Syllabus of VI SEM EX (RGPV)
Syllabus of B. Tech. VI Sem EX (RGPV)
Syllabus of EX-601 Power System-II
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UNIT-1 : General
Problems associated with modern interconnected power Systems, deregulation,
power systems restructuring, distributed generation, congestion,
available transfer capacities,
pricing of energy and transmission services.
UNIT-2 : D.C. Machine-II
Power flow studies - Formulation of static power flow equations and solutions using Gauss Seidel,
Newton Raphson and FDLF methods, comparison of these methods,
Economic operation of power system – Economic dispatch, Emission dispatch,
line loss, ITL, economic dispatch using lagrangian multiplier method.
UNIT-3 : MW Frequency control
Fundamental of Speed Governing, Modeling of Speed Control Mechanism,
Primary ALFC, Closing of ALFC, Static & Dynamic Response to Primary ALFC,
Speed Control Characteristics ,
Fundamental of AGC,
AGC in Isolated & Interconnected Power Systems,
Modeling of the Tie line, Static & Dynamic response of two area system,
Economic dispatch Control.
UNIT-4 : Reactive Power & Voltage control
Protection & Absorption of Reactive Power Method of Voltage Control ,
Static VAR systems, Different types, Application ,characteristics,
characteristics of an excitation system,
DC AC and static excitation system,
General block diagram representation of voltage regulators.
UNIT-5 : Power System Stability
Steady state, dynamic and transients stability,
Swing equation , equal area criterion,
solution of swing equation using step by step method modified Eulers method and Rnge-Kutta method,
methods of improving transient stability
List of Experiments (expandable) :
To develop a program in MATLAB for information of Y-bus matrix for N bus system.
Load flow solution for 3-bus system using Gauss- Seidel, Newton Raphson and FDLF methods up to 3 iteration.
Load flow solution for IEEE 6-bus and 30-bus system in MATLAB using Newton Raphson method.
Assessment of transient stability of a single machine system.
Effect of compensation on voltage profile of IEEE 6-bus system.
Study of any software tools (PSCAD,EDSA, Mi POWER, ETAP etc)
Syllabus of EX-602 Microprocessor & Micro-controller
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UNIT-1 :
Microprocessor 8086 Introduction to 16-bit 8086 microprocessors,
architecture of 8086,Pin Configuration, mode, timing diagram,
Memory interfacing, interrupts, Instruction set of 8086,
Addressing mode, Assembler directives & operations,
assembly and machine language programming, subroutine call and returns,
Concept of stack, Stack structure of 8086,
timings and delays..
UNIT-2 :
Input-Output interfacing : Memory Mapped I/O and Peripherals I/O.
PPI 8255 Architecture and modes of operation,
Interfacing to 16-bit microprocessor and programming,
DMA controller (8257) Architecture,
Programmable interval timer 8254, USART 8251.
UNIT-3 :
Microcontroller 8051 Intel family of 8 bit microcontrollers,
Architecture of 8051, Pin description, I/O configuration, interrupts;
Interrupt structure and interrupt priorities, Port structure and operation,
Accessing internal & external memories and different mode of operations,
Memory organization, Addressing mode,
instruction set of 8051 and programming.
UNIT-4 :
8051 Interfacing, Applications and serial communication 8051 interfacing to ADC and DAC, Stepper motor interfacing,
Timer/ counter functions, 8051 based thyristor firing circuit,
8051 connections to RS-232,
8051 Serial communication , Serial communication modes,
Serial communication programming, Serial port programming in C.
UNIT-5 :
Microcontroller 8096 Introduction to 16-bit Microcontroller,
functional block-diagram, memory status, complete 8096 instruction set,
classification of instruction set, addressing modes,
programming examples using 8096, hardware features of 8096,parallel ports,
control & status Registers,
Introduction to 16/32 bit PIC microcontrollers and DSPIC.
List of Experiments (expandable) :
Programs for 16 bit arithmetic operations for 8086 (using Various Addressing Modes).
