Syllabus of VI SEM EC (RGPV)
Syllabus of B. Tech. VI Sem EC (RGPV)
Syllabus of EC-601 Digital Signature Processing
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UNIT-1 : Discrete-Time Signals and Systems
Discrete-time signals, discrete-time systems,
analysis of discrete-time linear time-invariant systems,
discrete time systems described by difference equation,
solution of difference equation, implementation of discrete-time systems,
stability and causality,
frequency domain representation of discrete time signals and systems.
UNIT-2 : The z-Transform
The direct z-transform,
properties of the z-transform,
rational z-transforms, inversion of the z transform,
analysis of linear time-invariant systems in the z- domain,
block diagrams and signal flow graph representation of digital network,
matrix representation.
UNIT-3 : Frequency Analysis of Discrete Time Signals
Discrete fourier series (DFS),
properties of the DFS,
discrete Fourier transform (DFT),
properties of DFT, two dimensional DFT,
circular convolution.
UNIT-4 : Efficient Computation of the DFT
FFT algorithms, decimation in time algorithm,
decimation in frequency algorithm,
decomposition for ‘N’composite number.
UNIT-5 : Digital filters Design Techniques
Design of IIR and FIR digital filters,
Impulse invariant and bilinear transformation,
windowing techniques rectangular and other windows,
examples of FIR filters, design using windowing.
List of Experiments :
Generation, analysis and plots of discrete-time signals.
Implementation of operations on sequences (addition, multiplication, scaling, shifting, folding etc).
Implementation of Linear time-invariant (LTI) systems and testing them for stability and causality.
Computation and plot of DTFT of sequences, verification of properties of DTFT.
Computation and plots of z-transforms, verification of properties of z-transforms.
Computation and plot of DFT of sequences, verification of properties of DFT.
Computation and plots of linear/circular convolution of two sequences.
Computation of radix-2 FFT- Decimation in time and Decimation in frequency.
Implementation of IIR and FIR filter structures (direct, cascade, parallel etc).
Implementation of various window design techniques (Rectangular, Bartlett, Hann, Hamming etc).
Syllabus of EC-602 Antennas and Wave Propagation
Source: (
UNIT-1 : Radiation
Potential function and the Electromagnetic field,
potential functions for Sinusoidal Oscillations,
retarded potential, the Alternating current element (or oscillating Electric Dipole), Power radiated by a current element,
Application to short antennas,
Assumed current distribution,
Radiation from a Quarter wave monopole or Half wave dipole,
sine and cosine integral,
Electromagnetic field close to an antenna,
Solution of the potential equations,
Far-field Approximation.
UNIT-2 : Antenna Fundamentals
Introduction, network theorems,
directional properties of dipole antennas,
travelling –wave antennas and effect of feed on standing-wave antennas,
two –element array, horizontal patterns in broad-cast arrays,
linear arrays, multiplication of patterns,
effect of earth on vertical patterns, Binomial array,
antenna gain, effective area.
UNIT-3 : Types of antennas
log periodic antenna, loop antenna,
helical antenna, biconical antenna,
folded dipole antenna, Yagi-Uda antenna,
lens antenna, turnstile antenna.
Long wire antenna : resonant and travelling wave antennas for different wave lengths, V-antenna,
rhombic antenna, beverage antenna,
UNIT-4 : Aperture and slot
Radiation from rectangular apertures,
Uniform and Tapered aperture,
Horn antenna , Reflector antenna,
Aperture blockage , Feeding structures,
Slot antennas, Microstrip antennas – Radiation mechanism – Application,
Numerical tool for antenna analysis
UNIT-5 : Propagation of radio waves
Fundamentals of electromagnetic waves,
effects of the environment,
modes of propagation.
Ground wave propagation- Introduction, plane earth reflection,
space wave and surface wave,
transition between surface and space wave,
tilt of wave front due to ground losses.
Space wave propagation- Introduction,
field strength relation, effects of imperfect earth,
curvature of earth and interference zone,
shadowing effect of hills and buildings,
absorption by atmospheric phenomena,
variation of field strength with height,
super refraction, scattering,
tropospheric propagation, fading,
path loss calculations.
