Syllabus of VII SEM AIML (RGPV)
Syllabus of B. Tech. VII Sem AIML (RGPV)
AL-702 (C) Predictive Analytics (Departmental Elective)
AL-702(D) Machine Learning for Data Science (Departmental Elective)
Syllabus of AL-701 Computer Vision
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
Introduction to computer vision,
Introduction to images, Image Processing VS Computer Vision,
Problems in Computer Vision, Basic image operations,
Mathematical operations on images: Datatype Conversion,
Contrast Enhancement, Brightness Enhancement,
Bit wise operations: Different Bit wise Operations
UNIT-2 :
Binary Image Processing,
thresholding, Erosion / Dilation,
Overview on Opening and Closing,
Connected Component Analysis,
Contour Analysis
UNIT-3 :
Image Enhancement and Filtering,
Color Spaces, Color Transforms,
Histogram Equalization,
Advanced Histogram Equalization(CLAHE),
Color Adjustment using Curves,
Image Filtering: Introduction to Image Filtering,
What is Convolution,
Image Smoothing:-Box Blur, Gaussian Blur, Median Blur
UNIT-4 :
Introduction to Image Gradients: - First Order Derivative Filters,Second Order Derivative Filters,
Edge Detection,Image Segmentation and Recognition,
Image Classification,
Object detection
UNIT-5 :
Applications of Computer Vision: Gesture Recognition,
Motion Estimation and Object Tracking,
face detection,
Deep Learning with Open CV
Different problems to be framed to enable students to understand the concept learnt and get hands-on on various tools and software related to the subject. Such assignments are to be framed for ten to twelve lab sessions
Syllabus of AL-702(A) AI in Gaming (Departmental Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 : Introduction
Introduction to Game AI,
kind of AI used in game development,
model of game AI,
AI engine structure
UNIT-2 : Movement Algorithms and Steering
Behaviour kinematic movement algorithms,
problems related to the steering behaviour of objects and Solutions.
Coordinated Movement and Motor Control : This unit discusses the concepts related to coordinated movements and motor control.
UNIT-3 : Path finding
Basic Path finding Algorithms in game development,
Path finding for complex solutions
UNIT-4 : Decision-Making and Uncertainty
decision trees and state machines for game development,
models for implementing knowledge uncertainty,
such as fuzzy logic and Markov systems.
UNIT-5 : Introduction to Learning Mechanisms
Board game theory and discusses the implementation of some key algorithms,
such as mini max and negamax,
Random Number Generation and Mini maxing,
algorithms for implementing action prediction,
decision learning and reinforcement learning.
Syllabus of AL-702 (B) Advance Machine Learning (Departmental Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
Artificial Neural Network : Introduction to ANN,
Perceptron, Cost Function,
Gradient Checking,
multi-layer perceptron and back propagation algorithm that is used to help learn parameters for a neural network,
Random Initialization
UNIT-2 :
Decision Trees : Representing concepts as decision trees,
Recursive induction of decision trees,
best splitting attribute : entropy and information gain.
Searching for simple trees and computational complexity,
Over fitting, noisy data, and pruning.
UNIT-3 :
Ensemble Methods : Bagging, boosting,
stacking and learning with ensembles.
Random Forest
UNIT-4 :
Introduction to reinforcement learning(RL), Reinforcement Learning,
RL-framework, MDP,
Bellman equations,
Value Iteration and Policy Iteration, Actor-critic model,
SARSA,Bandit algorithms – UCB, PAC,Median Elimination,
Policy Gradient,
Full RL & MDPs,
Bellman Optimality,
UNIT-5 :
Dynamic Programming - Value iteration, Policy iteration, and Q-learning & Temporal Difference Methods,
Temporal-Difference Learning, Eligibility Traces,
Function Approximation, Least Squares Methods,
Fitted Q, Deep Q-Learning, Advanced Q-learning algorithms ,
Inverse reinforcement learning,
Deep Inverse Reinforcement Learning,
Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning,
Recent Trends in RL Architectures
Syllabus of AL-702 (C) Predictive Analytics (Departmental Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
Introduction Data Product,
Data Product Examples in Enterprise,
Developing a Data Product Strategy.
UNIT-2 :
Reading Data in Python Reading CSV & JSON Files,
Processing Structured Data in Python,
Live-Coding : JSON, Extracting Simple Statistics from Datasets Data Processing in Python Data Filtering and Cleaning,
Processing Text and Strings in Python,
Processing Times and Dates in Python
UNIT-3 :
Python Libraries and Toolkits Matrix Processing and Numpy,
Introduction to Data Visualization,
Introduction to Matplotlib, urllib and BeautifulSoup
UNIT-4 :
Gradient Descent Classification in Python,
Introduction to Training and Testing,
Gradient Descent in Python,
Gradient Descent in TensorFlow
UNIT-5 :
Diagnostics for Data Meaningful Predictive modelling,
Regression Diagnostic, Over- and Under-Fitting,
Classification Diagnostics : Accuracy and Error,
Classification Diagnostics : Precision and Recall.
