Syllabus of V SEM CSE (RGPV)
Syllabus of B. Tech. V Sem CSE (RGPV)
Syllabus of CS-501 (Theory of Computation)
Source: (
UNIT - 1 : Introduction of Automata Theory
Examples of automata machines,
Finite Automata as a language acceptor and translator,
Moore machines and mealy machines,
composite machine,
Conversion from Mealy to Moore and vice versa.
UNIT - 2 : Types of Finite Automata
Non Deterministic Finite Automata (NDFA),
Deterministic finite automata machines,
conversion of NDFA to DFA,
minimization of automata machines,
regular expression, Arden’s theorem.
Meaning of union, intersection,
concatenation and closure,
2 way DFA.
UNIT -3 : Grammars
Types of grammar, context sensitive grammar,
and context free grammar, regular grammar.
Derivation trees, ambiguity in grammar,
simplification of context free grammar,
conversion of grammar to automata machine and vice versa,
Chomsky hierarchy of grammar,
killing null and unit productions.
Chomsky normal form and Greibach normal form.
UNIT - 4 : Push down Automata
example of PDA,
deterministic and non-deterministic PDA,
conversion of PDA into context free grammar and vice versa,
CFG equivalent to PDA,
Petrinet model.
UNIT- 5 : Turing Machine
Techniques for construction.
Universal Turing machine Multitape,
multihead and multidimensional Turing machine,
N-P complete problems.
Decidability and Recursively Enumerable Languages,
decidability, decidable languages,
undecidable languages,
Halting problem of Turing machine & the post correspondence problem.
Syllabus of CS-502 (Database Management Systems)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
DBMS Concepts and architecture Introduction,
Database approach v/s Traditional file accessing approach,
Advantages, of database systems,
Data models, Schemas and instances,
Data independence, Data Base Language and interfaces,
Overall Database Structure, Functions of DBA and designer,
ER data model: Entitles and attributes,
Entity types, Defining the E-R diagram,
Concept of Generalization,
Aggregation and Specialization.
transforming ER diagram into the tables.
Various other data models object oriented data Model,
Network data model, and Relational data model,
Comparison between the three types of models.
UNIT-2 :
Relational Data models: Domains, Tuples, Attributes,
Relations, Characteristics of relations,
Keys, Key attributes of relation,
Relational database, Schemas,
Integrity constraints.
Referential integrity, Intension and Extension,
Relational Query languages: SQL-DDL, DML, integrity con straints,
Complex queries, various joins, indexing,
triggers, assertions, Relational algebra and relational calculus,
Relational algebra operations like select,
Project ,Join, Division, outer union.
Types of relational calculus i.e. Tuple oriented and domain oriented relational calculus and its operations.
UNIT-3 :
Data Base Design: Introduction to normalization,
Normal forms, Functional dependency,
Decomposition, Dependency preservation and lossless join,
problems with null valued and dangling tuples,
multivalued dependencies.
Query Optimization: Introduction, steps of optimization,
various algorithms to implement select,
project and join operations of relational algebra,
optimization methods: heuristic based, cost estimation based.
UNIT-4 :
Transaction Processing Concepts: -Transaction System,
Testing of Serializability, Serializability of schedules,
conflict & view serializable schedule, recoverability,
Recovery from transaction failures.
Log based recovery.
Checkpoints deadlock handling.
Concurrency Control Techniques: Concurrency Control,
locking Techniques for concurrency control,
time stamping protocols for concurrency control,
validation based protocol,
multiple granularity.
Multi version schemes, Recovery with concurrent transaction.
Introduction to Distributed databases,
data mining, data warehousing,
Object Technology and DBMS,
Comparative study of OODBMS Vs DBMS .
Temporal, Deductive, Multimedia,
Web & Mobile database.
UNIT-5 :
Study of Relational Database Management Systems through Oracle/PL SQL QL/MySQL: Architecture, physical files, memory structures,
background process.
Concept of table spaces,
segments, extents and block.
Dedicated server, multi threaded server.
Distributed database,
database links, and snapshot.
Data dictionary, dynamic performance view.
Security, role management,
privilege management, profiles,
invoker defined security model.
SQL queries, Data extraction from single,
multiple tables equi- join, non equi-join, self -join, outer join.
Usage of like, any, all, exists, in Special operators.
Hierarchical quires, inline queries, flashback queries.
Introduction of ANSI SQL, anonymous block,
nested anonymous block,
branching and looping constructs in ANSI SQL.
