Syllabus of VI SEM AIDS (RGPV)
Syllabus of B. Tech. VI Sem AIDS (RGPV)
Syllabus of AD-601 Deep Learning
Source: (
UNIT-1 : Introduction to Deep Learning
Introduction to Deep Learning
Basics: Biological Neuron, Idea of computational units,
McCulloch–Pitts Neural Model,
Linear Perceptron, Perceptron Learning,
Feed Forward and Back Propagation Networks.
UNIT-2 :
Feedforward Networks
Feedforward Networks : Multilayer Perceptron,
Gradient Descent, Backpropagation,
Empirical Risk Minimization,
auto encoders.
UNIT-3 :
Convolutional Networks
Convolutional Networks : The Convolution Operation,
Variants of the Basic Convolution Function,
Structured Outputs, Efficient Convolution Algorithms,
Random or Unsupervised Features,
LeNet, AlexNet
UNIT-4 : Recurrent Neural Networks
Recurrent Neural Networks : Bidirectional RNNs, Deep Recurrent Networks Recursive Neural Networks,
The Long Short-Term Memory and Other Gated RNNs
UNIT-5 : Deep Generative Models
Deep Generative Models : Boltzmann Machines,
Restricted Boltzmann Machines,
Introduction to MCMC and Gibbs Sampling,
Gradient computations in RBMs,
Deep Belief Networks,
Deep Boltzmann Machines
Image Processing,
Speech Recognition,
Natural Language Processing
LAB Experiments
Write a Program to implement Linear Perceptron.
Write a Program to implement Multi-Layer Perceptron.
Write a Program to implementAutoencoders.
Write a Program to implement basic Convolutional Neural Network for Image Classification.
Write a Program to implement LeNet for image classification
Write a Program to implement AlexNet for image classification
Write a Program to implement RNN for text classification
Write a Program to implement LSTM for text prediction.
Write a Program to implementBoltzmann Machines for any real world classification problem.
Write a Program to implement restricted Boltzmann Machines for any real world classification problem
Syllabus of AD-602 Computer Networks
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
Computer Network : Definitions, goals, components,
Architecture, Classifications & Types.
Layered Architecture : Protocol hierarchy, Design Issues,
Interfaces and Services, ConnectionOriented & Connectionless Services,
Service primitives,
Design issues & its functionality.
ISOOSI Reference Model : Principle, Model,
Descriptions of various layers and its comparison withTCP/IP.
Principals of physical layer: Media,
Data rate and Modulations.
UNIT-2 :
Data Link Layer : Need, Services Provided,
Framing, Flow Control, Error control.
Data LinkLayer Protocol : Elementary &Sliding Window protocol: 1-bit,
Go-Back-N, Selective Repeat, H
ybrid ARQ. MAC Sub layer : MAC Addressing,
Binary Exponential Back-off (BEB) Algorithm,
DistributedRandom Access Schemes/Contention Schemes : for Data Services (ALOHA and SlottedALOHA),
for Local-Area Networks (CSMA, CSMA/CD, CSMA/CA).
IEEE Standards 802 series & their variant.
UNIT-3 :
Network Layer : Need, Services Provided,
Design issues,
Routing algorithms : Least CostRouting algorithm,
Dijkstra's algorithm, Bellman-ford algorithm,
Hierarchical Routing,Broadcast Routing,
Multicast Routing.
IP Addresses, Header format, Packet forwarding,
Fragmentation and reassembly, ICMP,
Comparative study of IPv4 & IPv6.
UNIT-4 :
Transport Layer : Design Issues,
UDP : Header Format, Per-Segment Checksum,
CarryingUnicast/Multicast Real-Time Traffic,
TCP : Connection Management,
Reliability of DataTransfers,
CP Flow Control,
TCP Congestion Control,
TCP Header Format,
TCP TimerManagement.
UNIT-5 :
Application Layer : WWW and HTTP, FTP, SSH,
Email (SMTP, MIME, IMAP),DNS, Network Management (SNMP).
Network Security : Introduction to security,
Traditional Ciphers,
Modern Ciphers,
Message Integrity and Authentication.
List of Experiments
Study of Different Type of LAN& Network Equipment.
Study and Verification of standard Network topologies i.e. Star, Bus, Ring etc.
LAN installations and Configurations.
Write a program to implement various types of error correcting techniques.
Write a program to implement various types of framing methods.
Study of Tool Command Language (TCL).
Study and Installation of Standard Network Simulator: N.S-2, N.S3.OpNet, QualNetetc .
Study & Installation of ONE (Opportunistic Network Environment) Simulator for High Mobility Networks.
Configure 802.11 WLAN.
Implement &Simulate various types of routing algorithm.
Study & Simulation of MAC Protocols like Aloha, CSMA, CSMA/CD and CSMA/CA usingStandard Network Simulators.
Study of Application layer protocols-DNS, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and TelNet.
Syllabus of AD -603 (A) Data Mining and Warehousing
(Departmental Elective –)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
Data Warehousing : Introduction, Delivery Process,
Data warehouse Architecture,
DataPre-processing : Data cleaning, Data Integration and transformation,
Data reduction.