Sky wave propagation- Introduction,
structural details of the ionosphere,
wave propagation mechanism,
refraction and reflection of sky waves by ionosphere,
ray path, critical frequency, MUF, LUF, OF, virtual height,
skip distance,
relation between MUF and skip distance.
List of Experiments :
To Plot the Radiation Pattern of an Omni Directional Antenna.
To Plot the Radiation Pattern of a Directional Antenna.
To Plot the Radiation Pattern of a Parabolic Reflector Antenna.
To Plot the Radiation Pattern of a Log Periodic Antenna.
To Plot the Radiation Pattern of a Patch Antenna.
To Plot the Radiation Pattern of a Dipole/ Folded Dipole Antenna.
To Plot the Radiation Pattern of a Yagi (3-EL/4EL) Antenna.
To Plot the Radiation Pattern of a Monopole/ WHIP/ Collinear Antenna.
To Plot the Radiation Pattern of a Broad site Antenna.
To Plot the Radiation Pattern of a Square Loop Antenna.
Syllabus of EC-603 (A) Data Communication
(Departmental Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
Data Communication : Introduction, Components,
data representation Serial & Parallel transmission,
Modes of data transmission, Line Encoding : Unipolar, Polar, Bipolar,
Networks – Protocols and standards – Standards organizations – Line configurations – Topology – Transmission mode – Categories of networks – Inter networks.
UNIT-2 :
OSI model : Functions of the layers.
Transmission media : Guided media – Unguided media – Transmission impairment – Performance.
Switching Circuit switching,
packet switching (virtual circuit and datagram approach), message switching
Error detection and correction : Types of errors – Detection – Vertical Redundancy Check (VRC) – Longitudinal Redundancy Check (LRC) – Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) – Check sum – Error Correction.
Data Link Layer Protocols : Framing , HDLC, ARQ: Stop and Wait,
Sliding Window. Efficiency
LAN: Project 802 – Ethernet – Token bus – Token ring – FDDI.
MAN : IEEE 802.6 (DQDB) – SMDS. X.25,
Networking and internetworking devices : Repeaters – Bridges – Gateways – Other devices – Routing algorithms – Distance vector routing – Link state routing.
TCP / IP protocol suite: Overview of TCP/IP.
Syllabus of EC-603 (B) CMOS Design
(Departmental Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 : Introduction
Introduction to CMOS VLSI circuit,
VLSI design flow, Design strategies,
Hierarchy, regularity, modularity, locality,
MOS Transistor as a Switches, CMOS Logic,
Combinational circuit, latches and register,
Introduction of CAD Tool , Design entry,
synthesis, functional simulation.
UNIT-2 : Specification of sequential systems
Characterizing equation & definition of synchronous sequential machines.
Realization of state diagram and state table from verbal description,
Mealy and Moore model machines state table and transition diagram.
Minimization of the state table of completely and incompletely specified sequential machines.
UNIT-3 : Asynchronous Sequential Machine
Introduction to asynchronous sequential machine,
Fundamental mode and Pulse mode asynchronous sequential machine,
Secondary state assignments in asynchronous sequential machine,
races and hazards.
UNIT-4 :
Size and complexity of Integrated Circuits,
The Microelectronics Field,
IC Production Process,
Processing Steps, Packaging and Testing,
MOS Processes, NMOS Process,
CMOS Process, Bipolar Technology,
Hybrid Technology,
Design Rules and Process Parameters
UNIT-5 :
Dc Models, Small Signal Models,
MOS Models, MOSFET Models in High Frequency and small signal,
Short channel devices,
Sub threshold Operations,
Modeling Noise Sources in MOSFET’s, Diode Models,
Bipolar Models,
Passive component Models.
Syllabus of EC-603 (C) Satellite Communication
(Departmental Elective )
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
Overview of satellite systems : Introduction, Frequency allocations for satellite systems.
