Syllabus of ME IV-Sem all Subjects (RGPV)
(Tag: Syllabus of ME, Syllabus of Mechanical Engineering )
ME-405 Manufacturing Technology
ME-406 Software Lab
Syllabus of ES-401 (Energy & Environmental Engineering)
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MODULE-1 : Introduction to Energy Science :
environment; Overview of energy systems,
sources, transformations, efficiency, and storage;
Fossil fuels (coal, oil, oil-bearing shale and sands, coal gasification) - past, present & future,
Remedies & alternatives for fossil fuels - biomass, wind, solar, nuclear, wave, tidal and hydrogen;
Sustainability and environmental trade-offs of different energy systems;
possibilities for energy storage or regeneration (Ex. Pumped storage hydro power projects, superconductor-based energy storages, high efficiency batteries)
MODULE-2 : Ecosystems :
Concept of an ecosystem; Structure and function of an ecosystem;
Producers, consumers and decomposers;
Energy flow in the ecosystem;
Ecological succession;
Food chains, food webs
Ecological pyramids; Introduction, types, characteristic features,
Structure and function of the following ecosystem (a.)Forest ecosystem (b) Grassland ecosystem (c) Desert ecosystem (d) Aquatic ecosystems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries)
MODULE-3 : Biodiversity and its Conservation :
Introduction – Definition: genetic, species
Ecosystem diversity; Bio-geographical classification of India;
Value of biodiversity: consumptive use, productive use, social, ethical, aesthetic and option values;
Biodiversity at global, National and local levels;
India as a mega-diversity nation;
Hot-sports of biodiversity;
Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, man-wildlife conflicts;
Endangered and endemic species of India;
Conservation of biodiversity:
In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity.
MODULE-4 : Environmental Pollution :
Definition, Cause, effects and control measures of Air pollution,
Water pollution, Soil pollution,
Marine pollution, Noise pollution,
Thermal pollution, Nuclear hazards;
Solid waste Management: Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial wastes;
Role of an individual in prevention of pollution;
Pollution case studies;
Disaster management: floods, earthquake, cyclone and landslides.
MODULE-5 : Social Issues and the Environment :
From Unsustainable to Sustainable development;
Urban problems related to energy; Water conservation, rain water harvesting, watershed management;
Resettlement and rehabilitation of people; its problems and concerns.
Case Studies Environmental ethics:
Issues and possible solutions. Climate change, global warming,
Acid rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclear accidents and holocaust.
Case Studies Wasteland reclamation;
Consumerism and waste products;
Environment Protection Act; Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act;
Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act; Wildlife Protection Act;
Forest Conservation Act; Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation;
Public awareness.
MODULE-6 : Field Work :
Visit to a local area to document environmental assets-river/
Visit to a local polluted site-Urban/Rural/Industrial/Agricultural
Study of common plants, insects, birds.
Study of simple ecosystems-pond, river, hill slopes, etc.
Syllabus of ME-402 (Instrumentation & Control)
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Unit-1 : Introduction to Instrument Systems :
Introduction to instrument systems, classifications,
Functional elements of a measurement system,
Standards and calibration,
Static performance characteristics,
Measurement errors and uncertainties, analysis,
Sequential and random test, specifications of instrument static characteristics,
Data acquisition, reduction, data outliner detection
UNIT-2 : Dynamic Characteristics of the Instruments :
Dynamic characteristics of the instruments,
Formulation of system equations,
Dynamic response, compensation, periodic input,
Harmonic signal non harmonic signal,
Fourier transform, response to the transient input,
Response to random signal input,
First and second order system compensation,
UNIT-3 : Temperature, Pressure & Flow Measurement :
Temperature measurements, thermometry based on thermal expansion,
Liquid in glass, bimetallic,
Electric resistance- thermometry,
Thermocouples, thermistors, detectors,
Pressure and velocity measurements, barometer,
Manometer, dead weight tester,
Pressure gauges and transducers,
Dynamic measurements,
Flow measurements, pressure differential
meters, orifice meter,
venturi meter, rota-meter
UNIT-4 : Strain & Stress Measurement :
Strain gauges, strain and stress measurements,
Electrical circuits, compensations,
Motion force and torque measurements,
Displacement measurements, potentiometers,
Linear and rotary variable differential transformers,
Velocity measurements, electromagnetic technique,
Stroboscope, load cell,
Measurement of torque on rotating shaft,
Power estimation from rotating shaft.
UNIT-5 : Control Systems :
Control systems, open loop and close loop control,
Mathematical modeling of dynamic systems
Mathematical modeling of mechanical systems,
Mathematical modeling of electrical systems,
Mathematical modeling of fluid systems,
Mathematical modeling of thermal systems,
Transfer function, impulse response function,
Block diagrams of close loop systems,
System modeling using software.
