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RGPV | List of Experiment and VIVA Questions-Answer (BT-206 Language Lab & Seminars )

Updated: Jul 8, 2023

List of Experiment


VIVA Questions-Answer

( BT-206 Language Lab & Seminars )

Exp-1. Listening Skills

Exp-2. Speaking Skill

Exp-3. Personality Development

Exp-4. Interpersonal Skills

Exp-5. Presenting in GD, Seminars and Conferences

Q.1. Define Phonetics ?

Ans: Phonetics is the scientific study of speech sounds. Received Pronunciation.

Q.2. Why should one learn Phonetics ?

Ans: The alphabet which we use to write English has 26 letters but in English there are approximately 44 speech sounds.

Q.3. Define a vowel ?

Ans: Phonetically, a vowel is a sound produced without friction in the vocal tract.

Q.4. Define a syllable ?

Ans: Syllable is a unit of human speech that is interpreted by the listener as a single sound.

Q.5. What is a consonant cluster ?

Ans: If the syllable begins with more than one consonant we call this a consonant cluster.

Q.6. Examples for Three consonant clusters?

Ans: Examples are ‘splay’, ‘spray’, ‘spew’, ‘string’, ‘screen’, ‘squeak’ and ‘skewer’

Q.7. How many syllables are there in the word “banana”?

Ans: 3 syllables.

Q.8. Define intonation?

Ans: We call the melody of language intonation.

Q.9. What is MTI ?

Ans: Mother tongue influence

Q.10. What is suffix ?

Ans: Suf is a variant of sub, below or under, so a suffix is something fastened underneath something else.

Q.11. What is Etiquette?

Ans: Practicing good manners & Knowing how to behave in a given situation.

Q.12. What do we describe in a object?

Ans: Function / Use / Components/ Parts /material/shape/ figure /dimensions /property /colour /Position.

Q.13. Define an idiom?

Ans: An idiom is a form of expression peculiar to a particular language and often having a meaning other than the one that it appears to have.

Q.14. What is mother tongue influence?

Ans: Before we begin learning English, we already exposed to our mother tongue. The influence of mother tongue on English is called MTI.

Q.15. What is a language lab?

Ans: Language is a lab is a dedicated place allotted to learn the language. A place where all the systems are available with headphones and a mike set so that students can practice their English skills.

Q.16. What are the components of language lab?

Ans: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing is called basic components of the language lab. But our curriculum experts have felt the necessity for vocabulary, phonetics, and soft skills to get proficiency in English.

Q.17. What is reading comprehension?

Ans: The purpose of reading is to connect the ideas on the page to what we already know. Reading comprehension refers to the ability to understand information presented in written form.

Q.18. What is ERRQ ?

Ans: ERRQ reading technique has four stages, i.e. Estimate, Read, Respond, and Question. The basic purpose of this strategy is to get the reader to link what he/she has with new information.

Q.19. What is SQ3R ?

Ans: SQ3R ensures high degree of understanding and remembrance. It has five stages, i.e., Survey, Question, Read, Recall, and Revise

Q.20. What is Rhythm ?

Ans: Rhythm generally refers to the timing pattern. There are two factors that influence the rhythm of English sentence stress and connected speech.

Q.21. What is a Report?

Ans: Report is a recorded document of any event. It helps to maintain records for the smooth functioning of an organization.

Q.22. What is the first difficulty in telephone communication?

Ans: The first and foremost difficulty is not being able to see the person you are communicating with.

Q.23. What is the term for a word that has the opposite meaning of another word?

Ans: Antonym

Q.24. What is personality development?

Ans: It refers to the process of enhancing and improving one's traits, behaviors, and characteristics.

Q.25. Why is personality development important?

Ans: It helps individuals build self-confidence, improve communication skills, and achieve personal and professional growth.

Q.26. What role does communication skills play in personality development?

Ans: Effective communication skills aid in building relationships, expressing ideas clearly, and resolving conflicts positively.

Q.27. What are interpersonal skills ?

Ans: They are the abilities to effectively communicate, interact, and build relationships with others.

Q.28. What are some key components of interpersonal skills ?

Ans: Active listening, empathy, effective communication, emotional intelligence, and problem-solving abilities.

Q.29. What is the importance of listening skills?

Ans: Listening skills are crucial for effective communication, understanding others, and building strong relationships.

Q.30. What is the purpose of a self-introduction?

Ans: A self-introduction serves to provide an overview of oneself, including background, interests, and goals, to create a positive impression and initiate communication.

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