found?

RGPV June 2015


What is velocity of rubbing and how it is found?

RGPV Dec 2014

Q.26) What is a pantograph? How is it used to reduce or enlarge movements? Explain with the help of a neat diagram.

RGPV Dec 2010


Describe a pantograph with sketch.

RGPV June 2016

Q.27) Explain Davis and Ackermann's steering mechanisms.

RGPV June 2014


Discuss the two different types of steering gear mechanisms. What are their merits and demerits?

RGPV June 2013


Explain Davis and Ackermann's steering mechanisms with neat sketches.

RGPV June 2016

Q.28) Define Grashof's law. State how is it helpful in classifying the four-link mechanisms into different types.

RGPV June 2022, June 2020


Q.1) What do you mean by dynamically equivalent system?

RGPV Dec 2017

Q.2) For reciprocating engine, derive the expression for angular velocity and angular acceleration of the connecting rod.

RGPV Dec 2014

Q.3) State and explain the D'Alembert's principle.


Q.4) State whether True or False-

Complicated output motion which are otherwise difficult to achieve can easily be produced with the help of cam.

RGPV Dec 2017

Q.5) Classify the cams with sketches.

RGPV June 2016


Discuss various type of cams.

RGPV June 2015

Q.6) As the cam shaft speed is gradually increased, a value is reached at which the follower begins to lift from the cam surface. Determine the camshaft speed for this condition.

RGPV June 2022


Q.1) Write the function of a cam and follower mechanism.

RGPV June 2014

Q.2) Classify the cams with sketches.

RGPV June 2016


Discuss various type of cams.

RGPV June 2015

Q.3) Define and explain the terms - Cam profile, base circle, prime circle, pitch circle, pressure angle, lift and period of dwell.

RGPV May 2019

Q.4) For a cam define base circle, pitch circle and trace point.

RGPV Dec 2014

Q.5) Explain the nomenclature of a typical cam profile.

RGPV June 2014


Sketch the terminology of a cam and follower mechanism.


Q.6) Draw the displacement, velocity and acceleration diagram for the follower when it moves with simple harmonic motion. Derive the expression for the velocity and acceleration during outstroke and return stroke of the follower.

RGPV June 2016

Q.7) Derive the expressions for the velocity and acceleration of the follower, when it moves with simple harmonic motion.

RGPV June 2011, May 2019

Q.8) How are the cams classified? Explain the procedure to layout the cam profile for a reciprocating follower.

RGPV Dec 2017

Q.9) Design and draw a cam with a roller follower to the following


(i) Follower lift = 70 mm

(ii) Minimum distance between roller centre and cam centre = 75 mm

(iii) Roller diameter = 30 mm

The cam is to lift the follower with S.H.M. during the first 180° of cam shaft rotation and then to allow the follower to drop suddenly with a distance equal to 1/2 of the follower lift and then to fall with uniform velocity during the remaining period of 180°. Assume that cam rotates in anticlockwise direction.

RGPV Dec 2012

Q.10) Draw the profile of a cam that gives a lift of 40 mm to a rod carrying a 20 mm diameter roller. The axis of the roller passes through the centre of the cam. The least radius of the cam is 50 mm. The rod is to be lifted with simple harmonic motion in a quarter revolution and is to be dropped suddenly at half revolution. Determine the maximum velocity and maximum acceleration during the lifting. The cam rotates at 60 r.p.m.

RGPV June 2006, 2011, 2016

Q.11) Draw the profile of a cam to satisfy the following motion-

(i) Follower to move outwards through 3 cm with SHM during 160 degree of cam rotation

(ii) Dwell for 20 degree

(iii) Return with SHM in 160 degree, and

(iv) Dwell for 20 degree.

The cam rotates with 1200 r.p.m. clockwise. The follower is offset 0.75 cm towards the left. Roller diameter is 1 cm, base circle diameter is 4 cm. Calculate the velocity and acceleration during the outstroke of the follower, when the cam rotates at 1000 r.p.m.

RGPV May 2018

Q.12) A cam drives a flat reciprocating follower in the following


During first 120° rotation of the cam, follower moves through a distance of 20 mm with simple harmonic motion. The follower dwells during next 30° of cam rotation. During next 120° of cam rotation, the follower moves inwards with simple harmonic motion. The follower dwells for next 90° of cam rotation. The minimum radius of the cam is 25 mm. Draw the profile of the cam.

