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Syllabus of III SEM CSIT (RGPV)

Updated: Oct 19, 2023

Syllabus of III SEM CSIT (RGPV)

Syllabus of B. Tech. III Sem CSIT (RGPV)

Syllabus of ES-301 Energy & Environmental Engineering

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MODULE-1 : Introduction to Energy Science

  • Introduction to energy systems and resources;

  • Introduction to Energy, sustainability & the environment;

  • Overview of energy systems, sources, transformations, efficiency, and storage;

  • Fossil fuels (coal, oil, oil-bearing shale and sands, coal gasification) - past, present & future,

  • Remedies & alternatives for fossil fuels - biomass, wind, solar, nuclear, wave, tidal and hydrogen;

  • Sustainability and environmental trade-offs of different energy systems;

  • possibilities for energy storage or regeneration (Ex. Pumped storage hydro power projects, superconductor-based energy storages, high efficiency batteries)

MODULE-2 : Ecosystems

  • Concept of an ecosystem;

  • Structure and function of an ecosystem;

  • Producers, consumers and decomposers; Energy flow in the ecosystem;

  • Ecological succession;

  • Food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids;

  • Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and function of the following ecosystem (a.)Forest ecosystem (b) Grassland ecosystem (c) Desert ecosystem (d) Aquatic ecosystems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries)

MODULE-3 : Biodiversity and its conservation

  • Introduction – Definition: genetic, species and ecosystem diversity;

  • Bio-geographical classification of India;

  • Value of biodiversity : consumptive use, productive use, social, ethical, aesthetic and option values;

  • Biodiversity at global, National and local levels; India as a mega-diversity nation; Hot-sports of biodiversity;

  • Threats to biodiversity : habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, man-wildlife conflicts;

  • Endangered and endemic species of India;

  • Conservation of biodiversity : In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity.

MODULE-4 : Environmental Pollution

  • Definition, Cause, effects and control measures of Air pollution, Water pollution, Soil pollution, Marine pollution, Noise pollution, Thermal pollution, Nuclear hazards;

  • Solid waste Management : Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial wastes;

  • Role of an individual in prevention of pollution;

  • Pollution case studies;

  • Disaster management : floods, earthquake, cyclone and landslides.

MODULE-5 : Social Issues and the Environment

  • From Unsustainable to Sustainable development;

  • Urban problems related to energy;

  • Water conservation, rain water harvesting, watershed management;

  • Resettlement and rehabilitation of people;

  • its problems and concerns.

  • Case Studies Environmental ethics : Issues and possible solutions.

  • Climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclear accidents and holocaust.

  • Case Studies Wasteland reclamation;

  • Consumerism and waste products;

  • Environment Protection Act;

  • Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act;

  • Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act;

  • Wildlife Protection Act;

  • Forest Conservation Act;

  • Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation;

  • Public awareness.

MODULE-6 : Field work

  • Visit to a local area to document environmental assetsriver/forest/grassland/hill/mountain

  • Visit to a local polluted site-Urban/Rural/Industrial/Agricultural

  • Study of common plants, insects, birds.

  • Study of simple ecosystems-pond, river, hill slopes, etc.


Syllabus of CSIT-302 Discrete Structure

Source: (

UNIT-1 : Set Theory, Relation, Function, Theorem Proving Techniques

  • Set Theory : Definition of sets, countable and uncountable sets, Venn Diagrams, proofs of some general identities on sets

  • Relation : Definition, types of relation, composition of relations,

  • Pictorial representation of relation, Equivalence relation, Partial ordering relation,

  • Job-Scheduling problem Function: Definition, type of functions, one to one, into and onto function, inverse function,

  • composition of functions, recursively defined functions, pigeonhole principle.

  • Theorem proving Techniques : Mathematical induction, Proof by contradiction.

UNIT-2 : Algebraic Structures

  • Definition, Properties,

  • types : Semi Groups, Monoid, Groups,

  • Abelian group,properties of groups, Subgroup, cyclic groups,

  • Cosets, factor group, Permutation groups, Normal subgroup,

  • Homomorphism and isomorphism of Groups, example and standard results,

  • Rings and Fields : definition and standard results.

