Syllabus of I-Year all Branch all Subjects (RGPV)
Syllabus of I-Semester (RGPV)
(SET-A: CS, CSIT, EE, EX ) Applicable in II Sem
(SET-B: ME, CE, EC, AIML, CY, IP, AU, EC ) Applicable in I Sem
Syllabus of II-Semester (RGPV)
(SET-A : CS, CSIT, EE, EX ) Applicable in I Sem
(SET-B : (ME, CE, EC, AIML, CY, IP, AU, EC) ) Applicable in II Sem
Syllabus of BT-201 (Engineering Physics)
Source: (
Module -1 : Wave nature of particles and the Schrodinger equation
Introduction to Quantum mechanics,
Wave nature of Particles, operators,
Time-dependent and time independent
Schrodinger equation for wave function,
Application: Particle in a One dimensional Box,
Born interpretation,
Free-particle wave function and wave-packets,
vg and vp relation Uncertainty principle.
Module -2 : Wave optics
Huygens’ principle, superposition of waves
Interference of light by wave front splitting and amplitude splitting;
Young’s double slit experiment, Newton’s rings,
Michelson interferometer, Mach-Zehnder interferometer.
Fraunhofer diffraction from a single slit and a circular aperture,
Rayleigh criterion for limit of resolution and its application to vision;
Diffraction gratings and their resolving power.
Module -3 : Introduction to solids
Free electron theory of metals,
Fermi level of Intrinsic and extrinsic,
Density of states, Bloch’s theorem for particles in a periodic potential,
Kronig-Penney model (no derivation) and origin of energy bands.
V-I characteristics of PN junction,
Zener diode, Solar Cell,
Hall Effect.
Module -4 : Lasers
Einstein’s theory of matter radiation interaction and A and B coefficients;
Amplification of light by population inversion,
Different types of lasers:
Gas lasers ( He-Ne, CO2),
Solid-state lasers(ruby, Neodymium),
Properties of laser beams: mono-chromaticity,
Coherence, directionality and brightness,
Laser speckles, applications of lasers in science,
Engineering and medicine.
Introduction to Optical fiber, acceptance angle and cone,
Numerical aperture, V number, attenuation.
Module -5 : Electrostatics in vacuum
Calculation of electric field and electrostatic potential for a charge distribution;
Electric displacement,
Basic Introduction to Dielectrics, Gradient, Divergence and curl,
Stokes’ theorem
Gauss Theorem,
Continuity equation for current densities;
Maxwell’s equation in vacuum and non-conducting medium;
Poynting vector.
Syllabus of BT-102 (Mathematics-I)
Source: (
Module-1 : Calculus
Rolle’s theorem,
Mean Value theorems,
Expansion of functions by Mc.Laurin’s for one variable
Expansion of functions byTaylor’s for one variable
Taylor’s theorem for function of two variables,
Partial Differentiation,
Maxima & Minima (two and three variables),
Method of Lagranges Multipliers.
Module-2 : Calculus
Definite Integral as a limit of a sum
Its application in summation of
series; Beta and Gamma functions and their properties;
Applications of definite integrals to evaluate surface areas and volumes of revolutions.
Multiple Integral,
Change the order of the integration,
Applications of multiple integral for calculating area and volumes of the curves.
Module-3 : Sequences and series
Convergence of sequence and series,
Tests for convergence;
Power series,
Taylor's series,
Series for exponential,
Trigonometric and logarithm functions;
Fourier series:
Half range sine and cosine series,
Parseval’s theorem.
Module-4 : Vector Spaces
Vector Space,Vector Sub Space,
Linear Combination of Vectors,
Linearly Dependent,
Linearly Independent,
Basis of a Vector Space,
Linear Transformations.
Module-5 : Matrices
Rank of a Matrix,
Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations by
Elementary Transformation,
Consistency of Equation,
Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors,
Diagonalization of Matrices,
Cayley-Hamilton theorem its applications to find inverse.