RGPV Dec 2011

Q.13) What are the requirements of high speed cam?

RGPV June 2015

Q.14) What is cam with specified contours? Explain their types.

RGPV Dec 2014


What are cams with specified contour? What are their applications and advantages?

RGPV Dec 2013


Q.1) Define velocity ratio for a flat belt drive. Give its expression. Or Write short note on - Velocity ratio of a flat belt.

RGPV June 2017

Q.2) Discuss maximum power transmitted by belt.

RGPV Dec 2014

Q.3) Write short note on - Creep in belts.

RGPV Dec 2016

Q.4) Derive an expression for the ratio of driving tensions in the rope drive, assuming that the angle of the groove of the pulley to be 2β.

RGPV Dec 2016

Q.5) Compare belt, rope and chain drives used for power transmission.

RGPV Dec 2014

Q.6) A flat belt is required to transmit 40 kW from a pulley of 1.5 m effective diameter running at speed of 250 r.p.m. The angle of contact is spread over 11/24 of the circumference. Coefficient of friction for the surface is 0.3. Determine the maximum tension in the belt.

RGPV Dec 2016

Q.7) Determine the maximum power that can be transmitted through a flat belt drive having the cross-sectional area of the belt is 300 mm × 12 mm. Ratio of friction tensions is 2.2. Maximum permissible tension in the belt is 2 MPa. The density of belt material is 1100 kg/m³.

RGPV Dec 2017

Q.8) Select a V-belt drive to transmit a power of 6 kW from a shaft rotating at 1500 r.p.m. to a parallel shaft to be run at 375 r.p.m. The distance between the shaft centres is 500 mm. The pitch diameter of the smaller grooved pulley can be taken to be 150 mm. The factor of application is to be taken as 1.2.

RGPV Dec 2015

Q.9) Define the terms coefficient of friction and limiting angle of friction.

RGPV June 2016

Q.10) Explain uniform pressure and uniform wear theories.

RGPV June 2015

Q.11) Find the power lost in friction assuming – (i) uniform pressure, equal to 0.05 and shaft and (ii) uniform wear, when a vertical shaft of 100 mm diameter rotating at 150 r.p.m. rests on a flat end foot-step bearing. The coefficient of friction is carries a vertical load of 15 kN.

RGPV Dec 2012

Q.12) A multi-plate disc clutch transmits 55 kW of power at 1800 r.p.m. Coefficient of friction for the friction surfaces is 0.1. Axial intensity of pressure is not to exceed 160 kN/m². The internal radius is 80 mm and is 0.7 times the external radius. Find the number of plates needed to transmit the required torque.

RGPV June 2015

Q.13) What is meant by a self-locking and a self-energized brake?

RGPV Dec 2016


Differentiate between a self-locking and self-energizing brake.

RGPV June 2015

Q.14) What are the differences between a simple band brake and a differential band brake, explain with sketches?

RGPV May 2019

Q.15) Describe the working of a band and block brake with the help of a neat sketch. Deduce the relation for ratio of tight and slack side tensions.

RGPV Dec 2016

Q.16) A simple band brake is applied to a rotating drum of diameter 600 mm. The lap angle of the band on the drum is 270°. The one end of the lever has the fulcrum pin to which is attached, the one end of the band. Other end of the band is attached to a pin 120 mm from the fulcrum. The co-efficient of friction between the band and the drum is 0.25. A braking force of 100 N is applied at a distance of 840 mm from the fulcrum. Determine the brake torque for counter-clockwise rotation and clockwise rotation of the drum.

RGPV June 2016

Q.17) Explain the phenomena of 'slip' and 'creep' in a belt drive.

RGPV June 2022


Q.1) Classify the gears with example.

RGPV June 2017


Write short note on- Classification of gears.

RGPV June 2014

Q.2) Define the terms-

(i) Pitch circle (ii) Pitch diameter (iii) Module.

RGPV Dec 2014,June 2015

Q.3) What do you mean by pitch point, module, addendum and addendum of a gear?

RGPV Dec 2015

Q.4) Prove that the pitch point must be a fixed point for two gear wheels to transmit power at a fixed ratio of angular velocities.