Program for sorting an array for 8086.
Program for searching for a number or character in a string for 8086
Program for string manipulations for 8086.
Program for digital clock design using 8086.
Interfacing ADC and DAC to 8086.
Parallel communication between two microprocessors using 8255.
Serial communication between two microprocessor kits using 8251.
Interfacing to 8086 and programming to control stepper motor.
Programming using arithmetic, logical and bit manipulation instructions of 8051.
Program and verify Timer/Counter in 8051.
Program and verify Interrupt handling in 8051.
UART Operation in 8051.
Communication between 8051 kit and PC.
Interfacing LCD to 8051.
Interfacing Matrix/Keyboard to 8051.
Data Transfer from Peripheral to Memory through DMA controller 8237/8257.
Syllabus of EX- 603 (A) Utilization of Electrical Engineering (Departmental Elective)
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UNIT-1 : Illumination Engineering
Nature of light, units, sensitivity of the eye, luminous efficiency, glare.
Production of Light;
Incandescent lamps, arc lamps gas discharge lamps- fluorescent lampspolar curves,
effect of voltage variation on efficiency and life of lamps,
Distribution and control of light, lighting calculations, solid angle, inverse square and cosine laws, methods of calculations,
factory lighting, flood lighting and street lighting,
Direct diffused and mixed reflection & transmission factor,
refractors, light fittings.
UNIT-2 : Heating, Welding And Electrolysis
Electrical heating-advantages, methods and applications, resistance heating, design of heating elements, efficiency and losses control.
Induction heating : core type furnaces, core less furnaces and high frequency eddy current heating, dielectric heating: principle and special applications,
arc furnaces : direct arc furnaces, Indirect arc furnaces, electrodes, design of heating elements, power supply and control.
Different methods of electrical welding, resistance welding, arc welding, energy storage welding, laser welding, electron beam welding, and electrical equipment for them.
Arc furnaces transformer and welding transformers.
Review of electrolytic principles, laws of electrolysis, electroplating, anodizing-electro-cleaning,
extraction of refinery metals, power supply for electrolytic process, current and energy efficiency.
UNIT-3 : Traction
Special features of Traction motors, selection of Traction Motor,
Different system of electric traction and their Advantages and disadvantages,
Mechanics of train movement: simplified speed time curves for different services, average and schedule speed,
tractive effort, specific energy consumption, factors affecting specific energy
consumption, acceleration and braking retardation,
adhesive weight and coefficient of adhesion.
UNIT-4 : Electric Drives
Individual and collective drives- electrical braking, plugging,
rheostatic and regenerative braking load equalization use of fly wheel criteria for selection of motors for various industrial drives,
calculation of electrical loads for refrigeration and air-conditioning,
intermittent loading and temperature rise curve.
UNIT-5 : Introduction to Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
Configuration and performance of electrical vehicles,
traction motor characteristics, tractive effort,
transmission requirement,
vehicle performance and energy consumption.
Syllabus of EX-603 (B) Energy Conservation & Management (Departmental Elective)
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UNIT-1 :
General energy problem : Energy use patterns and scope for conservation.
Energy audit : Energy monitoring, Energy accounting and analysis, Auditing and targeting.
Energy conservation policy, Energy management & audit, Energy audit,
Types of energy audit, energy management (audit), qualities and function of energy managers, language of an energy manager,
Questionnaire, Check list for top management,
Loss of energy in material flow, energy performance,
Maximizing system efficiency, Optimizing, input energy requirements,
Energy auditing instruments,
Material load energy balance diagram
UNIT-2 :
Thermodynamics of Energy Conservation. Basic principle.
Irreversibility and second law efficiency analysis of systems.
Primary energy sources, optimum use of prime-movers, energy efficient housekeeping,
energy recovery in thermal systems, waste heat recovery techniques, thermal insulation.
Thermal energy audit in heating, ventilation and air conditioning.