Syllabus of BT-203 (Basic Mechanical Engineering)
Source: (
Unit-1 : Materials
Materials and Classification of materials
Ferrous Materials used in Engineering Applications: Wrought iron, cast iron
Steel and its classifications, Alloy steels and applications
Tensile test – Stress strain diagram of ductile & brittle material,
Hooks law & Modulus of Elasticity.
Mechanical properties of materials
Iron-Carbon Diagram
Constituents of Iron and Steel
Hardness Test of Material, Impact Test of Material
Materials and Classification of materials
UNIT-2 : Measurement and Production Engineering
Measurement, accuracy and precision, Methods of measurements,
Error in measurement, Types of error.
Temperature, Principle of temperature measurement, Thermocouples
Resistance thermometer, Thermistor, Total radiation Pyrometer
Pressure, Absolute, Gauge, Atmospheric, Vacuum Pressures & Pressure measurement.
Velocity Measurement
Flow measurement
Strain measurement,
Torque measurement
Force measurement
Vernier caliper, Micrometer
Dial gauge, Slip gauge, Sine bar, Combination set
Some important manufacturing processes: Casting, Carpentry and welding
Definition related to machine tools, Lathe Machine, Principle of operation of Lathe machine, Basic Elements of Lathe Machine
Specification of lathe machine, Types of operation performed on Lathe machine
Drilling Machine, Principle of Operation of Drilling Machine
UNIT-3 : Fluids
Fluid, Types of fluid and Properties of fluids
Viscosity, Newton’s law of Viscosity
Pressure, Atmospheric, Gauge and Absolute Pressure, Pascal’s Law
Types of fluid flow
Discharge, Continuity Equation
Euler’s Equation,
Bernoulli’s Equations: Derivation & Problems
Hydraulic Machines
Power generating & Power absorbing machines
UNIT-4 : Thermodynamics and Steam Engineering
Thermodynamic, system, Surroundings and Boundary,
Thermodynamic properties, equilibrium,
Zeroth law of thermodynamics
Work, path and point function,
pdV work in various quasi-static processes, Problems
Heat, Type of Heat, First law of thermodynamics and Enthalpy
First law for a closed system undergoing a change of state,
PMM 1, Limitations of the First Law
Thermal reservoir, Heat Engine, Heat pump ,
Refrigerator Second Law of Thermodynamics, Entropy
Pure substance, Phase, Saturation temperature & pressure,
Quality or dryness fraction, properties of steam, Types of Steam,
use of steam tables. Problems on Steam Properties
Boilers: Its classification and working
Boiler mounting and Boiler accessories
Boiler Draught, Natural and artificial draught.
UNIT-5 : Reciprocating Machines
IC Engine components & Terminology.
Working of Four stroke Petrol Engine ,
Working of two stroke Petrol engine,
Working of Four stroke Petrol Engine ,
Working of two stroke Petrol engine,
Introduction of steam engine, Working of steam engine,
Parts of Steam Engine
Carnot cycle, Efficiency of Otto Cycle
Diesel cycle & its efficiency, Dual cycle
Working principle of compressor
Introduction of steam engine,
Syllabus of BT-204 (Basic Civil Engineering & Mechanics)
Source: (
Unit-1 : Building Materials & Construction
Building Materials & Construction Stones, bricks,
cement, Building Materials & Construction lime,
timber-types, properties, test & uses,
Laboratory tests concrete and mortar
Materials: Workability, Strength properties of Concrete,
Nominal proportion of Concrete preparation of concrete,
Compaction, curing. Elements of Building Construction,
Foundations conventional spread footings,
RCC footings, Brick masonry walls,
Plastering and pointing, floors, roofs,
Doors, windows, lintels,
Staircases – types and their suitability
UNIT-2 : Surveying & Positioning
Surveying & Positioning Introduction
Introduction to surveying Instruments – levels,
theodolites, Plane tables and related devices.
