Syllabus of CE VIII - Sem all Subjects (RGPV)
(Tag: Syllabus of CE, Syllabus of Civil Engineering )
Syllabus of CE-801 Design of Steel Structures
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UNIT-1 : Basis of Structural Design and Connection Design
Introduction; Metallurgy of steel;
Structural properties of steel;
Design philosophies;
Limit state method;
Partial load factors;
Loading and load combination on structures;
Local buckling and section classification.
Types of connections;
Welded connections;
Types of joints and welds;
Connection design;
Concentric connection;
Eccentric connections;
Truss connections;
Bolted connections;
Force transfer mechanism;
Failure mechanism;
Analysis of bolt groups;
Beam column connections, shear connection;
Moment connection.
UNIT-2 : Design of Compression and Tension Members
Types of tension member;
Behaviour of tension members;
Factors affecting the strength of tension members;
Design of tension member; for yielding;
Net section rupture; Block shear;
Tension splices;
Lug angles; Concept of shear lag.
Types of compression members;
Basis of current codal provision for compression member design;
Slenderness ratio;
Elastic buckling;
Strength curves;
Design of compression members.
UNIT-3 : Design of Flexural Members
Beam types; Lateral stability of beams;
Lateral torsional buckling of symmetric beams;
Design strength of Laterally supported and Unsupported beams in bending;
Shear strength of steel beams;
Web buckling and crippling;
Design of beams; Built-up beams;
Design of plate girders;
Types of stiffeners; Flange and web splices;
Design of beam-columns subjected to combined tension and bending.
UNIT-4 : Design of Columns and Column Bases
Design of single section and compound section ;
Design of laced and battened type columns;
Design of column bases; Slab base;
Gusseted base; Grillage foundation
UNIT-5 : Design of Industrial Buildings
Introduction, Frames;
Multistory frames;
Various types of trusses and their selection;
Design of purlin and elements of truss;
Effect of wind loads on purlin and truss;
Bracing systems ,
Design of Gantry Girder ,
Syllabus of CE-802 (A) Engineering Hydrology (Departmental Elective)
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UNIT-1 :
Hydrological cycle, water budget, Practical applications of Hydrology,
Hydrometerology, airmasses.
Formation of precipitation, types of precipitation,
meteorological observations, probability & random variables,
regression analysis, catchment its type and importance,
measurement of precipitation,
Raingauges, location of raingauges,
interpretations & analysis of rainfall data, calculation of average rainfall,
Frequency curves , Mass curve.
UNIT-2 :
Stream flow measurement and various methods, stage-discharge relations.
Rating curve and its extension, stream gauge Networking,
stage & discharge hydrographs,
evaporation & evapotranspiration-calculation,
factors affecting measurement,
Reducing evaporation.
UNIT-3 :
Infilleration, Factors affecting it, measurement of Infilleration,
Infilleration equation and Indices.
Occurance of ground water,
Darcey’s law, flow in wells (steady & unsteady).
Ground water exploration.
Yield of well, determination of yield.
UNIT-4 :
Runoff and its components, factors affecting runoff,
Basin yield, Rainfall-Runoff relationships,
flow-duration curve, flow mass curve,
Hydrograph, separation of hydrograph,
unit hydrograph - theory & application,
derivation of unit hydrograph convolution equation,
unit hydrograph from complex storms unit hydrograph for various durations,
synthetic unit hydrograph,
S-curve hydrograph, distribution graph,
use & applications of unit hydrograph,
Dimensionless unit Hydrograph.
UNIT-5 :
Instataneous unit Hydrograph,
Derivation of IUH, flood routing, reservoir routing,
different methods, storage discharge relationship,
ISD method, puls method, channel routing –muskingham method,
design flood –Empirical & rational formula, frequency analysis,
Gumbel’s distribution,
Reservoir sedimentation-causes, factors affecting & control.
Syllabus of CE-802 (B) Foundation Engineering (Departmental Elective)
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UNIT-1 : Selection of foundation and Sub-soil exploration/investigation
Types of foundation, Factors affecting the selection of type of foundations,
Steps in choosing types of foundation based on soil condition.