Maintenance and Energy audit – friction, lubrication and tribo-logical innovations.
Predictive and preventive maintenance.
UNIT-3 :
Load curve analysis & load management DSM,
Energy storage for power systems (Mechanical, Thermal, Electrical & Magnetic)
Restructuring of electric tariff from energy conservation consideration,
Economic analysis depreciation method,
time value of money, Evaluation method of projects, replacement analysis, special problems inflation risk analysis.
Payback period, Energy economics,
Cost Benefit Risk analysis, Payback period
UNIT-4 :
Energy efficient electric drives, Energy efficient motors V.S.D. power factor improvement in power system.
Energy Conservation in transportation system especially in electric vehicle.
Energy flow networks, Simulation & modeling,
formulation & Objective & constraints, alternative option,
Matrix chart.
UNIT-5 :
Energy conservation task before industry,
Energy conservation equipments, Co-Generation,
Energy conservation process, Industry Sugar, Textiles,
Cement Industry etc Electrical Energy Conservation in building,
heating and lighting. domestic gadgets
Syllabus of EX-603 (C) Electromagnetic Waves (Departmental Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 : Transmission Lines
Introduction, Concept of distributed elements,
Equations of voltage and current,
Standing waves and impedance transformation,
Lossless and low-loss transmission lines,
Power transfer on a transmission line,
Analysis of transmission line in terms of admittances,
Transmission line calculations with the help of Smith chart,
Applications of transmission line,
Impedance matching using transmission lines.
UNIT- 2 : Maxwell’s Equations
Basic quantities of Electromagnetics,
Basic laws of Electromagnetics : Gauss’s law, Ampere’s Circuital law,
Faraday’s law of Electromagnetic induction.
Maxwell’s equations, Surface charge and surface current,
Boundary conditions at media interface.
UNIT-3 : Uniform Plane Wave
Homogeneous unbound medium,
Wave equation for time harmonic fields,Solution of the wave equation,
Uniform plane wave, Wave polarization,
Wave propagation in conducting medium,
Phase velocity of a wave,
Power flow and Poynting vector.
UNIT-4 : Plane Waves at Media Interface
Plane wave in arbitrary direction, Plane wave at dielectric interface,
Reflection and refraction of waves at dielectric interface,
Total internal reflection, Wave polarization at media interface, Brewster angle,
Fields and power flow at media interface,
Lossy media interface,
Reflection from conducting boundary.
UNIT-5 : Waveguides
Parallel plane waveguide : Transverse Electric (TE) mode, transverse Magnetic(TM) mode, Cut-off frequency,
Phase velocity and dispersion. Transverse Electromagnetic (TEM) mode,
Analysis of waveguide-general approach,
Rectangular waveguides.
UNIT-6 : Antennas
Radiation parameters of antenna, Potential functions,
Solution for potential functions, Radiations from Hertz dipole, Near field, Far field,
Total power radiated by a dipole,
Radiation resistance and radiation pattern of Hertz dipole,
Hertz dipole in receiving mode.
Syllabus of EX-604 (A) Electronic Instrumentation (Open Elective)
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UNIT-1 :
Introduction to CRO, Different parts of CRO, Its Block diagram,
Electrostatic focusing, Electrostatic deflection, post deflection acceleration,
Screen for CRTs, Graticule, Vertical & Horizontal deflection system,
Time base circuit, Oscilloscope probes and transducers,
Attenuators, Application of CROs, Lissajous patterns,
Special purpose CROs- Multi input, Dual trace, Dual beam, Sampling, Storage (Analog & Digital) Oscilloscopes.
UNIT-2 : A.C. Bridge Measurement
Sources and detectors, Use of Bridges for measurement of inductance,
Capacitance & Q factor Maxwells bridge, Maxwells inductance capacitance bridge,
Hays bridge, Andersons bridge, Owen's Bridge,
De-sauty's Bridge, Schering Bridge, High Voltage Schering bridge,
Measurement of relative permittivity, Heaviside cambell's bridge, Weins bridge, Universal bridge,
Sources of errors in Bridge circuit, Wagner's Earthing device,
Q meter and its applications and measurement methods.
