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Syllabus of IV SEM CSIT (RGPV)

Updated: Oct 19, 2023

Syllabus of IV SEM CSIT (RGPV)

Syllabus of B. Tech. IV Sem CSIT (RGPV)

Syllabus of BT-401 Mathematics-III

Source: (

MODULE-1 : Numerical Methods – 1

  • Solution of polynomial and transcendental equations – Bisection method,

  • Newton-Raphson method and Regula-Falsi method.

  • Finite differences, Relation between operators,

  • Interpolation using Newton’s forward and backward difference formulae.

  • Interpolation with unequal intervals : Newton’s divided difference and Lagrange’s formulae

MODULE-2 : Numerical Methods – 2

  • Numerical Differentiation,

  • Numerical integration : Trapezoidal rule and Simpson’s 1/3rd and 3/8 rules.

  • Solution of Simultaneous Linear Algebraic Equations by Gauss’s Elimination,

  • Gauss’s Jordan,

  • Crout’s methods, Jacobi’s,

  • Gauss-Seidal, and Relaxation method.,

MODULE-3 : Numerical Methods – 3

  • Ordinary differential equations : Taylor’s series,

  • Euler and modified Euler’s methods.

  • Runge Kutta method of fourth order for solving first and second order equations. Milne’s and Adam’s predicator-corrector methods.

  • Partial differential equations : Finite difference solution two dimensional Laplace equation and Poission equation,

  • Implicit and explicit methods for one dimensional heat equation (Bender-Schmidt and Crank-Nicholson methods),

  • Finite difference explicit method for wave equation.

MODULE-4 : Transform Calculus

  • Laplace Transform, Properties of Laplace Transform,

  • Laplace transform of periodic functions.

  • Finding inverse Laplace transform by different methods, convolution theorem.

  • Evaluation of integrals by Laplace transform,

  • solving ODEs by Laplace Transform method,

  • Fourier transforms.

MODULE-5 : Concept of Probability

  • Probability Mass function,

  • Probability Density Function,

  • Discrete Distribution : Binomial,

  • Poisson’s, Continuous Distribution : Normal Distribution, Exponential Distribution


Syllabus of CSIT-402 Analog & Digital Communication

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UNIT-1 : Signals and Systems

  • Block diagram of a communication system, signal-definition,

  • types of signals continuous, discrete, deterministic, non-deterministic,

  • periodic, non-periodic, energy, power, analog and digital signals.

  • Electromagnetic Spectra, Standard signals- DC, sinusoidal, unit step, ramp, signum, rectangular pulse, impulse(delta) signal.

  • System definition, classification of systems, linear, nonlinear, time variant, time invariant, causal, non causal, stable and unstable systems.

  • Fourier transforms : Time domain and frequency domain representation of signal, Fourier Transform and its properties, conditions for existence,

  • Transform of Gate, unit step, constant, impulse, sine and cosine wave.

  • Shifting property of delta function, convolution,

  • time and frequency convolution theorems.

UNIT-2 : Amplitude Modulation

  • Modulation, need of modulation, types of modulation techniques, amplitude modulation (DSB-FC),

  • modulation index, frequency spectrum of AM wave,

  • linear and over modulation, power relation in AM, transmission efficiency, modulation by a complex signal,

  • bandwidth of AM, AM modulators, square law and switching modulator, advantages and disadvantages of AM.

  • Demodulation of AM : Suppressed carrier amplitude modulation systems, DSB-SC, SSB-SC, VSB-SC systems, comparison of various amplitude modulation systems.

  • Demodulation of AM, square law and envelope detector, synchronous detection of AM, Low and high power AM transmitters, AM receivers,

  • TRF and superheterodyne receivers,

  • sensitivity, selectivity and fidelity of receivers.

UNIT-3 : Angle modulation

  • Introduction and types of angle modulation,

  • frequency modulation, frequency deviation,

  • modulation index, deviation ratio,

  • bandwidth requirement of FM wave, types of FM.

  • Phase modulation, difference between FM and PM,

  • Direct and indirect method of FM generation,

  • FM demodulators- slope detector, Foster seeley discriminator, ratio detector.

  • Introduction to pulse modulation systems

UNIT-4 : Sampling of signal

  • sampling theorem for low pass and Band pass signal,

  • Pulse amplitude modulation (PAM), Time division, multiplexing (TDM).