Syllabus of ME-403 (Theory of Machines)
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Unit-1 : Kinematics & Kinetics :
Introduction, kinematics and kinetics,
Mechanisms and machines, degree of freedom,
Types of motions,
Kinematic concept of links, basic terminology and definitions,
Joints and kinematic chains,
Absolute and relative motions, displacement,
Velocity and acceleration diagrams,
Different mechanisms and applications
UNIT-2 : Kinematic Synthesis of Linkages :
Kinematic synthesis of linkages,
Dynamic motion analysis of mechanisms and machines,
D’Alembert’s principle, number synthesis,
Free body diagrams,
Kinematic and dynamic quantities and their relationships,
Analytical method and graphical method
UNIT-3 : Cams & Followers :
Cams, introduction, classifications of cams and followers,
Nomenclature, analysis of cam and follower motion,
Analytical cam design with specific contours,
Pressure angle, radius and undercutting,
Motion constrains and program,
Critical path motion,
Torque on cam shaft
UNIT-4 : Power Transmission :
Power transmission, kinematics of belt- pulley,
Flat and v –belt, rope,
Condition of maximum power transmission,
Efficiency, friction, friction devices,
Pivot and collars, power screw,
Plate and cone clutch,
Brakes, classifications, bock, band,
Internal and external, friction circle, friction axis
UNIT-5 : Gears :
Gears, laws of gearing, classification and basic terminology,
Tooth profiles, kinematic considerations,
Types of gears, spur, bevel, worm, helical, hypoid etc,
Gear trains, epicyclic, compound,
Balancing- static and dynamic, in same/ different planes,
Introduction to vibration, single degree of freedom
1.Displacement diagrams of slider crank and other linkages, analytical and graphical
2 Velocity diagrams and acceleration diagrams
3 Diagrams of cam and followers for different applications
4 Gears and gear trains transmission diagrams, analytical and graphical applications
5 Solutions to problems of industrial application using software
Syllabus of ME-404 (Fluid Mechanics)
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Unit-1 : Introduction to Fluids :
Introduction, fluid and the continuum, fluid properties,
Surface tension, bulk modulus
Thermodynamic properties,
Newton’s laws of viscosity and it’s coefficients,
Newtonian and non Newtonian fluids,
Hydrostatics and buoyancy,
Meta center and metacentric height,
Stability of floating bodies
UNIT-2 : Fluid Kinematics :
Fluid kinematics,
Langragian and Eularian method,
Description of fluid flow, stream line, path line and streak line,
Types of flow and types of motion, local and connective acceleration,
Continuity equation, potential flow,
Circulation, velocity potential, stream function,
Laplace equation, flow nets
UNIT-3 : Fluid Dynamics :
Fluid dynamics, system and control volume,
Reynold transport theorem, Euler’s equation,
Bernoulli’s equation,
Momentum and moment of momentum equation, their applications,
Forces on immersed bodies,
Lift and drag, streamlined and bluff bodies,
Flow around circular cylinder
UNIT-4 : Flow through Pipes :
Flow through pipes, Reynold number,
Laminar and turbulent flow,
Viscous flow through parallel plates and pipes,
Navier Stoke’s equation, pressure gradient,
Head loss in turbulent flow (Darcey’s equation),
Friction factor, minor losses,
Hydraulic and energy gradient,
Pipe networks
UNIT-5 : Boundary Layer Theory :
Introduction to boundary layer theory, description of boundary layer,
Boundary layer parameters,
Von Karman momentum equation,
Laminar and turbulent boundary conditions,
Boundary layer separation, compressible flow,
Mach number, isentropic flow,
Stagnation properties, normal and oblique shocks,
Fanno and Reyleigh lines,
Flow through nozzles
Syllabus of ME-405 (Manufacturing Technology)
Source: (
Unit-1 : Analysis of Machining Processes :
Analysis of Machining processes, introduction,
Tool geometry, tool materials,
Wear characteristics, cutting forces, cutting fluids,
Failure of cutting tools,
Broaching operation, types of broaching machines,
Design of broaching tools,
Centre less grinding,
Thread chaser, Thread grinding boring,
Super finishing processes like honing, lapping, electro polishing and buffing
UNIT-2 : Gear Machining :
Gear machining, types of gears, elements of gears,
Different methods of gear production,
Gear cutting on milling machine,
Gear machining by generation method,
Principles of generation of surfaces – hobbing, shaping and basic rack cutting,
Gear finishing by shaving
Gear grinding, tooth profile grinding,
Suitable gear treatments
UNIT-3 : Plastics Moulding
Plastics, composition of plastic materials,
Moulding method- injection moulding,
Compression moulding, transfer moulding,
Extrusion moulding, calendaring, blow moulding,
Laminating and reinforcing,
Welding of plastics
UNIT-4 : Unconventional Machining Processes
Unconventional machining processes, introduction,
Abrasive jet machining, ultrasonic machining,
Electrochemical machining, electro discharge machining,
Electron beam machining, laser beam machining,
Plasma arc machining,
Non destructive testing of machined surfaces and tools
UNIT-5 : Extrusion :
Extrusion, principles,
Hot and cold extrusion processes, tube extrusion,
Sawing, power hacksaw, band saw, circular saw,
Introduction to numerical control machining,
NC Machine tools, NC tooling ,
Part programming, functions, coordinate systems
Syllabus of ME-406 (Software Lab)
Source: (
Unit-1 : Role of computers in design and manufacture. Drawing soft ware, configuration,
function and facilities, parametric representation, examples of drawings and
UNIT-2 : Surface modeling, curves and surface representation – composite surfaces, case
studies in CAD, parametric representation analytic and synthetic curves, surface
manipulation, design and engineering applications
UNIT-3 : Current developments in CAD, feature based modeling,, design by feature
UNIT-4 : Solid modeling, boundary representation, analytic solid modeling, constructive
solid geometry, sweep representation, design and engineering applications
UNIT-5 : Strategic plan of CAD system design and development, graphic exchange,
features recovery, etc.