RGPV June 2012

Q.5) What is conjugate action in gears?

RGPV June 2016

Q.6) What are the properties of tooth profile for spur gear?

RGPV June 2014

Q.7) What are the advantages of cycloidal gears over involute gears?

RGPV Dec 2013

Q.8) Give the comparison between involute and cycloidal tooth profile.

RGPV May 2018


What is the difference between involute and cycloidal tooth profile?

RGPV June 2014

Q.9) State the classification of gears. Prove that the transmission ratio of two involute gears does not depend on the centre distance between them.

RGPV Dec 2016

Q.10) State and prove condition for correct gearing. Give its other name abs Also give an expression for velocity of sliding as proof.

RGPV Dec 2012


State and prove the law of gear tooth action for constant velocity ratio. Also derive an expression for the velocity of sliding between a pair of involute teeth.

RGPV June 2017


State the law of gearing and derive an in a gear drive expression for velocity of sliding.

RGPV May 2019

Q.11) Deduce an expression for velocity of sliding in a gear drive.

RGPV Dec 2014

Q.12) Derive an equation for calculating path of contact between two gears.

RGPV June 2016

Q.13) What is path of contact? Derive relation for its magnitude.

RGPV June 2015

Q.14) What is meant by interference in involute gears? Explain.

RGPV Dec 2013


Write short note on - Interference.

RGPV June 2017

Q.15) Explain what is interference and how it is prevented?

RGPV Dec 2015

Q.16) Find relations to determine velocity ratio and centre distance of helical gears.

RGPV June 2015

Q.17) Explain the bevel and worm gear with sketches.

RGPV June 2014

Q.18) Determine the number of teeth and pitch for two toothed wheels to transmit a velocity ratio of 4 to 1 between two parallel shafts, the centre of which are at a distance of 676 mm approximately. The drive must satisfy

the following conditions -

(i) The standard pitch in module (mm) must be chosen from

the following -

24, 22, 18, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12 and 11

(ii) The actual distance between shaft centres must not vary by more than 1 percent from that given above.

(iii) The number of teeth must be as small as possible.

RGPV May 2018

Q.19) Spur gears with a module m= 4 mm, transmit motion between two shafts with centre distance C = 136 mm. For the given transmission ratio 3: 1, find the number of teeth for each gear.

RGPV Dec 2016

Q.20) Two 20° involute spur gears mesh externally and give a velocity ratio of 3. The module is 3 mm and the addendum is equal to 1.1 module. If the pinion rotates at 120 r.p.m., determine contact ratio and the minimum number of teeth on each wheel to avoid interference.

RGPV Dec 2015

Q.21) Two gear wheels mesh externally and give a velocity ratio of 3 The teeth are of involute form of module 6. The standard addendum of one module being used. If the pressure angle is 20 and pinion rotates at 90 r.p.m., find-

(i) Number of teeth on each wheel so that interference is just avoided

(ii) The length of path of contact

(iii) Contact ratio

(iv) Maximum velocity of sliding between the meshing teeth.

RGPV June 2013

Q.22) Two left handed helical gears connect two shafts 60° apart. The normal module is 6 mm. The larger gear has 70 teeth and the velocity ratio is 1/2. The centre distance is 370 mm. Find the helix angles of the two pears.

RGPV Dec 2015

Q.23) A drive on a machine tool is to be made by two spiral gear wheels, the spirals of which are of the same hand and has normal pitch of 12.5 mm. The wheels are of equal diameter and the centre distance between the axes of the shafts is approximately 134 mm. The angle between the shafts is 80° and the speed ratio 1.25.

Determine -

(i) The spiral angle of each wheel

(ii) The number of teeth on each wheel

(iii) The efficiency of the drive, if the friction angle is 6º, and

(iv) The maximum efficiency.

RGPV June 2014

Q.24) What do you mean by reverted gear train? Explain with suitable sketch.

RGPV June 2013


What is reverted gear train? Where it is used?

RGPV Dec 2014


What is reverted gear train? State its advantage.

RGPV May 2018

Q.25) What is a sun and planet gear? Give the procedure to analyse such gear train.

RGPV Dec 2017

--- Best of Luck for Exam ---

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