Orbits and launching methods : Kepler’s three laws of planetary motion,
terms used for earth orbiting satellites,
orbital elements, apogee and perigee heights,
orbit perturbations, inclined orbits,
local mean solar point and sun-synchronous orbits,
standard time.
UNIT-2 :
The Geostationary orbit : Introduction, antenna look angles,
polar mount antenna, limits of visibility,
near geostationary orbits, earth eclipse of satellite,
sun transit outage, launching orbits.
Polarization : antenna polarization,
polarization of satellite signals,
cross polarization discrimination.
Depolarization : ionospheric, rain, ice.
UNIT-3 :
The Space segment : introduction, power supply,
attitude control, station keeping,
thermal control, TT&C subsystem, transponders,
antenna subsystem, Morelos and Satmex 5,
Aniksatellites, Advanced Tiros-N spacecraft.
The Earth segment : introduction,
receive-only home TV systems,
master antenna TV system,
Community antenna TV system,
transmit-receive earth station.
UNIT-4 :
The space link : Introduction, Equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIPR), transmission losses,
the link power budget equation,
system noise, carrier-to-noise ratio (C/N),
the uplink, the downlink, effects of rain,
combined uplink and downlink C/N ratio,
inter modulation noise, intersatellite links.
Interference between satellite circuits.
UNIT-5 : Satellite services
VSAT (very small aperture terminal) systems : overview, network architecture,
access control protocols,
basic techniques, VSAT earth station,
calculation of link margins for a VSAT star network.
Direct broadcast satellite (DBS) Television and radio : digital DBS TV,
BDS TV system design and link budget,
error control in digital DBS-TV,
installation of DBS-TV antennas,
satellite radio broadcasting.
Syllabus of EC-604 (A) Microcontroller & Embedded System (Open Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
8051 Interfacing, Applications and serial communication
8051 interfacing to ADC and DAC,
Stepper motor interfacing,
Timer/ counter functions,
8051 based data acquisition system 8051 connections to RS-232,
8051 Serial communication,
Serial communication modes,
Serial communication programming,
Serial port programming in C.
UNIT-2 :
Microcontroller 8096 Introduction to 16-bit Microcontroller,
functional block-diagram, memory status,
complete 8096 instruction set,
classification of instruction set,
addressing modes, programming examples using 8096,
hardware features of 8096,parallel ports,
control &status Registers,
Introduction to 16/32 bit PIC microcontrollers and DSPIC.
UNIT-3 :
Introduction to Embedded Systems : Definition of embedded system,
embedded systems vs.
general computing systems,
history of embedded systems,
classification, major application areas,
purpose of embedded systems,
characteristics and quality attributes of embedded systems,
common design metrics,
and processor technology: general purpose processor,
application specific processor,
single purpose processor.
UNIT-4 :
Embedded System Architecture : Von Neumann v/s Harvard architecture, instruction set architecture,
CISC and RISC instructions set architecture,
basic embedded processor,
microcontroller architecture,
CISC & RISC examples: 8051, ARM, DSP processors.
UNIT-5 :
Input Output and Peripheral Devices : Timers and counters, watchdog timers, interrupt controllers, PWM, keyboard controller,
analog to digital converters,
real time clock.
Syllabus of EC-604 (B) Biomedical Electronics (Open Elective)
Source: (
Cell and its structure - Resting and Action Potential - Nervous system: Functional organization of the nervous system - Structure of nervous system,
neurons - synapse -transmitters and neural communication - Cardiovascular system - respiratory system - Basic components of a biomedical system - Transducers - selection criteria - Piezo electric,
ultrasonic transducers – Temperature measurements - Fiber optic temperature sensors.
Electrodes -Limb electrodes -floating electrodes - propelled disposable electrodes - Micro,
needle and surface electrodes - Amplifiers : Preamplifiers, differential amplifiers, chopper amplifiers -Isolation amplifier.
ECG - EEG - EMG - ERG - Lead systems and recording methods – Typical waveforms.