UNIT-3 : Transducers
Transducers definition and classification, mechanical devices as primary detectors,
Characteristic & choice of Transducers, Resistive inductive and capacitive transducers, strain gauge and gauge factor,
Thermistor, Thermo couples, LVDT, RVDT, Synchros, PiezoElectric transducers,
Magnet elastic and magneto strictive Hall effect transducers, Optoelectronic transducers such as photo voltaic,
Photo conductive, photo diode and photo conductive cells, Photo transistors, Photo optic transducers.
Introduction to analog & Digital data acquisition systems-Instrumentation systems used,
Interfacing transducers to electronic control & measuring systems Multiplexing - D/A multiplexing A-D Multiplexing,
Special encoders. Digital control description.
UNIT-4 : Signal Generators
Fixed & variable frequency AF oscillators, Sine wave generators, Standard signal generator, AF Sine and Square wave generator Function generator,
Square and pulse generator, Random noise generator, Sweep generator, TV Sweep generator, Marker generator, Sweep- Marker generator,
Wobblyscope, Video pattern generator Vectroscope,
Beat frequency oscillator
Wave analyzer : Basic wave analyzer, Frequency selective wave analyzer,
Heterodyne wave analyzer, Harmonic distortion, analyzer, spectrum analyzer digital Fourier analyzer.
UNIT-5 : Digital Instruments
Advantages of Digital instruments over analog instruments, resolution and sensitivity of Digital meters., Digital Voltmeter - Ramp type,
Dual slope integration type, Integrating type, Successive approximation type, Continuous balance DVM or Servo balancing potentiometer type DVM. ,
compression of Electronic & Digital Volt meter, Digital Multimeter, Digital frequency meter,
Time period measurement, High frequency measurement, Electronic counter,
Digital tachometer, Digital PH meter, Digital phase meter, Digital capacitance meter. Digital display system and indicators like CRT, LED, LCD, Nixies,
Electro luminescent, Incandescent, Electrophoretic image display, Liquid vapour display dot-matrix display,
Analog recorders, X-Y recorders.
Instruments used in computer-controlled instrumentation RS 232C and IEEE 488, GPIB electric interface.
Syllabus of EX-604 (B) Internet of Things (IOT) (Open Elective)
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UNIT-1 :
Introduction : Definition, Characteristics of IOT,
IOT Conceptual framework,
IOT Architectural view,
Physical design of IOT, Logical design of IOT,
Application of IOT.
UNIT-2 :
Machine-to-machine (M2M),
SDN (software defined networking) and NFV(network function virtualization) for IOT,
data storage in IOT,
IOT Cloud Based Services.
UNIT-3 :
Design Principles for Web Connectivity : Web Communication Protocols for connected devices,
Message Communication Protocols for connected devices, SOAP, REST, HTTP Restful and Web Sockets.
Internet Connectivity Principles : Internet Connectivity,
Internet based communication, IP addressing in IOT,
Media Access control.
UNIT-4 :
Sensor Technology , Participatory Sensing,
Industrial IOT and Automotive IOT ,
Actuator, Sensor data Communication Protocols ,
Radio Frequency Identification Technology,
Wireless Sensor Network Technology.
UNIT-5 :
IOT Design methodology : Specification -Requirement, process,
model, service, functional & operational view.
IOT Privacy and security solutions,
Raspberry Pi & arduino devices.
IOT Case studies : smart city streetlights control & monitoring.
Syllabus of EX-604 (C) Analog & Digital Communication (Open Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
Time domain and frequency domain representation of signal, Fourier Transform and its properties,
Transform of Gate, Periodic gate, Impulse periodic impulse sine and cosine wave, Concept of energy density and power density (Parseval’s theorem),
Power density of periodic gate and impulse function, impulse response of a system, convolutions,
convolution with impulse function, causal and non causal system impulse response of ideal low pass filter,
Correlation & Auto correlation.