Cursor management: nested and parameterized cursors,
Oracle exception handling mechanism.
Stored procedures, in, out, in out type parameters,
usage of parameters in procedures.
User defined functions their limitations.
Triggers, mutating errors, instead of triggers.
Syllabus of CS-503 (A) Data Analysis (Departmental Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: Probability Distributions,
Inferential Statistics ,
Inferential Statistics through hypothesis tests Regression & ANOVA ,
Regression ANOVA(Analysis of Variance)
UNIT-2 :
INTRODUCTION TO BIG DATA: Big Data and its Importance,
Four V’s of Big Data, Drivers for Big Data,
Introduction to Big Data Analytics,
Big Data Analytics applications.
BIG DATA TECHNOLOGIES: Hadoop’s Parallel World,
Data discovery, Open source technology for Big Data Analytics,
cloud and Big Data, Predictive Analytics,
Mobile Business Intelligence and Big Data,
Crowd Sourcing Analytics,
Inter- and Trans-Firewall Analytics,
Information Management.
UNIT-3 :
PROCESSING BIG DATA: Integrating disparate data stores,
Mapping data to the programming framework,
Connecting and extracting data from storage,
Transforming data for processing,
subdividing data in preparation for Hadoop Map Reduce.
UNIT-4 :
HADOOP MAPREDUCE: Employing Hadoop Map Reduce,
Creating the components of Hadoop Map Reduce jobs,
Distributing data processing across server farms,
Executing Hadoop Map Reduce jobs,
monitoring the progress of job flows,
The Building Blocks of Hadoop Map Reduce Distinguishing Hadoop daemons, Investigating the Hadoop Distributed File System Selecting appropriate execution
modes: local, pseudo-distributed, fully distributed.
UNIT-5 :
BIG DATA TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES: Installing and Running Pig,
Comparison with Databases,
Pig Latin, User- Define Functions,
Data Processing Operators,
Installing and Running Hive, Hive QL, Querying Data,
User-Defined Functions,
Oracle Big Data.
Syllabus of CS-503 (B) Pattern Recognition (Departmental Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
Introduction – Definitions,
data sets for Pattern,
Application Areas and Examples of pattern recognition,
Design principles of pattern recognition system,
Classification and clustering, supervised Learning,
unsupervised learning and adaptation,
Pattern recognition approaches,
Decision Boundaries,
Decision region,
Metric spaces, distances.
UNIT-2 :
Classification: introduction, application of classification,
types of classification,
decision tree, naïve bayes,
logistic regression, support vector machine,
random forest,
K Nearest Neighbour Classifier and variants,
Efficient algorithms for nearest neighbour classification,
Different Approaches to Prototype Selection,
Combination of Classifiers,
Training set, test set,
standardization and normalization.
UNIT-3 :
Different Paradigms of Pattern Recognition,
Representations of Patterns and Classes,
Unsupervised Learning & Clustering: Criterion functions for clustering,
Clustering Techniques: Iterative square -error partitional clustering – K means, hierarchical clustering,
Cluster validation.
UNIT-4 :
introduction of feature extraction and feature selection,
types of feature extraction,
Problem statement and Uses,
Algorithms - Branch and bound algorithm,
sequential forward / backward selection algorithms,
(l,r) algorithm.
UNIT-5 :
Recent advances in Pattern Recognition,
Structural PR, SVMs, FCM,
Soft computing and Neuro-fuzzy techniques,
and real-life examples,
Histograms rules, Density Estimation,
Nearest Neighbor Rule,
Fuzzy classification.
Syllabus of CS-503 (C) Cyber Security (Departmental Elective )
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
Introduction of Cyber Crime,
Challenges of cyber crime,
Classifications of Cybercrimes: EMail Spoofing, Spamming,
Internet Time Theft,
Salami attack/Salami Technique,
UNIT-2 :
Web jacking, Online Frauds,
Software Piracy, Computer Network Intrusions,
Password Sniffing, Identity Theft,
cyber terrorism, Virtual Crime,
Perception of cyber criminals: hackers,
insurgents and extremist group etc.
Web servers were hacking,
session hijacking.
UNIT-3 :
Cyber Crime and Criminal justice: Concept of Cyber Crime and the IT Act, 2000, Hacking,
Teenage Web Vandals,
Cyber Fraud and Cheating,
Defamation, Harassment and E-mail Abuse,
Other IT Act Offences,
Monetary Penalties, jurisdiction and Cyber Crimes,
Nature of Criminality,
Strategies to tackle Cyber Crime and Trends.