Electrical safety in medical environment : shock hazards - leakage current Instruments for checking safety parameters of biomedical equipments
Measurement of blood pressure - Cardiac output - Heart rate - Heart sound -Pulmonary function measurements - Spiro meter - Photo Plethysmography,
Body Plethysmography - Blood Gas analyzers : pH of blood -measurement of blood pCO2,
pO2, finger-tip oxymeter - ESR, GSR measurements .
Radio graphic and fluoroscopic techniques - Computer tomography - MRI - Ultrasonography - Endoscopy - Thermography - Different types of biotelemetry systems and patient monitoring - Introduction to Biometric systems
Pacemakers - Defibrillators - Ventilators - Nerve and muscle stimulators
Diathermy - Heart - Lung machine - Audio meters - Dialysers - Lithotripsy
Syllabus of EC-604 (C) Power Electronics
(Open Elective )
Source: (
UNIT-1 : Power Semiconductor Switches
Power diodes - Basic structure and V-I characteristics - various types - DIACs – Basic structure and V-I characteristics – TRIACs - Basic structure and V-I characteristics Power
BJT : Construction and working principle, quasisaturation, primary breakdown, secondary breakdown.
IGBTs - Basic structure and V-I characteristics.
Power MOSFETs - Basic structure and V-I characteristics
Thyristors - basic structure - static and dynamic characteristics - device specifications and ratings - methods of turning on - gate triggering circuit using UJT
UNIT-2 : Rectifiers
Thyristors- series and parallel operation, methods of turning off - commutation circuits.
Line frequency phase controlled rectifiers using SCR
Single Phase – Half wave rectifier with R and RL loads – Full wave half controlled and fully controlled converters with continuous and constant currents - Input side harmonics and power factor - Effect of source inductance
Three Phase - Half wave rectifier with R and RL loads - Full wave fully controlled converters with continuous and constant currents.
UNIT-3 : Inverters & Cycloconverters Inverters
Single phase inverters – series, parallel and bridge inverters.
Single Phase Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) inverters – Basic circuit and operation. Single phase series resonant inverter,
Single phase bridge inverters,
Three phase bridge inverters,
Voltage control of inverters,
Harmonics reduction techniques,
Single phase and three phase current source inverters
UNIT-4 : AC Voltage Controllers
Principle of On-Off and phase controls,
Single phase ac voltage controller with resistive and inductive loads Three phase ac voltage controllers (various configurations and comparison only),
Single phase transformer taps changer.
Cyclo Converters-Basic principle of operation,
single phase to single phase,
three phase to single phase and three phase to three phase cyclo converters,
output voltage equation
UNIT-5 : DC – DC Converters
Choppers - Principle of operation - step-up and step-down choppers.
Switching regulators - Buck regulators - Boost regulators - Buck-boost regulators - Switched mode power supply - principle of operation and analysis
Syllabus of EC-605 Data Communication LAB
Source: (
To Study Various Multiplexing Techniques
To Study of Network Interface Card (NIC)
To Study of Parallel And Serial Transmission
To Study of NRZ and RZCodes
To Study of Different Types Of Modem.
To Study of Integrated Services Digital Network.
To Study of Twisted Pair, Coaxial Cable and Fibre Optic Cable.
To Study of Digital Interface RS-232.
To Study Different Toplogies.
To Study LAN Using Star Topology
Syllabus of EC-606 Microcontroller & Embedded System LAB
Programming using arithmetic, logical and bit manipulation instructions of 8051.
Program and verify Timer/Counter in 8051.
Communication between 8051 kit and PC.
To study development tools/environment for ATMEL/PIC microcontroller program and Architecture.
Write an ALP to generate square of 10Khz using Timer 0.
Write an ALP to display a string on LCD.
Write an ALP to interface seven segment with 8051 and display 0-9 on it.
Write an ALP to interface DC Motor with 8051
Write an ALP to transmit the data using P1 of 8051
Write an ALP to interface 4x4 keyboard with 8051.
Write an ALP to interface temperature sensor using 8051
Write an ALP to interface the lcd 16x2 to P16f877A
As per Keil software available in department.