Electronic surveying instruments etc.
Measurement of distances – conventional and EDM methods,
Measurement of directions by different methods,
Measurement of elevations by different methods.
Reciprocal leveling.
UNIT-3 : Mapping & sensing
Mapping & sensing Introduction
Mapping details and contouring,
Profile Cross sectioning and measurement of areas,
volumes, Application of measurements in quantity computations,
Survey stations, Introduction of remote sensing and its applications.
Engineering Mechanics
UNIT-4 : Forces and Equilibrium
Forces and Equilibrium Introduction
Graphical and Analytical Treatment of Concurrent and nonconcurrent Co- planner forces, Free Diagram, Force Diagram and Bow’s notations,
Application of Equilibrium Concepts:
Analysis of plane Trusses: Method of joints, Method of Sections.
Frictional force in equilibrium problems
UNIT-5 : Center of Gravity and moment of Inertia
Centroid and Center of Gravity,
Moment Inertia of Area and Mass,
Radius of Gyration,
Introduction to product of Inertia and Principle Axes.
Support Reactions, Shear force and bending moment Diagram for Cantilever & simply supported beam with concentrated,
distributed load and Couple.
Syllabus of BT-205 (Basic Computer Engineering)
Source: (
Unit-1 : Computer & Operating System
Computer: Definition, Classification, Organization i.e. CPU, register, Bus architecture,
Instruction set, Memory & Storage Systems, I/O Devices, and System & Application Software.
Computer Application in e-Business, Bio-Informatics, health Care,
Computer Application in Remote Sensing & GIS, Meteorology and Climatology,
Computer Application in Computer Gaming, Multimedia and Animation etc.
Operating System: Definition, Function, Types,
Management of File, Process & Memory.
Introduction to MS word, MS power point, MS Excel
UNIT-2 : Introduction to Algorithms
Introduction to Algorithms, Complexities and Flowchart,
Introduction to Programming, Categories of Programming Languages,
Program Design, Programming Paradigms, Characteristics or Concepts of OOP,
Procedure Oriented Programming VS object oriented Programming.
Introduction to C++: Character Set, Tokens,
Precedence and Associativity, Program Structure,
Data Types, Variables, Operators, Expressions,
Statements and control structures,
I/O operations, Array, Functions,
UNIT-3 : Object & Classes
Object & Classes, Scope Resolution Operator,
Constructors & Destructors, Friend Functions, Inheritance,
Polymorphism, Overloading Functions & Operators,
Types of Inheritance, Virtual functions.
Introduction to Data Structures.
UNIT-4 : Computer Networking
Computer Networking: Introduction, Goals, ISO-OSI Model, Functions of Different Layers.
Internet working Concepts, Devices, TCP/IP Model.
Introduction to Internet, World Wide Web, E-commerce
Computer Security Basics: Introduction to viruses, worms, malware, Trojans, Spyware and Anti-Spyware Software,
Different types of attacks like Money Laundering, Information Theft,
Cyber Pornography, Email spoofing, Denial of Service (DoS),
Cyber Stalking, Logic bombs, Hacking Spamming,
Cyber Defamation, pharming Security measures Firewall,
Computer Ethics & Good Practices,
Introduction of Cyber Laws about Internet Fraud,
Good Computer Security Habits,
UNIT-5 : Data base Management System
Data base Management System: Introduction, File oriented approach and Database approach,
Data Models, Architecture of Database System,
Data independence, Data dictionary, DBA, Primary Key,
Data definition language and Manipulation Languages.
Cloud computing: definition, cloud infrastructure,
cloud segments or service delivery models (IaaS, PaaS and SaaS),
cloud deployment models/ types of cloud (public, private, community and hybrid clouds),
Pros and Cons of cloud computing
Syllabus of BT-206 Language Lab & Seminars (Lab Only)
Source: (
Introducing oneself, family, social roles.