Code base for Evaluation and Validation,
Model Complexity and Regularization,
Evaluating Classifiers for Ranking.
Syllabus of AL-702(D) Machine Learning for Data Science (Departmental Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 : Introduction
Algorithms and Machine Learning,
Introduction to algorithms,
Tools to analyze algorithms,
Algorithmic techniques : Divide and Conquer,
examples, Randomization, Applications
UNIT- 2 : Algorithms
Graphs, maps, Map searching,
Application of algorithms : stable marriages example,
Dictionaries and hashing,
search trees,
Dynamic programming
UNIT-3 : Application to Personal Genomics
Linear Programming, NP completeness,
Introduction to personal Genomics,
Massive Raw data in Genomics,
Data science on Personal Genomes,
Inter connectedness on Personal Genomes,
Case studies
UNIT-4 : Machine Learning
Classification, Linear Classification,
Ensemble Classifiers,
Model Selection,
Cross Validation,
UNIT-5 : Machine Learning Applications
Probabilistic modelling,
Topic modelling,
Probabilistic Inference,
Application : prediction of preterm birth,
Data description and preparation,
Relationship between machine learning and statistics
Syllabus of AL-703(A) Compiler Design (Open Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
Introduction to compiling & Lexical Analysis
Introduction of Compiler,
Major data Structure in compiler,
types of Compiler,
Front-end and Back-end of compiler,
Compiler structure : analysis-synthesis model of compilation,
various phases of a compiler,
Lexical analysis : Input buffering,
Specification & Recognition of Tokens,
Design of a Lexical Analyzer Generator, LEX.
UNIT-2 :
Syntax Analysis & Syntax Directed Translation Syntax analysis: CFGs, Top down parsing,
Brute force approach, recursive descent parsing,
transformation on the grammars, predictive parsing,
bottom up parsing,
operator precedence parsing, LR parsers (SLR,LALR, LR),
Parser generation.
Syntax directed definitions : Construction of Syntax trees,
Bottom up evaluation of S-attributed definition,
L-attribute definition,
Top down translation, Bottom Up evaluation of inherited attributes
Recursive Evaluation, Analysis of Syntax directed definition.
UNIT-3 :
Type Checking & Run Time Environment: Type checking: type system,
specification of simple type checker,
equivalence of expression, types, type conversion,
overloading of functions and operations,
polymorphic functions.
Run time Environment : storage organization, Storage allocation strategies, parameter passing, dynamic storage allocation,
Symbol table, Error Detection & Recovery,
Ad-Hoc and Systematic Methods.
UNIT-4 :
Code Generation : Intermediate code generation: Declarations, Assignment statements,
Boolean expressions,
Case statements, Back patching,
Procedure calls Code Generation : Issues in the design of code generator,
Basic block and flow graphs,
Register allocation and assignment,
DAG representation of basic blocks, peephole optimization,
generating code from DAG.
UNIT-5 :
Code Optimization : Introduction to Code optimization: sources of optimization of basic blocks,
loops in flow graphs, dead code elimination, loop optimization,
Introduction to global data flow analysis,
Code Improving transformations ,
Data flow analysis of structure flow graph
Symbolic debugging of optimized code.
Syllabus of AL-703(B) Augmented and Virtual Reality (Open Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
Introduction to Virtual Reality- Virtual Reality and Virtual Environment: Introduction, Applications of Virtual Reality,
Computer graphics, Real time computer graphics,
Flight Simulation, Virtual environment requirement, benefits of virtual reality,
Historical development of VR,
Scientific Landmark 3D
Computer Graphics : Introduction, The Virtual world space, positioning the virtual observer, the perspective projection,
human vision, stereo perspective projection,
3D clipping,
Colour theory, Simple 3D modeling,
Illumination models, Reflection models,
Shading algorithms,
Radiosity, Hidden Surface Removal,
Realism Stereographic image.
UNIT-2 :
Geometric Modeling- Geometric Modeling: Introduction, From 2D to 3D, 3D space curves,
3D boundary representation Geometrical
Transformations : Introduction, Frames of reference, Modeling transformations, Instances, Picking, Flying,
Scaling the VE, Collision detection Generic VR system: Introduction,
Virtual environment, Computer environment, VR technology,
Model of interaction, VR Systems.
UNIT-3 :
Virtual Environment -Animating the Virtual Environment: Introduction,
The dynamics of numbers, Linear and Nonlinear interpolation,
the animation of objects, linear and non-linear translation,
shape & object in between, free from deformation,
particle system.
Physical Simulation: Introduction, Objects falling in a gravitational field,
Rotating wheels, Elastic collisions,
projectiles, simple pendulum, springs,
Flight dynamics of an aircraft.