Objectives and planning of exploration program, methods of exploration-wash boring and rotary drilling-depth of boring,
Soil samples and soil samplers-representative and undisturbed sampling,
Field penetration tests: SPT, SCPT, DCPT.
Introduction to geophysical methods, Bore log, report writing.
UNIT-2 : Shallow Foundation
Introduction, significant depth, design criteria, modes of shear failures.
Detail study of bearing capacity theories (Prandtl, Rankine, Terzaghi, Skempton, Meyerhof),
Bearing capacity determination using IS Code.
Settlement, components of settlement & its estimation, permissible settlement,
Proportioning of footing for equal settlement, allowable bearing pressure.
Bearing capacity from in-situ tests (SPT, SCPT, PLATE LOAD),
Factors affecting bearing capacity,
Contact pressure under rigid and flexible footings.
Floating foundation.
UNIT-3 : Pile foundations
Introduction, Load transfer mechanism,
Types of piles and their function,
Factors influencing selection of pile, their method of installation and their load carrying
characteristics for cohesive and granular soils,
Piles subjected to vertical loads- pile load carrying capacity from static formula,
dynamic formulae (ENR and Hiley),
Pile load test,
Pile group: carrying capacity, efficiency and settlement.
Negative skin friction.
UNIT-4 : Foundations on problematic soil & Introduction to Geosynthetics
Significant characteristics of expansive and collapsible soils,
footing on such soils,
Problems and preventive measures.
Underreamed pile foundation-its concept, design & field installation.
Introduction to geosynthetics-materials, types, functions and uses.
Active, Passive and Earth pressure at rest.
Rankine’s theory of earth pressure,
Earth pressures in layered soils,
Coulomb’s earth pressure theory,
Culmann’s graphical method.
RETAININGWALLS : Types of retaining walls- stability of retaining walls against overturning, sliding, bearing capacity and drainage from backfill.
Reinforced earth retaining walls.
Syllabus of CE-802 (C) Bridge Engineering (Departmental Elective)
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UNIT-1 : Types of Bridge Super Structures
Introduction and types, temporary bridge superstructures, military bridges, other temporary bridges, permanent bridges, R.C.C. bridges,
Pre-stressed concrete bridges, steel bridges, movable steel bridge.
Consideration of loads and stresses in road bridges: Introduction, loads, forces and stress, dead loads,
bridge loading as per relevant IRC and IRS specifications traffic lanes, foot way, kerbs, railing and parapet loading, impact, wind load, longitudinal forces,
Temperature effect of live load on back fill and on the abutment.
UNIT-2 : Design of R.C. Bridge
Slab culvert, pipe culvert,
T-beam, box culvert bridge super structure,
Courbon’s theory for load distribution,
balanced cantilever bridges, design examples.
UNIT-3 : Design of Steel Bridges
Types of steel superstructure,
plate girder bridge, truss bridge,
wind forces of lattice girder bridge, bracings,
arch and bowstring girder bridge, design example.
UNIT-4 : Pier, Abutment and Wing Walls
Types of piers and abutments,
stability analysis of piers and abutments,
design of piers,
Forces on piers, stability, abutment,
bridge code provision for abutments,
wing walls, design examples.
UNIT-5 : Foundations and Bearings
Types of bridge foundations and general design criteria,
shallow foundations, deep foundations, piles, wells and pneumatic caissons,
river training works.
Bearings : functions and types of bearings, necessity of bearings, design of elastomeric bearings,
expansion joints, necessity and types of expansion joints,
design considerations
Syllabus of CE-802 (D) Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures (Departmental Elective)
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UNIT-1 : Engineering Seismology
Introduction to engineering seismology,
Geological and tectonic features of India,
Origin and propagation of seismic waves,
Earthquake measurement parameters,
Characteristics of earthquake and its quantification- Magnitude and Intensity scales,
Seismic instruments.
Seismic zoning map of India.
UNIT-2 : Response Spectrum
Response history and strong motion characteristics.