UNIT-4 :
The Indian Evidence Act of 1872 v. Information Technology Act, 2000: Status of Electronic Records as Evidence,
Proof and Management of Electronic Records; Relevancy,
Admissibility and Probative Value of E-Evidence,
Proving Digital Signatures,
Proof of Electronic Agreements,
Proving Electronic Messages.
UNIT-5 :
Tools and Methods in Cybercrime: Proxy Servers and Anonymizers,
Password Cracking,
Key loggers and Spyware,
virus and worms, Trojan Horses,
Backdoors, DoS and DDoS Attacks ,
Buffer and Overflow,
Attack on Wireless Networks,
Phishing : Method of Phishing,
Phishing Techniques.
Syllabus of CS-504 (A) Internet and Web Technology (Open Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
Introduction: Concept of WWW, Internet and WWW,
HTTP Protocol: Request and Response,
Web browser and Web servers,
Features of Web 2.0 Web Design: Concepts of effective web design,
Webdesign issues including Browser,
Bandwidth and Cache,
Display resolution, Look and Feel of the Web site,
Page Layout and linking,
User centric design, Sitemap,
Planning and publishing website,
Designing effective navigation.
UNIT-2 :
HTML: Basics of HTML,
formatting and fonts,
commenting code, color, hyperlink,
lists, tables, images, forms, XHTML,
Meta tags, Character entities,
frames and frame sets,
Browser architecture and Web site structure.
Overview and features of HTML5
UNIT-3 :
Style sheets : Need for CSS, introduction to CSS,
basic syntax andstructure,
using CSS, background images,
colors and properties,manipulating texts,
usingfonts, borders and boxes, margins,
padding lists,positioning using CSS, CSS2,
Overview and features of CSS3 JavaScript : Client side scriptingwith JavaScript, variables, functions, conditions,
loops and repetition, Pop up boxes,
Advance JavaScript : Javascript and objects,
JavaScript own objects,
the DOM and web browser environments,
Manipulation using DOM, forms and validations,
DHTML : Combining HTML,
CSS andJavascript, Events and buttons
UNIT-4 :
XML : Introduction to XML, uses of XML, simple XML,
XML keycomponents,
DTD andSchemas, Using XML with application.
Transforming XML using XSL and XSLT PHP: Introduction and basic syntax of PHP, decision and looping with examples,
PHP and HTML, Arrays, Functions,
Browser control and detection, string,
Form processing, Files,
Advance Features : Cookies and Sessions,
Object Oriented Programming with PHP
UNIT-5 :
PHP and MySQL : Basic commandswith PHP examples,
Connection to server, creating database,
selecting a database, listing database,
listing table names,creating a table,
inserting data, altering tables, queries,
deleting database, deleting data and tables,
PHP myadmin and databasebugs
Syllabus of CS-504 (B) Object Oriented Programming (Open Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
Basics of programming : Character set, Constants,
Variables, keywords, identifiers literals.
Instructions : Type Declaration Instruction, arithmetic Integer Long Short,
Signed unsigned, storage classes,
Integer and Float Conversions,
type conversion in assignment,
hierarchy of operations.
UNIT-2 :
Decision control structure : control instructions, if, if-else,
use of logical operator, hierarchy of logical operators,
arithmetic operators, relational operators,
assignment operators, increment and decrement operators,
conditional operators, bit wise operators,
special operators, “&,*,.,>, “sizeof” Loops control structure: while loop, for loop, do – while loop, odd loop, nested loop,
break, continue, case control structure, go to, exit statement.
UNIT-3 :
Array : what are arrays , array initialization,
bound checking 1D array,
2D array initialization of 1D and 2D array,
memory map of 1D and 2D array,
Multidimensional array.
Strings : what are strings,
standard library string function strlen(), strcpy(), strcat(), strcmp(), 2D array of characters.
UNIT-4 :
Structure : Why use structure, declaration of structure,
accessing structure elements, how structure elements are stored,
array of structure, uses of structure.
Preprocessor : features of Preprocessor, macro expansion,
micro with arguments, file inclusion,
conditional, #if, #elif, miscellaneous directives, #include, #define,
Union : Union definition & declaration,
accessing a union member,
union of structures, initialization of union member,
uses of union,
use of user defined data types.
UNIT-5 :
Introduction : Basic concepts of OOP: object, class, data abstraction,
data encapsulation, inheritance,
polymorphism, Static and dynamic binding,
message passing, benefits of OOP’s,
disadvantage of OOP’s,
application of OOP’s, a simple program,
anatomy of program,
creating a source file,
compiling and Linking.