UNIT-3 : Propositional Logic

  • Proposition, First order logic, Basic logical operation, truth tables,

  • tautologies, Contradictions, Algebra of Proposition,

  • logical implications, logical equivalence, predicates, Normal Forms,

  • Universal and existential quantifiers.

  • Introduction to finite state machine Finite state machines as models of physical system equivalence machines,

  • Finite state machines as language recognizers

UNIT-4 : Graph Theory

  • Introduction and basic terminology of graphs, Planer graphs,

  • Multigraphs and weighted graphs, Isomorphic graphs, Paths,

  • Cycles and connectivity, Shortest path in weighted graph,

  • Introduction to Eulerian paths and circuits, Hamiltonian paths and circuits,

  • Graph coloring, chromatic number,

  • Isomorphism and Homomorphism of graphs.

UNIT-5 : Posets, Hasse Diagram and Lattices

  • Introduction, ordered set, Hasse diagram of partially, ordered set,

  • isomorphic ordered set, well ordered set, properties of Lattices,

  • bounded and complemented lattices.

  • Combinatorics : Introduction, Permutation and combination,

  • Binomial Theorem, Multimonial Coefficients Recurrence

  • Relation and Generating Function: Introduction to Recurrence Relation and Recursive algorithms ,

  • Linear recurrence relations with constant coefficients,

  • Homogeneous solutions, Particular solutions, Total solutions ,

  • Generating functions , Solution by method of generating functions.


Syllabus of CSIT-303 Data Structure

Source: (

UNIT-1 :

  • Introduction Data, data type, data object.

  • Types of data structure – primitive &n nonprimitive , linear & non-linear.

  • Operations on data structures – traversing, searching , inserting , deleting.

  • Complexity analysis – worst case, best case, average case.

  • Time – space trade off , algorithm efficiency, asymptotic notations – big oh , omega , theta.

UNIT-2 :

  • Arrays & Structure Introduction , declaration of arrays , operations on arrays – inserting , deleting , merging of two arrays ,

  • 1 dimensional & 2 dimensional arrays, row & column major representation , address calculation in array , storing values in arrays ,

  • evaluation of polynomial – addition & representation.

  • Searching & sorting – Introduction , sequential search, binary search ,

  • Fibonacci search , indexed sequential search, hashed search.

  • Types of sorting with general concepts – bubble, heap , insertion , selection, quick , heap , shell , bucket , radix and merge sort.

UNIT-3 :

  • Stacks & Queues : Basic concept of stacks & queues,

  • array representation of stacks, operation on stacks – Push , Pop , Create , getTop , empty , linked representation of stack , multiple stack.

  • Application of stack – Conversion: infix , prefix , postfix and evaluation of arithmetic expression.

  • Linked representation of queue, operations on queue – insertion & deletion.

  • Types of queue with functions – circular , deque , priority queue.

  • Applications of queues – Job scheduling , Josephus problem.

UNIT-4 :

  • Linked List Introduction – basic terminology, memory allocation & deallocation for linked list.

  • Linked list variants – head pointer , head node , types linked list – linear & circular linked list.

  • Doubly linked list , creation of doubly list, deletion of node from doubly linked list, insertion of a node from doubly linked list, traversal of doubly linked list.

  • Circular linked list – singly circular linked list , circular linked list with header node , doubly circular linked list.

  • Applications of linked list – polynomial representation & garbage collection.

UNIT-5 :

  • Trees Basic terminology – general tree , representation of general tree,

  • types of trees, binary tree- realization and properties ,

  • traversal in binary trees – inorder , preorder , postorder , applications of trees.

  • Graph- Basic Terminologies and representations, Graph search and traversal algorithms.


  1. Write a program to search an element in the array using Linear and Binary Search.

  2. Write a program to perform the following operation in Matrix: 1. Addition 2. Subtraction 3. Multiplication 4. Transpose

  3. Write a program to perform the following operation on strings using string functions: 1. Addition 2. Copying 3. Reverse 4. Length of String

  4. Write program for implementing the following sorting methods to arrange a list of integers in ascending order: a) Quick sort b) Selection sort c) Insertion sort d) Merge sort

  5. Write a program that uses stack operations to convert a given infix expression into its postfix equivalent.

  6. Write a program to merge two sorted array into one sorted array.

  7. Write a program to implement stack using array and linked list.

  8. Write a program to implement queue and circular queue using array.

  9. Write a program to insert an element in the beginning and end of singly linked list.

  10. Write a program to insert an element at any position in singly and doubly linked list.

  11. Insert and delete a node at any position in doubly linked list.

  12. Write a program of Tower of Hanoi.

  13. Write a program that uses functions to perform the following: a) Create a binary search tree of integers. b) Traverse the above Binary search tree non recursively in in order.