Public Speaking and oral skills with emphasis on conversational practice, extempore speech,JAM(Just a minute sessions), describing objects and situations, giving directions, debate, telephonic etiquette.
Reading Comprehension: Intensive reading skills, rapid reading, and reading aloud (Reading material to be selected by the teacher).
To write a book review. Standard text must be selected by the teacher.
Role plays: preparation and delivery topic to be selected by teacher/faculty.
Syllabus of BT-101 (Engineering Chemistry)
Source: (
UNIT-1 : Water–Analysis, Treatments and Industrial Applications
Water Sources,
Water Impurities,
Water Hardness & its units,
Determination of hardness by EDTA method,
Alkalinity & It’s determination
Related numerical problems.
UNIT-2 : Boiler problem & softening methods
Boiler troubles (Sludge & Scale, Priming & Foaming,
Boiler Corrosion, Caustic Embrittlement),
Softening methods (Lime-Soda, Zeolite and Ion Exchange Methods)
Related numerical problems.
UNIT-3 : Lubricants and Lubrication
Introduction, Mechanism of lubrication,
Classification of lubricants, significance & determination of Viscosity and Viscosity Index,
Flash & Fire Points, Cloud & Pour Points, Aniline Point,
Acid Number, Saponification Number, Steam Emulsification Number
Related numerical problems.
UNIT-4 : Polymer & polymerization
Introduction to polymer, types of polymerisation, Classification,
Mechanism of polymerisation (Free radical & Ionic polymerization).
Thermoplastic & Thermosetting polymers Elementary idea of Biodegradable polymers, preparation,
Properties & uses of the following polymers- PVC, PMMA, Teflon, Nylon 6, Nylon 6:6,
Properties & uses of the following Polyester phenol formaldehyde, Urea- Formaldehyde,
Properties & uses of Buna N, Buna S, Vulcanization of Rubber.
UNIT-5 : Phase equilibrium and Corrosion
Phase diagram of single component system (Water)
Phase diagram of binary Eutectic System (Cu-Ag.)
Corrosion: Types, Mechanisms & prevention.
UNIT-6 : Spectroscopic techniques and application
Principle, Instrumentation & Applications,
electronics spectroscopy,
Vibrational & Rotational
Spectroscopy of diatomic molecules.
UNIT-7 : Periodic properties
Effective Nuclear Charge, Variations: S, P, d & f Orbital energies of atoms in periodic table,
Electronics Configuration, atomic & Ionic sizes,
electron affinity & electro negativity,
Ploarizability & Oxidation States.
Syllabus of BT-202 (Mathematics-II )
Source: (
Module-1 : Ordinary Differential Equations I
Differential Equations of First Order and First Degree (Leibnitz linear, Bernoulli’s, Exact),
Differential Equations of First Order and Higher Degree,
Higher order differential equations with constants coefficients,
Homogeneous Linear Differential equations,
Simultaneous Differential Equations.
Module-2 : Ordinary differential Equations II
Second order linear differential equations with variable coefficients,
Method of variation of parameters,
Power series solutions;
Legendre polynomials,
Bessel functions of the first kind and their properties.
Module-3 : Partial Differential Equations
Formulation of Partial Differential equations,
Linear Partial Differential Equations,
Non-Linear Partial Differential Equations,
Homogeneous Linear Partial Differential Equations with Constants Coefficients.
Module-4 : Functions of Complex Variable
Functions of Complex Variables:
Analytic Functions,
Harmonic Conjugate,
Cauchy-Riemann Equations (without proof),
Line Integral,
Cauchy-Goursat theorem (without proof),
Cauchy Integral formula (without proof),
Singular Points, Poles & Residues,
Residue Theorem,
Application of Residues theorem for Evaluation of Real Integral (Unit Circle).