  • Channel Bandwidth for PAMTDM signal Type of sampling instantaneous,

  • Natural and flat top, Aperture effect,

  • Introduction to pulse position and pulse duration modulations, Digital signal,

  • Quantization, Quantization error, Pulse code modulation, signal to noise ratio, Companding,

  • Data rate and Baud rate, Bit rate, multiplexed PCM signal,

  • Differential PCM (DPCM),

  • Delta Modulation (DM) and Adaptive Delta Modulation (ADM),

  • comparison of various systems.

UNIT-5 : Digital modulations Techniques

  • Generation, detection, equation and Bandwidth of amplitude shift keying (ASK)

  • Binary Phase Shift keying (BPSK),

  • Differential phase shift keying (DPSK), offset and non offset quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK),

  • M-Ary PSK, Binary frequency Shift Keying (BFSK), M-Ary FSK Quadrature Amplitude modulation (QAM).


  1. AM Modulation and Demodulation (Envelope Detector)

  2. Frequency modulation using reactance modulator.

  3. Frequency modulation using varactor modulator.

  4. Pulse Amplitude Modulation and Demodulation

  5. Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis

  6. Analog Multiplexing.

  7. Amplitude Modulation using Pspice

  8. Receiver characteristics (selectivity, sensitivity, fidelity).

  9. Operation of foster-seeley loop detector.

  10. Operation of ratio detector.


Syllabus of CSIT-403 Analysis & Design of Algorithm

Source: (

UNIT-1 :

  • Algorithms, Designing algorithms, analyzing algorithms, asymptotic notations,

  • heap and heap sort.

  • Introduction to divide and conquer technique, analysis,

  • design and comparison of various algorithms based on this technique,

  • example binary search, merge sort, quick sort, strassen’s matrix multiplication.

UNIT-2 :

  • Study of Greedy strategy, examples of greedy method like optimal merge patterns,

  • Huffman coding, minimum spanning trees, knapsack problem,

  • job sequencing with deadlines,

  • single source shortest path algorithm, etc.

UNIT-3 :

  • Concept of dynamic programming,

  • problems based on this approach such as 0/1 knapsack,

  • multistage graph, reliability design,

  • Floyd-Warshall algorithm, etc

UNIT-4 :

  • Backtracking concept and its examples like 8 queen’s problem,

  • Hamiltonian cycle, Graph coloring problem etc.

  • Introduction to branch & bound method,

  • examples of branch and bound method like traveling salesman problem etc.

  • Meaning of lower bound theory and its use in solving algebraic problem,

  • Introduction to parallel algorithms.

UNIT-5 :

  • Binary search trees, height balanced trees, 2-3 trees, B-trees,

  • basic search and traversal techniques for trees and graphs (In order, preorder, postorder, DFS, BFS),

  • NP-completeness.


  1. Write a program for Iterative and Recursive Binary Search.

  2. Write a program for Merge Sort.

  3. Write a program for Quick Sort.

  4. Write a program for Strassen’s Matrix Multiplication.

  5. Write a program for optimal merge patterns.

  6. Write a program for Huffman coding.

  7. Write a program for minimum spanning trees using Kruskal’s algorithm.

  8. Write a program for minimum spanning trees using Prim’s algorithm.

  9. Write a program for single sources shortest path algorithm.

  10. Write a program for Floyd-Warshall algorithm.

  11. Write a program for traveling salesman problem.

  12. Write a program for Hamiltonian cycle problem.


Syllabus of CSIT-404 Computer Organization & Architecture

Source: (

UNIT-1 : Basic Structure of Computer

  • Structure of Desktop Computers,

  • CPU : General Register Organization-Memory Register, Instruction Register, Control Word,

  • Stack Organization, Instruction Format, ALU,

  • I/O System, bus,CPU and Memory Program Counter, Bus Structure, Register Transfer Language-Bus and Memory Transfer, addressing modes.

  • Control Unit Organization : Basic Concept of Instruction, Instruction Types,

  • Micro Instruction Formats, Fetch and Execution cycle,

  • Hardwired control unit, Micro-programmed Control unit microprogram sequencer

  • Control Memory, Sequencing and Execution of Micro Instruction.

UNIT-2 : Computer Arithmetic

  • Addition and Subtraction, Tools Compliment Representation,

  • Signed Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and division,

  • Booths Algorithm, Division Operation,

  • Floating Point Arithmetic Operation.