Syllabus ofCSIT-304 Digital Circuits & Systems

Source: (

UNIT-1 :

  • Review of number systems and number base conversions.

  • Binary codes, Boolean algebra, Boolean functions, Logic gates.

  • Simplification of Boolean functions,

  • Karnaugh map methods, SOP-POS simplification,

  • NAND-NOR implementation.

UNIT-2 :

  • Combinational Logic : Half adder, Half subtractor, Full adder,

  • Full subtractor, look ahead carry generator, BCD adder,

  • Series and parallel addition,

  • Multiplexer – demultiplexer, encoder- decoder, arithmetic circuits, ALU

UNIT-3 :

  • Sequential logic : flip flops, D,T, S-R,

  • J-K Master- Slave, racing condition, Edge & Level triggered circuits,

  • Shift registers, Asynchronous and synchronous counters, their types and state diagrams.

  • Semiconductor memories,

  • Introduction to digital ICs 2716, 2732 etc. & their address decoding.

  • Modern trends in semiconductor memories such as DRAM, FLASH RAM etc.

  • Designing with ROM and PLA.

UNIT-4 :

  • Introduction to A/D & D/A convertors & their types, sample and hold circuits,

  • Voltage to Frequency & Frequency to Voltage conversion.

  • Multivibrators : Bistable, Monostable, Astable, Schmitt trigger,

  • IC 555 & Its applications.

  • TTL, PMOS, CMOS and NMOS logic.

  • Interfacing between TTL to MOS.

UNIT-5 :

  • Introduction to Digital Communication : Nyquist sampling theorem, time division multiplexing,

  • PCM, quantization error, introduction to BPSK & BFSK modulation schemes.

  • Shannon’s theorem for channel capacity.


  1. To study and verify the truth tables of various Logic gates

  2. To verify the properties of NAND and NOR gates as Universal Building Blocks.

  3. Simplification and implementation of a Boolean function

  4. Implementation of basic Boolean arithmetic logic circuits such as Half-adder, Halfsubtractor, Full adder and Full subtractor

  5. Conversion from Binary to Gray and Gray to Binary code

  6. To construct a binary multiplier using combinational logic and to verify with the truth table

  7. To verify 2-bit Magnitude comparator for all possible conditions

  8. Generation of various logical functions using 8-to-1 multiplexer

  9. Construction of a 4-bit ripple counter and study of its operation

  10. Operation of IC-555 Timer as Monostable, Astable and Bistable multivibrators

  11. To characterize binary ladder type digital to analog (D/A) and analog to digital (A/D) convertor

  12. Comparison of various Logic families.

  13. Design and implementation of various types of flip-flops using JK flip-flop

  14. To study natural sampling of continuous time waveforms using different sampling rates

  15. To study Pulse-Code modulation with Time-division multiplexing (PCM-TDM)

  16. To study generation and detection of BPSK and QPSK waveforms


Syllabus of CSIT-305 Object Oriented Programming & Methodology

Source: (

UNIT-1 : Introduction

  • Object oriented programming, Introduction,

  • Application, characteristics, difference between object oriented and procedure programming,

  • Comparison of C and C++, Cout, Cin,

  • Data Type, Type Conversion, Control Statement, Loops,

  • Arrays and string arrays fundamentals, Function,

  • Returning values from functions, Reference arguments,

  • Overloaded function, Inline function, Default arguments,

  • Returning by reference

UNIT-2 : Object and Classes

  • Implementation of class and object in C++, access modifiers, object as datatype, constructor, destructor,

  • Object as function arguments, default copy constructor, parameterized constructor, returning object from function,

  • Structures and classes, Classes objects and memory, static class data,

  • Arrays of object, Arrays as class Member Data,

  • The standard C++ String class,

  • Run time and Compile time polymorphism.