Data warehouseDesign : Data warehouse schema,
Partitioning strategy Data warehouse Implementation,
Data Marts,Meta Data,
Example of a Multidimensional Data model.
Introduction to Pattern Warehousing.
UNIT-2 :
OLAP Systems : Basic concepts, OLAP queries,
Types of OLAP servers,
OLAP operations etc.
Data Warehouse Hardware and Operational Design : Security, Backup And Recovery.
UNIT-3 :
Introduction to Data& Data Mining : Data Types, Quality of data,
Data Preprocessing, Similaritymeasures,
Summary statistics, Data distributions,
Basic data mining tasks,
Data Mining V/sknowledge discovery in databases.
Issues in Data mining.
Introduction to Fuzzy sets and fuzzylogic.
UNIT-4 :
Supervised Learning : Classification: Statistical-based algorithms,
Distance-based algorithms,
Decision tree-based algorithms,
Neural network-based algorithms,
Rule-based algorithms,
Probabilistic Classifiers
UNIT-5 :
Clustering & Association Rule mining : Hierarchical algorithms,
Partitional algorithms,
Clusteringlarge databases – BIRCH, DBSCAN,
CURE algorithms.
Associationrules : Parallel and distributedalgorithms such as Apriori and FP growth algorithms.
Syllabus of AD-603 (B) Digital Image Processing
(Departmental Elective )
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
Digital Image fundamentals,
A simple image model,
Sampling and Quantization.
Relationship between pixels.
Imaging geometry.
Image acquisition systems,
Different types of digital images
UNIT-2 :
Image transformations,
Introduction to Fourier transforms,
Discrete Fourier transforms,
Fast Fourier transform,
Walsh transformation,
Hadmord transformation,
Discrete Cosine Transformation.
UNIT-3 :
Image enhancement,
Filters in spatial and frequency domains,
Histogram based processing.
Image subtraction, Averaging,
Image smoothing,
Nedion filtering,
Low pass filtering,
Image sharpening by High pass filtering.
UNIT-4 :
Image encoding and segmentation,
Encoding : Mapping, Quantizer, Coder.
Error free compression,
Lossy Compression schemes.
JPEG Compression standard.
Detection of discontinuation by point detection,
Line detection, edge detection,
Edge linking and boundary detection,
Local analysis,
Global processing via Hough transforms and graph theoretic techniques
UNIT-5 :
Mathematical morphology- Binary,
Dilation, crosses, Opening and closing,
Simple methods of representation,
Signatures, Boundary segments, Skeleton of a region,
Polynomial approximation,
Recent advancement in DIP,
Machine learning for image processing application
Syllabus of AD-603 (C) Information Retrieval
(Departmental Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
Introduction - History of IR- Components of IR -
Issues -
Open source Search engine.
Frameworks -
The Impact of the web on IR -
The role of artificial intelligence (AI) in IR –
IR Versus Web Search -
Components of a search engine,
characterizing the web.
UNIT- 2 :
Boolean and Vector space retrieval models-
Term weighting -
TF-IDF weightingcosinesimilarity -
Pre-processing -
Inverted indices -
efficient processing with sparse vectors LanguageModel based IR -
Probabilistic IR -
Latent Semantic indexing -
Relevance feedback and queryexpansion.
UNIT-3 :
Web search overview,
web structure the user paid placement search engine optimization,
Web Search Architectures -
crawling - meta-crawlers,
Focused Crawling -
web indexes -
Near duplicate detection -
Index Compression -
XML retrieval.
UNIT-4 :
Link Analysis -hubs and authorities -
Page Rank and HITS algorithms -
Searching and Ranking Relevance Scoring and ranking for Web -
Similarity -
Hadoop & Map Reduce -
Evaluation -
Personalized search -
Collaborative filtering and content-based recommendation of documents And products - handling invisible Web -
Snippet generation,
Cross-Lingual Retrieval.
UNIT-5 :
Information filtering : organization and relevance feedback -
Text Mining-
Text classification andclustering -
Categorization algorithms,
naive Bayes,
decision trees and nearest neighbor -
Clustering algorithms : agglomerative clustering,
expectation maximization (EM).
Syllabus of AD-604 (A) Internet of Things
(Open Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
IoT definition, Characteristics,
IoT conceptual and architectural framework,
Componentsof IoT ecosystems,
Physical and logical design of IoT,
IoT enablers, Modern day IoTapplications,
M2M communications, IoT vs M2M, IoT vs WoT,
IoT reference architecture,
IoTNetwork configurations,
IoT LAN, IoT WAN, IoT Node,
IoT Gateway, IoT Proxy,
Review ofBasic Microcontrollers and interfacing.
UNIT-2 :
Define Sensor, Basic components and challenges of a sensor node,
Sensor features,Sensor resolution;
Sensor classes: Analog, Digital,
Scalar, Vector Sensors;
Sensor Types, bias,drift,
Hysteresis error, quantization error; Actuator;
Actuator types : Hydraulic, Pneumatic,electrical,
mechanical actuators,
soft actuators.