  • design of Arithmetic unit

UNIT-3 : I/O Organization

  • I/O Interface –PCI Bus, SCSI Bus, USB,

  • Data Transfer : Serial, Parallel, Synchronous,

  • Asynchronous Modes of Data Transfer,

  • Direct Memory Access(DMA), I/O Processor

UNIT-4 : Memory Organization

  • Main memory-RAM, ROM,

  • Secondary Memory –Magnetic Tape, Disk, Optical Storage,

  • Cache Memory : Cache Structure and Design, Mapping Scheme,

  • Replacement Algorithm, Improving Cache Performance,

  • Virtual Memory, memory management hardware

UNIT-5 : Multiprocessors

  • Characteristics of Multiprocessor, Structure of MultiprocessorInter-processor Arbitration,

  • Inter-Processor Communication and Synchronization.

  • Memory in Multiprocessor System,

  • Concept of Pipelining, Vector Processing,

  • Array Processing, RISC And CISC,

  • Study of Multicore Processor –Intel, AMD.

LIST OF EXPERIMENTS : Computer Org.& Architecture

  1. Study of Multiplexer and Demultiplexer

  2. Study of Half Adder and Subtractor

  3. Study of Full Adder and Subtractor

  4. WAP to add two 8 bit numbers and store the result at memory location 2000

  5. WAP to multiply two 8 bit numbers stored at memory location 2000 and 2001 and stores the result at memory location 2000 and 2001.

  6. WAP to add two 16-bit numbers. Store the result at memory address starting from 2000.

  7. WAP which tests if any bit is '0' in a data byte specified at an address 2000. If it is so, 00 would be stored at address 2001 and if not so then FF should be storedat the same address.

  8. Assume that 3 bytes of data are stored at consecutive memory addresses of the data memory starting at 2000. Write a program which loads register C with (2000), i.e. with data contained at memory address2000, D with (2001), E with (2002) and A with (2001).

  9. Sixteen bytes of data are specified at consecutive data-memory locations starting at 2000. Write a program which increments the value of all sixteen bytes by 01.

  10. WAP to add t 10 bytes stored at memory location starting from 3000. Store the result at memory location 300A


Syllabus of CSIT-405 Data base Management System

Source: (

UNIT-1 :

  • Basic Concepts : Introduction to DBMS, File system vs DBMS,

  • Advantages of database systems,

  • Database System architecture, Data models, Schemas and instances,

  • Data independence, Functions of DBA and designer,

  • Entities and attributes, Entity types, Key attributes, Relationships,

  • Defining the E-R diagram of database.

UNIT-2 :

  • Relational Model : Structure of relational databases, Domains, Relations,

  • Relational algebra – fundamental operators and syntax, relational algebra queries,

  • Entity- Relationship model : Basic concepts, Design process, constraints, Keys, Design issues,

  • E-R diagrams, weak entity sets, extended E-R features –generalization, specialization and aggregation

UNIT-3 :

  • SQL : Data definition in SQL,

  • update statements and views in SQL :

  • Data storage and definitions,

  • Data retrieval queries and update statements,

  • Query Processing & Query Optimization : Overview, measures of query cost, selection operation, sorting, join, evaluation of expressions,

  • transformation of relational expressions, estimating statistics of expression results, evaluation plans.

  • Case Study of ORACLE and DB2.

UNIT-4 :

  • Relational Database design : Functional Dependency –definition, trivial and non-trivial FD,

  • closure of FD set, closure of attributes, irreducible set of FD,

  • Normalization –1NF, 2NF, 3NF,

  • Decomposition using FD-dependency preservation, lossless join, BCNF,

  • Multi-valued dependency, 4NF, Join dependency and 5NF

UNIT-5 :

  • Introduction of transaction, transaction processing and recovery,

  • Concurrency control : Lock management, specialized locking techniques, concurrency control without locking,

  • Protection and Security

  • Introduction to Distributed databases, Basic concepts of object oriented data base system.