UNIT-3 : Operator overloading and Inheritance

  • Overloading unary operators, Overloading binary operators, data conversion, pitfalls of operators overloading,

  • Concept of inheritance, Derived class and base class, access modifiers,

  • types of inheritance, Derived class constructors,

  • member function, public and private inheritance.

UNIT-4 : Pointer and Virtual Function

  • Addresses and pointers, the address-of operator & pointer and arrays,

  • Pointer and Function pointer,

  • Memory management : New and Delete, pointers to objects, debugging pointers, Virtual Function, friend function,

  • Static function, friend class, Assignment and copy initialization, this pointer, dynamic type information.

UNIT-5 : Streams and Files

  • Streams classes, Stream Errors, Disk File I/O with streams,

  • file pointers, error handling in file I/O with member function,

  • overloading the extraction and insertion operators, memory as a stream object, command line arguments, printer output,

  • Function templates, Class templates Exceptions, Containers, exception handling.


  1. Write a program to find out the largest number using function.

  2. Write a program to find the area of circle, rectangle and triangle using function overloading.

  3. Write a program to implement complex numbers using operator overloading and type conversion.

  4. Write a program using class and object to print bio-data of the students.

  5. Write a program which defines a class with constructor and destructor which will count number of object created and destroyed.

  6. Write a program to implement single and multiple inheritances taking student as the sample base class.

  7. Write a program to add two private data members using friend function.

  8. Write a program using dynamic memory allocation to perform 2x2 matrix addition and subtraction.

  9. Write a program to create a stack using virtual function.

  10. Write a program that store five student records in a file.

  11. Write a program to get IP address of the system.

  12. Write a program to shutdown the system on windows operating system.


Syllabus of CSIT-306 (Java Programming Lab)

Source: (

UNIT-1 :

  • Overview of Java, Installation, First Simple Program, Compilation process ,

  • Java Keywords , Identifiers , Literals, Comments,

  • Data Types, Variables, Dynamic initialization, type conversion and casting,

  • Operators, Control Statements.

UNIT-2 :

  • Declaring Objects, Introducing Methods,

  • Constructors, this Keyword, Garbage Collection, finalize Method,

  • Overloading Methods, Overloading Constructors,

  • Using Objects as Parameters, Inheritance, Creating a Multilevel Hierarchy,

  • Packages and Interfaces, Exception Handling, Multithreaded

UNIT-3 :

  • The Applet Class : Applet Basics, The Applet Class, Applet Architecture, Applet Initialization and Termination ,

  • Simple Applet Display Methods, Simple Banner Applet, Using the Status Window,

  • The HTML APPLET Tag, Passing Parameters to Applets,

  • Improving the Banner Applet.

UNIT-4 :

  • Introducing the AWT : Working with Windows, Graphics, and Text, AWT Classes, Window Fundamentals,

  • Component, Container, Panel, Frame, Working with Frame Windows, Handling Events in a Frame Window,

  • AWT Controls, Layout Managers, and Menus, Adding and Removing Controls,

  • Grid Layout, Border Layout,

  • introduction to swing and servlet.

UNIT-5 :

  • Event Handling, Two Event Handling Mechanisms, The Delegation Event Model, Events,

  • Event Sources, Event Listeners, Event Classes, The Mouse Event Class and others,

  • JDBC : JDBCODBC bridge, the connectivity model,

  • the driver manager, navigating the result set object contents,

  • the JDBC exceptional classes, connecting to remote database.


  1. Write a program that accepts two numbers from the user and print their sum.

  2. Write a program to calculate addition of two number using prototyping of methods.

  3. Program to demonstrate function overloading for calculation of average.

  4. Program to demonstrating overloaded constructor for calculating box volume.

  5. Program to show the detail of students using concept of inheritance.

  6. Program to demonstrate package concept.

  7. Program to demonstrate implementation of an interface which contains two methods declaration square and cube.

  8. Program to demonstrate exception handling in case of division by zero error.

  9. Program to demonstrate multithreading.

  10. Program to demonstrate JDBC concept using create a GUI based application for student information.

  11. Program to display “Hello World” in web browser using applet.

  12. Program to add user controls to applets.

  13. Write a program to create an application using concept of swing.

  14. Program to demonstrate student registration functionality using servlets with session management.


==End of Syllabus==

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