Module-5 : Vector Calculus
Differentiation of Vectors,
Scalar and vector point function,
Geometrical meaning of gradient,
Directional Derivative,
Divergence and Curl,
Line Integral,
Surface Integral and Volume Integral,
Gauss Divergence,
Stokes and Green theorems.
Syllabus of BT-103 (English for Communication)
Source: (
UNIT-1 : Identifying Common errors in writing
Identifying Common errors in writing:
Articles, Subject-Verb Agreement,
Prepositions, Active and Passive Voice,
Reported Speech: Direct and Indirect,
Sentence Structure.
UNIT-2 : Vocabulary building and Comprehension
Vocabulary building and Comprehension:
Acquaintance with prefixes from foreign languages in English to form derivatives,
Acquaintance with suffixes from foreign languages in English to form derivatives,
Reading comprehension.
UNIT-3 : Communication
Communication: Introduction, Meaning and Significance,
Process of Communication,
Oral and Written Communication,
7 c’s of Communication,
Barriers to Communication and Ways to overcome them,
Importance of Communication for Technical students,
nonverbal communication.
UNIT-4 : Developing Writing Skills
Developing Writing Skills: Planning, Drafting and Editing,
Precise Writing, Précis,
Technical definition and Technical description.
Report Writing: Features of writing a good Report,
Structure of a Formal Report, Report of Trouble,
Laboratory Report, Progress Report.
UNIT-5 :Business Correspondence
Business Correspondence:
Importance of Business Letters, Parts and Layout;
Application of Business Letters,
Contents of good Resume, guidelines for writing Resume,
Calling/ Sending Quotation, Order,
Complaint, E-mail and Tender.
Syllabus of BT-104 (Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering)
Source: (
UNIT-1 : D.C. Circuits
Voltage and current sources,
Dependent and independent sources, Units and dimensions,
Source Conversion, Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff’s Law,
Superposition theorem, Thevenin’s theorem and their Application for
analysis of series and parallel resistive circuits excited by independent voltage sources,
Power & Energy in such circuits.
Mesh & nodal analysis,
Star Delta transformation & circuits.
UNIT-2 : 1- phase AC Circuits
Generation of sinusoidal AC voltage,
Definition of average value, R.M.S. value,
Form factor and peak factor of AC quantity ,
Concept of phasor, Concept of Power factor,
Concept of impedance and admittance,
Active, reactive and apparent power,
Analysis of R-L, R-C, R-L-C series & parallel circuit
3-phase AC Circuits: Necessity and advantages of three phase systems,
Meaning of Phase sequence,
Balanced and unbalanced supply and loads.
Relationship between line and phase values for balanced star and delta connections.
Power in balanced & unbalanced three-phase system and their measurements
UNIT-3 : Magnetic Circuits
Basic definitions, of Magnetic Circuits
Magnetization characteristics of Ferro magnetic materials,
Self inductance and mutual inductance, energy in linear magnetic systems,
Coils connected in series, AC excitation in magnetic circuits,
Magnetic field produced by current carrying conductor,
Force on a current carrying conductor. Induced voltage,
Laws of electromagnetic Induction, direction of induced E.M.F.
Single phase transformer- General construction,
Working principle, e.m.f. equation, equivalent circuits,
phasor diagram, voltage regulation,
Losses and efficiency,
Open circuit and short circuit test
UNIT-4 : Electrical Machines
Electrical Machines definition, Construction,
Classification & Working Principle of DC machine,
Induction machine and synchronous machine.
Working principle of 3-Phase induction motor,
Concept of slip in 3- Phase induction motor,
Explanation of Torque-slip characteristics of 3-Phase induction motor.
Types of losses occurring in electrical machines.
Applications of DC machine,
Induction machine and synchronous machine.
UNIT-5 : Basic Electronics
Number systems & Their conversion used in digital electronics,
De morgan’s theorem,
Logic Gates, half and full adder circuits,
R-S flip flop, J-K flip flop.