Syllabus of CS-504 (C) Introduction to Database Management System (Open Elective )
Source: (
UNIT-1 : Database Management System Concepts
Introduction, Significance of Database,
Database System Applications;
Data Independence;
Data Modeling for a Database;
Entities and their Attributes, Entities, Attributes,
Relationships and Relationships Types,
Advantages and Disadvantages of Database Management System,
UNIT-2 : Database Models and Implementation
Data Model and Types of Data Model,
Relational Data Model, Hierarchical Model,
Network Data Model, Object/Relational Model,
Object-Oriented Model; Entity-Relationship Model,
Modeling using E-R Diagrams,
Notation used in E-R Model,
Relationships and Relationship Types; Associative Database Model
Data Definition Language : Categories of SQL Commands;
Data Definition Language;
Create table, Drop table and Alter Table.
Primary Key, Foreign Key,
Truncate Table, Index, Cursor.
Data Manipulation Language,
Insert Statement, Multiple Inserts,
Delete Statement,
Delete with conditions,
Update statement,
Update with Conditions,
Merge Statement,
SQL queries, Data extraction from single,
multiple tables equi-join, non equi-join, self-join,
outer join. Usage of like, any, all, exists, in Special operators.
Hierarchical queries, inline queries,
flashback queries.
Introduction of ANSI SQL, anonymous block,
nested anonymous block,
branching and looping constructs in ANSI SQL.
Syllabus of CS-505 Linux (LAB)
Source: (
UNIT-1 : Overview of Unix/Linux
Concepts, Unix/Linux Installation Process,
Hardware Requirements for Unix/Linux,
Advantages of Unix/Linux,
Reasons for Popularity and Success of Linux/Unix Operating System,
Features of Linux/Unix Operating System,
Kernel, Kernel Functions,
UNIT-2 : The Shell Basic Commands, Shell Programming
Shell Variables, Branching Control Structures,
Loop-Control Structure, Continue and break Statements,
Sleep Command, Debugging Script.
Use of Linux as webserver, file server,
directory server, application server,
DNS server, SMTP server, Firewall,
Proxy server.
UNIT-3 : File System
Definition of File System, Defining Geometry,
Disk Controller, Solaris File System, Disk Based File Systems,
Network-Based File Systems,
Virtual File systems, UFS File System,
The Boot Block, The Super Block, The Inode,
Tuning File System, Repairing File System.
UNIT-4 : Process Control
Viewing a Process, Command to display Process,
Process Attributes, Process States,
Process Fields, PS Commands options,
PGREP, PRSTAT, CDE Process Manager,
Scheduling Process,
Scheduling Priorities,
Changing the Priority of a time-sharing process,
Killing Process.
UNIT-5 : System Security
Physical Security, Controlling System Access,
Restricted Shells Controlling File Access,
File Access Commands,
Access Control List(ACLs), Setting ACL Entries,
Modifying ACL entries on a file,
Deleting ACL entries on a file, Restricting FTP,
Securing Super User Access, Restricting Root Access,
Monitoring super user Access, TCP Wrappers.
UNIT-6 : Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
Introduction, DHCP Leased Time, DHCP Scopes,
DHCP IP Address, Allocation Types,
Planning DHCP Deployment,
DHCP Configuration files,
Automatic Startup of DHCP Server,
Configuration of DHCP Clients,
Manually Configuring the DHCP.
UNIT-7 : Case Study
Installation of Linux, Customization of Linux,
Installation of SAMBA, APACHE,
TOMCAT, Send MAIL, Postfix,
Implementation of DNS,
LDAP services, Firewall,
Proxy server
Syllabus of CS-506 Python
Source: (
List of Experiments (Please Expand it):
To write a Python program to find GCD of two numbers.
To write a Python Program to find the square root of a number by Newton’s Method.
To write a Python program to find the exponentiation of a number.
To write a Python Program to find the maximum from a list of numbers.
To write a Python Program to perform Linear Search
To write a Python Program to perform binary search.
To write a Python Program to perform selection sort.
To write a Python Program to perform insertion sort.
To write a Python Program to perform Merge sort.
To write a Python program to find first n prime numbers.
To write a Python program to multiply matrices.
To write a Python program for command line arguments.
To write a Python program to find the most frequent words in a text read from a file.
To write a Python program to simulate elliptical orbits in Pygame.
To write a Python program to bouncing ball in Pygame.
==End of Syllabus==