UNIT-4 :
VR Hardware and Software- Human factors: Introduction,
the eye, the ear, the somatic senses.
VR Hardware : Introduction, sensor hardware,
Head-coupled displays, Acoustic hardware,
Integrated VR systems.
VR Software : Introduction, Modeling virtual world,
Physical simulation, VR toolkits,
Introduction to VRML
UNIT-5 :
Augmented and Mixed Reality- Taxonomy,
Technology and features of augmented reality, difference between AR and VR, Challenges with AR, AR systems and functionality,
Augmented reality methods, visualization techniques for augmented reality,
wireless displays in educational augmented reality applications,
mobile projection interfaces,
marker-less tracking for augmented reality,
enhancing interactivity in AR environments,
evaluating AR systems.
Syllabus of AL-703(C) Agile Software Development (Open Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
Fundamentals of Agile Process : Introduction and background,
Agile Manifesto and Principles,
Stakeholders and Challenges,
Overview of Agile Development Models : Scrum, Extreme Programming,
Feature Driven Development, Crystal, Kanban, and Lean Software Development.
UNIT-2 :
Agile Projects : Planning for Agile Teams: Scrum Teams, XP Teams,
General Agile Teams, Team Distribution;
Agile Project Lifecycles: Typical Agile Project Lifecycles,
Phase Activities, Product Vision,
Release Planning : Creating the Product Backlog, User Stories, Prioritizing and Estimating, Creating the Release Plan;
Monitoring and Adapting : Managing Risks and Issues,
UNIT-3 :
Introduction to Scrum : Agile Scrum Framework, Scrum Artifacts,
Meetings, Activities and Roles,
Scrum Team Simulation, Scrum Planning Principles, Product and Release Planning,
Sprinting : Planning, Execution, Review and Retrospective;
User story definition and Characteristics,
Acceptance tests and Verifying stories, Burn down chart,
Daily scrum, Scrum Case Study.
UNIT-4 :
Introduction to Extreme Programming (XP): XP Lifecycle,
The XP Team,
XP Concepts : Refactoring, Technical Debt, Timeboxing, Stories, Velocity;
Adopting XP: Prerequisites, Challenges;
Applying XP: Thinking- Pair Programming, Collaborating, Release, Planning, Development;
XP Case Study
UNIT-5 :
Agile Software Design and Development: Agile design practices,
Role of design Principles, Need and significance of Refactoring,
Refactoring Techniques, Continuous Integration,
Automated build tools, Version control;
Agility and Quality Assurance : Agile Interaction Design,
Agile approach to Quality Assurance,
Test Driven Development,
Pair programming : Issues and Challenges.
Syllabus of AL 703-(D) Internet and Web Technology (Open Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
Introduction : Concept of WWW, Internet and WWW,
HTTP Protocol : Request and Response, Web browser and Web servers,
Features of Web 2.0 Web Design : Concepts of effective web design, Web design issues including Browser,
Bandwidth and Cache, Display resolution, Look and Feel of the Website,
Page Layout and linking,
User centric design, Sitemap, Planning and publishing website,
Designing effective navigation.
UNIT-2 :
HTML : Basics of HTML, formatting and fonts,
commenting code, color, hyperlink, lists, tables, images, forms,
XHTML, Meta tags,
Character entities, frames and frame sets,
Browser architecture and Web site structure.
Overview and features of HTML5.
UNIT-3 :
Style sheets : Need for CSS, introduction to CSS,
basic syntax and structure,
using CSS,background images, colors and properties,
manipulating texts, using fonts, borders and boxes, margins, padding lists, positioning using CSS, CSS2,
Overview and features of CSS3 JavaScript : Client side scripting with JavaScript, variables, functions, conditions, loops and repetition,
Pop up boxes,
Advance JavaScript : Java script and objects, JavaScript own objects, the DOM and web browser environments,
Manipulation using DOM, forms and validations,
DHTML : Combining HTML, CSS and JavaScript,
Events and buttons.
UNIT-4 :
XML : Introduction to XML, uses of XML, simple XML, XML key components,
DTDandSchemas, Using XML with application.
Transforming XML using XSL and XSLT PHP:Introduction and basic syntax of PHP, decision and looping with examples,
PHP and HTML,Arrays, Functions, Browser control and detection, string,
Form processing, Files,
Advance Features : Cookies and Sessions,
Object Oriented Programming with PHP.
UNIT-5 :
PHP and MySQL : Basic commands with PHP examples,
Connection to server, creating database, selecting a database, listing database,
listing table names,creating a table,
inserting data, altering tables,
queries, deleting database, deleting data and tables,
PHP my admin and data base bugs
Syllabus of AL-705 Skill Development Lab
Source: (
UNIT-1 : Software product life cycle.
UNIT-2 : Software product development standards.
UNIT-3 : Design patterns – 1
UNIT-4 : Design Patterns – II
UNIT-5 : Case Study
==End of Syllabus==