UNIT- 2 :
Base band signal, need of modulation,
Introduction of modulations techniques, Amplitude modulation, Equation and its frequency domain representation,
Bandwidth, Power distribution.
AM suppressed carrier waveform equation and frequency domain representation Generation (Balance/Chopper modulator) and synchronous detection technique, errors in synchronous detection,
Introduction to SSB and VSB Transmission Angle modulation,
Frequency and phase modulation equation and their relative phase and frequency deviations,
modulation index frequency spectrum, NBFM and WBFM,
Bandwidth comparison of modulation techniques.
UNIT-3 :
Sampling of signal, sampling theorem for low pass and Band pass signal, Pulse amplitude modulation (PAM), Time division, multiplexing (TDM).
Channel Bandwidth for PAM-TDM signal Type of sampling instantaneous, Natural and flat top, Aperture effect,
Introduction to pulse position and pulse duration modulations, Digital signal, Quantization, Quantization error,
Pulse code modulation, signal to noise ratio, Companding, Data rate and Baud rate, Bit rate, multiplexed PCM signal,
Differential PCM (DPCM), Delta Modulation (DM) and Adaptive Delta Modulation (ADM), comparison of various systems.
UNIT-4 :
Digital modulations techniques, Generation, detection, equation and Bandwidth of amplitude shift keying (ASK)
Binary Phase Shift keying (BPSK), Differential phase shift keying (DPSK), offset and non offset quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK),
M-Ary PSK, Binary frequency Shift Keying (BFSK), M-Ary FSK Quadrature Amplitude modulation (QAM),
MODEM, Introduction to probability of error.
UNIT-5 :
Information theory and coding- Information, entropies (Marginal and conditional), Model of a communication system,
Mathematical representation of source, channel and receiver characteristics,
Mutual information, channel capacity efficiency of noise free channel
Binary symmetric channel (BSC) Binary erasure channel (BEC),
Repetition of signal, NM symmetric Binary channel, Shannon theorem, Shanon-Hartley theorem (S/N-BW trade off)Source encoding code properties;
Shanon, Fano and Huffman coding methods and their efficiency error control coding, Minimum Hamming distance,
Linear Block Code, Cyclic code and convolution codes.
Line Encoding : Manchester coding, RZ, NRZ coding.
Syllabus of EX-605 Electronic Instrumentation Lab
Source: (
List Of Experiments (Expandable) :
Measurement of inductance of a coil using Anderson Bridge.
Measurement of capacitance of a capacitor using Schering bridge.
LVDT and capacitance transducers characteristics and calibration.
Resistance strain gauge- Strain Measurement and calibration.
Measurement of R,L,C & Q using LCR-Q meter.
Study & measurement of frequency using Lissajous patterns.
Measurement of pressure using pressure sensor.
Study of Piezo-electric Transducer and Measurement of impact using Piezo-electric Transducer
Measurement of Displacement using LVDT.
Measurement of speed of a Motor using photoelectric transducer.
Study & Measurement using ph meter.
Temperature measurement & Control using thermo couple & using thermistor.
Syllabus of EX-606 Simulation Lab
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Study of any simulation tool like MATLAB, SCILAB, PSIM, HOMER or any other relevant software used for electrical & electronics engineering
Syllabus of EX-608 Minor Project-II
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The Minor Project Work provides students an opportunity to do something on their own and under the supervision of a guide. Each student shall work on an approved project, which may involve fabrication, design or investigation of a technical problem that may take design, experimental or analytical character or combine element of these areas. The project work involves sufficient work so that students get acquainted with different aspects of manufacture, design or analysis. The students also have to keep in mind that in final semester they would be required to implement whatever has been planned in the Minor Project in this semester. It is possible that a work, which involves greater efforts and time may be taken up at this stage and finally completed in final semester, but partial completion report should be submitted in this semester and also evaluated by an external examiner.