Response Spectrumelastic and inelastic response spectra, tripartite (D-V-A) response spectrum, use of response spectrum in earthquake resistant design .
Computation of seismic forces in multi-storeyed buildings - using procedures as per codal provisions.
UNIT-3 : Aseismic Structural Modelling
Structural configuration for earthquake resistant design,
Concept of plan irregularities and vertical irregularities, Soft storey, Torsion in buildings.
Design provisions for these in IS-1893.
Effect of infill masonry walls on frames, modeling concepts of infill masonry walls.
Behaviour of masonry buildings during earthquakes, failure patterns, strength of masonry in shear and flexure,
Slenderness concept of masonry walls,
UNIT-4 : Design of structure for earthquake resistance
Seismic design philosophy,Load combinations,
Ductility and energy absorption in buildings. confinement of concrete for ductility,
design of columns and beams for ductility,
ductile detailing provisions as per IS-1893.
Lateral load resisting structural systems.
UNIT-5 : Seismic control of structures
Introduction, concept and types of seismic control systems as active, passive and semi-active systems.
Requirements of efficient earthquake resistant structural system, damping devices, base isolation systems.
Retrofitting of structures.
Syllabus of CE-803 (A) Artificial Intelligence (Open Elective)
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UNIT-1 : Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Main components and characteristics of AI (Feature Engineering,ANN,Deep Learning),
Applications of AI, Advantages and disadvantages of AI, Goals of AI,
Comparision of Programming of a System with AI and without AI,
Challenges in AI, Programming languges preferably used in AI,
Techniques/Algorithms used in AI,
AI Software plaforms,Future of AI
UNIT-2 : Various types of production systems and search techniques
Types of production systems,Characteristics of production systems,
Study and comparison of breadth first search and depth first search.
Techniques, other Search Techniques like hill Climbing,
Best first Search.
A* algorithm, AO* algorithms etc, and various types of control strategies.
UNIT-3 : Knowledge Representation and Probabilistic Reasoning
Problems in representing knowledge, knowledge representation using propositional and predicate logic,
comparison of propositional and predicate logic,
Resolution, refutation, deduction, theorem proving, inferencing, monotonic and nonmonotonic reasoning.
Probabilistic reasoning,
Baye's theorem, semantic networks, scripts, schemas, frames,
conceptual dependency, fuzzy logic,
forward and backward reasoning.
UNIT-4 : Game playing techniques
Minimax procedure, alpha-beta cut-offs etc, planning,
Study of the block world problem in robotics,
Introduction to understanding and natural languages processing.
UNIT-5 : Introduction to learning ,ANN
Various techniques used in learning,
introduction to Artificial neural networks, common sense, reasoning,
Convolution Neural Network,
Feedforward Neural Network,
Recurrent Neural Network,
Multilayer perceptron, Architecture / Three Layers in Artificial Neural Networks,
Implementation of ANN, Applications of ANN in images,
signals and language.
some example of expert systems.
Syllabus of CE-803 (B) Data Analytics (Open Elective)
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UNIT-1 :
DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS : Probability Distributions, Inferential Statistics ,
Inferential Statistics through hypothesis tests Regression & ANOVA ,
Regression ANOVA(Analysis of Variance).
UNIT-2 :
INTRODUCTION TO BIG DATA : Big Data and its Importance,
Four V’s of Big Data, Drivers for Big Data,
Introduction to Big Data Analytics,
Big Data Analytics applications.
BIG DATA TECHNOLOGIES : Hadoop’s Parallel World,
Data discovery,
Open source technology for Big Data Analytics, cloud and Big Data,
Predictive Analytics, Mobile Business Intelligence and Big Data,
Crowd Sourcing Analytics, Inter- and Trans-Firewall Analytics,
Information Management.
UNIT-3 :
PROCESSING BIG DATA : Integrating disparate data stores,
Mapping data to the programming framework,
Connecting and extracting data from storage,
Transforming data for processing,
subdividing data in preparation for Hadoop Map Reduce
UNIT-4 :
HADOOP MAPREDUCE : Employing Hadoop Map Reduce,
Creating the components of Hadoop Map Reduce jobs,
Distributing data processing across server farms,
Executing Hadoop Map Reduce jobs, monitoring the progress of job flows,
The Building Blocks of Hadoop Map Reduce Distinguishing Hadoop daemons,
Investigating the Hadoop Distributed File System
Selecting appropriate execution modes: local, pseudo-distributed, fully distributed.