UNIT-3 :
Basics of IoT Networking,
IoT Components,
Functional components of IoT,
IoT serviceoriented architecture,
IoT challenges, 6LowPAN,
IEEE 802.15.4, ZigBee and its types,
RFIDFeatures, RFID working principle and applications,
NFC (Near Field communication),Bluetooth,
Wireless Sensor Networks and its Applications
UNIT-4 :
MQTT, MQTT methods and components,
MQTT communication, topics andapplications, SMQTT,
CoAP, CoAP message types,
CoAP Request-Response model, XMPP,
AMQP features and components,
AMQP frame types.
UNIT-5 :
IoT Platforms, Arduino, Raspberry Pi Board,
Other IoT Platforms; Data Analytics forIoT,
Cloud for IoT, Cloud storage models & communication APIs,
Attacks in IoT system, vulnerability analysis in IoT,
IoT case studies : Smart Home, Smart framing etc.
Syllabus of AD-604 (B) Block Chain Technologies (Open Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
Introduction : Overview of Block chain,
Public Ledgers, Bit coin,
Smart Contracts, Block in a Block chain,
Transactions, Distributed Consensus,
Public vs Private Block chain,
Understanding Crypto currency to Block chain,
Permissioned Model of Block chain,
Overview of Security aspects of Block chain;
Basic Crypto Primitives : Cryptographic HashFunction,
Properties of a hash function,
Hash pointer and Merkle tree,
Digital Signature,Public Key Cryptography,
A basic crypto currency
UNIT-2 :
Understanding Block chain with Crypto currency : Bit coin and Block chain: Creation ofcoins, Payments and double spending,
Bit coin Scripts, Bit coin P2P Network,
Transaction inBit coin Network,
Block Mining, Block propagation and block relay.
Working withConsensus in Bit coin : Distributed consensus in open environments,
Consensus in a Bitcoinnetwork,
Proof of Work (PoW) – basic introduction,
Hash Cash PoW, Bit coin PoW,
Attackson PoW and the monopoly problem,
Proof of Stake, Proof of Burn and Proof of ElapsedTime,
The life of a Bitcoin Miner,
Mining Difficulty, Mining Pool.
UNIT-3 :
Understanding Block chain for Enterprises : Permissioned Block chain: Permissioned model and use cases,
Design issues for Permissioned block chains,
Execute contracts, State machinereplication,
Overview of Consensus models for permissioned block chain Distribute dconsensus in closed environment, Paxos,
RAFT Consensus, Byzantine general problem,
Byzantine fault tolerant system,
Lamport-Shostak-Pease BFT Algorithm,
BFT overAsynchronous systems.
UNIT-4 :
Enterprise application of Block chain :
Cross border payments,
Know Your Customer (KYC),
Food Security, Mortgage over Block chain,
Block chain enabled Trade,
We Trade – Trade Finance Network,
Supply Chain Financing, and Identity on Block chain
UNIT-5 :
Block chain application development :
Hyperledger Fabric- Architecture,
Identities andPolicies, Membership and Access Control,
Channels, Transaction Validation,
Writing smartcontract using Hyperledger Fabric,
Writing smart contract using Ethereum,
Overview of Ripple and Corda
Syllabus of AD-604 (C) Compiler Design (Open Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 : Introduction to compiling & Lexical Analysis
Introduction of Compiler,
Major data Structure in compiler,
types of Compiler, Front-end and Back-endof compiler,
Compiler structure : analysis-synthesis model of compilation,
various phases of a compiler,
Lexical analysis : Input buffering,
Specification & Recognition of Tokens,
Design of a Lexical AnalyzerGenerator, LEX.
UNIT-2 : Syntax Analysis &Syntax Directed Translation
Syntax analysis: CFGs, Top down parsing,
Brute force approach, recursive descent parsing,
transformation on the grammars,
predictive parsing, bottom up parsing,
operator precedence parsing,
LRparsers (SLR, LALR, LR),Parser generation.
Syntax directed definitions : Construction of Syntax trees,
Bottom up evaluation of S-attributed definition,
Lattribute definition, Top down translation,
Bottom Upevaluation of inherited attributes Recursive Evaluation,
Analysis of Syntax directed definition
UNIT-3 : Type Checking & Run Time Environment
Type checking : type system, specification of simple type checker,
equivalence of expression,
types, typeconversion,
overloading of functions and operations,
polymorphic functions.
Run time Environment : storage organization,
Storage allocation strategies,
parameter passing, dynamic storage allocation,
Symbol table, Error Detection & Recovery,
Ad-Hoc and Systematic Methods.
UNIT-4 : Code Generation
Intermediate code generation : Declarations, Assignment statements,
Boolean expressions, Casestatements,
Back patching,
Procedure calls Code Generation : Issues in the design of code generator,
Basicblock and flow graphs,
Register allocation and assignment,
DAG representation of basic blocks,
generating code from DAG.
UNIT-5 : Code Optimization
Introduction to Code optimization: sources of optimization of basic blocks,
loops in flow graphs, deadcode elimination,
loop optimization, Introduction to global data flow analysis,
Code Improvingtransformations,
Data flow analysis of structure flow graph Symbolic debugging of optimized code.