  1. To perform various SQL Commands of DDL, DML, DCL.

  2. Write SQL Commands such as Insertion, deletion and updation for anyschema.

  3. To execute Nested Queries, Join Queries, order-by, having clause and stringoperation.

  4. To perform set operators like Union, Intersect, Minus on a set of tables.

  5. To execute various commands for GROUP functions (avg, count, max, min, Sum).

  6. Write a PL/SQL block for transaction application usingTriggers.

  7. Write a DBMS program to prepare report for an application usingfunction.

  8. Designing of various Inputscreens/Forms.

  9. Create reports using database connectivity ofFront end with back end.

  10. Create database Design with normalization and implementing in anyapplication.


Syllabus of CSIT-406 Dot Net

Source: (

UNIT-1 :

  • Introduction NET framework,

  • features of Net framework,

  • architecture and component of Net,

  • elements of Net.

UNIT-2 :

  • Basic Features Of C# Fundamentals,

  • Classes and Objects,

  • Inheritance and Polymorphism,

  • Operator Overloading, Structures.

  • Advanced Features Of C# Interfaces,

  • Arrays, Indexers and Collections; Strings and Regular Expressions,

  • Handling Exceptions, Delegates and Events.

UNIT-3 :

  • Installing ASP.NET framework, overview of the ASP .net framework, overview of CLR, class library,

  • overview of control, understanding HTML controls,

  • study of standard controls, validations controls, rich controls.

  • Windows Forms : All about windows form,

  • MDI form, creating windows applications, adding controls to forms, handling Events, and using various Tolls

UNIT-4 :

  • Understanding and handling controls events,

  • ADO.NET- Component object model, ODBC, OLEDB, and SQL connected mode, disconnected mode, dataset, data-reader

  • Data base controls : Overview of data access data control, using grid view controls, using details view and frame view controls,

  • ado .net data readers, SQL data source control, object data source control, site map data source.

UNIT-5 :

  • XML: Introducing XML, Structure, and syntax of XML,

  • document type definition (DTD), XML Schema,

  • Document object model, Presenting and Handling

  • XML. xml data source, using navigation controls,

  • introduction of web parts, using java script, Web Services


  1. Working with call backs and delegates in C#

  2. Code access security with C#.

  3. Creating a COM+ component with C#.

  4. Creating a Windows Service with C#

  5. Interacting with a Windows Service with C#

  6. Using Reflection in C#

  7. Sending Mail and SMTP Mail and C#

  8. Perform String Manipulation with the String Builder and String Classes and C#:

  9. Using the System .Net Web Client to Retrieve or Upload Data with C#

  10. Reading and Writing XML Documents with the XML Text-Reader/-Writer Class and C#

  11. Working with Page using ASP .Net.

  12. Working with Forms using ASP .Net

  13. Data Sources access through ADO.Net,

  14. Working with Data readers , Transactions

  15. Creating Web Application.


Syllabus of BT-407 90 hrs Internship based on using various software’s – Internship -II

Source: (

  • To be completed anytime during fourth semester.

  • Its evaluation/credit to be added in fifth semester.


Syllabus of BT-408 Cyber Security

Source: (

UNIT-1 : Introduction

  • Introduction of Cyber Crime, Categorizing Cybercrime,

  • Cybercrime Theory,

  • Criminology perception of cyber criminals: hackers, computer intrusions and Attacks,

  • Privacy, surveillance and protection, hiding crimes in cyberspace,

  • cryptography, hacking vs cracking,

  • privacy and security at risk in the global information society.

UNIT-2 : Application Security

  • Data Security, Security Technology-Firewall and VPNs,

  • Intrusion Detection, Access Control.

  • Security Threats -Viruses, Worms, Trojan Horse, Bombs, Trapdoors, Spoofs, E-mail Viruses, Macro Viruses,

  • Malicious Software, Network and Denial of Services Attack,

  • Security Threats to E-Commerce- Electronic Payment System, e- Cash, Credit/Debit Cards.

UNIT-3 : Cryptrography concepts and Techniques

  • Plain text , cipher text, types – substitution ,transposition ,encryption, decryption ,

  • symmetric and asymmetric key cryptography algorithms,

  • steganography .

UNIT-4 : Security Policies

  • Development of Policies, WWW Policies, Email Security Policies,

  • Policy Review Process-Corporate Policies-Sample Security Policies,

  • Publishing and Notification Requirement of the Policies.

UNIT-5 : Information Security Standards

  • ISO, IT Act, Copyright Act, Patent Law, IPR. Cyber Laws in India;

  • IT Act 2000 Provisions,

  • Intellectual Property Law: Copy Right Law, Software License,

  • Semiconductor Law and Patent Law.

  • Case Study : Corporate Security , Cyber cases


==End of Syllabus==

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