Introduction to Semiconductors, Diodes,
V-I characteristics,
Bipolar junction transistors (BJT) and their working,
Introduction to CC, CB & CE
Transistor configurations,
Different configurations and modes of operation of BJT
Syllabus of BT-105 (Engineering Graphics )
Source: (
Principles of Engineering Graphics and their significance,
usage of Drawing instruments, lettering,
Conic sections, Ellipse by Arcs of circle method
Ellipse by Concentric Circle Method and rectangle method
Parabola by rectangle method and tangent method
Ellipse, Parabola and Hyperbola by General Method
Hyperbola by rectangular method
Introduction to Special curve,
Draw Cycloid Draw Epicycloid & Hypocycloid
Draw Involute of Circle, Equilateral triangle, Square
Introduction to Scale, Solve & Draw Plain Scale Problems
Principle of Diagonal Scale, Problem based on Diagonal Scale
Problem based on Vernier Scale
Orthographic Projections, Principle, Conventions,
First angle Projection & Third angle projection
Projections of Points,
Projection of Line inclined to one plane
Projection of Line inclined to both plane
Introduction to Plane, types of planes, Projection of planes inclined to one plane
Problem on Projection of plane inclined one plane
Problem on Projection of plane inclined to both plane
Introduction to Solid, Types of solids.
Problem on Projection of Cylinder & Cone
Axes parallel and perpendicular & inclined to both plane
Problem on Projection of Pyramid & sphere
Axes parallel and perpendicular & inclined to both plane
Draw simple annotation, dimensioning and scale,
Draw Floor plans Draw windows, doors, and fixtures such as WC,
bath, sink, shower, etc.
Introduction to Section of Solid, section planes, sectional views
Draw Section of Pyramids & Prism and True shape of the section
Draw Section of cylinder, cones & sphere and True shape of the section
Introduction and Draw Development of Surface Cube & Prism
Draw Development of Cylinder & Pyramids,
Development of Cones
Sectional orthographic views of geometrical solids
Objects from industry and dwellings Bolts & Screw
Introduction to isometric projection, Isometric scales,
Isometric views of right solid Prisms,
Isometric views of Simple objects.
Compound Solids
Introduction of CAD, Application, Benefits & Limitations
Introduction of Auto CAD, Basic Commands
Edit Command, Utility Command, Transformation Command.
Set up of the drawing page and the printer,
including scale settings
Setting up of units and drawing limits; ISO and ANSI standards for coordinate dimensioning and tolerancing
Orthographic constraints, Snap to objects manually and automatically
Producing drawings by using various coordinate input entry methods to draw straight lines Applying various ways of drawing circles
Annotations, layering & other functions covering applying dimensions to objects, applying annotations to drawings
Setting up and use of Layers, Changing line lengths, CAD Modelling
Print command, Orthographic projections techniques, Drawing sectional views, Modelling, Dimensioning guidelines, tolerance techniques
Module-9 : 2D AND 3D MODELLING
Geometry and topology of engineered components
2D blueprint form and as 3D wire-frame and shaded solids
Meshed topologies, toolpath generation for component manufacture
Use of solid modeling software for creating associative models at the component and assembly levels
Floor Plans include : windows, doors, and fixtures such as WC,
bath, sink, shower, etc
Applying colour coding according to building drawing
Drawing sectional elevation showing foundation to ceiling; Introduction to Building Information Modelling
Syllabus of BT-106 Manufacturing Practices (Lab Only)
Source: (
1. Manufacturing Methods- casting, forming, machining, joining, advanced manufacturing methods (3 lectures)
2. CNC machining, Additive manufacturing (1 lecture)
3. Fitting operations & power tools (1 lecture)
4. Electrical &Electronics (1 lecture)
5. Carpentry (1 lecture)
6. Plastic moulding, glass cutting (1 lecture)
7. Metal casting (1 lecture)
8. Welding (arc welding & gas welding), brazing (1 lecture)
==End of First Year Syllabus==