UNIT-5 :
BIG DATA TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES : Installing and Running Pig,
Comparison with Databases, Pig Latin,
User- Define Functions,
Data Processing Operators,
Installing and Running Hive, Hive QL, Querying Data,
User-Defined Functions, Oracle Big Data.
Syllabus of CE-803 (C) Retrofitting and Rehabilitation of Structures (Open Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
Introduction and Definition for Repair,
Retrofitting, Strengthening and rehabilitation.
Physical and Chemical Causes of deterioration of concrete structures,
Evaluation of structural damages to the concrete structural elements due to earthquake.
Durability of concrete : Factors affecting durability of concrete,
Corrosion of reinforcements in concrete,
Carbonation, Chloride ingress, Alkali-silica reaction,
Freeze-thaw effects, Chemical attack, Abrasion, erosion and cavitation,
Weathering and efflorescence
UNIT-2 : Damage Assessment
Purpose of assessment, Rapid assessment,
Investigation of damage,
Evaluation of surface and structural cracks,
Damage assessment procedure, destructive,
non-destructive and semi destructive testing systems
UNIT-3 : Influence on Serviceability and Durability
Effects due to climate, temperature, chemicals, wear and erosion,
Design and construction errors, corrosion mechanism,
Effects of cover thickness and cracking, methods of corrosion protection,
corrosion inhibitors, corrosion resistant steels,
coatings, and cathodic protection.
UNIT-4 : Maintenance and Retrofitting Techniques
Definitions: Maintenance, Facts of Maintenance and importance of Maintenance Need for retrofitting,
retrofitting of structural members i.e., column and beams by Jacketing technique,
Externally bonding(ERB) technique, near surface mounted (NSM) technique,
External posttensioning,
Section enlargement and guidelines for seismic rehabilitation of existing building
UNIT-5 : Materials for Repair and Retrofitting
Artificial fibre reinforced polymer like CFRP, GFRP, AFRP and natural fiber like Sisal and Jute. Adhesive like, Epoxy Resin,
Special concretes and mortars, concrete chemicals, special elements for accelerated strength gain,
Techniques for Repair : Rust eliminators and polymers coating for rebar during repair foamed concrete, mortar and dry pack, vacuum concrete,
Gunite and Shot Crete Epoxy injection,
Mortar repair for cracks, shoring and underpinning
Syllabus of CE-803 (D) Integrated Water Management (Open Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 : Paradigm Shift in Water Management
Global and national perspectives of water crisis,
water scarcity, water functions in the life support systems,
water availability and requirements for humans and nature,
concepts of ‘blue water’, ‘green water’ and ‘virtual water’ and their roles in water management,
human-landscape interventions, and salient water management issues and challenges.-
landscape interventions, and salient water management issues and challenges.
UNIT-2 : Sustainable Water Resources Management
Concept of sustainable development, sustainability principles for water management,
goals for guiding sustainable water resource management,
important preconditioning in water policy approaches,
framework for planning a sustainable water future.
UNIT-3 : Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Approach
IWRM Principles:Modern principles for water management and planning, definition, components, and critique of IWRM.
IWRM Implementation: Socio-scientific, economic, political and ecological factors affecting the implementation of IWRM principles
Salient examples of river basin management,
lessons from best practices in river-basin management.
UNIT-4 : Surface and Subsurface Water Systems
Impacts of development activities on the water cycle, precipitation, evapotranspiration, infiltration, runoff, streamflow, erosion and sedimentation,
types of aquifer systems and their hydraulic characteristics,
environmental impacts on groundwater systems,
estimation of groundwater recharge and discharge,
assessment of groundwater potential, surface watergroundwater interaction,
concept of sustainable groundwater development and management,
water balance, balance of water resources and needs,
minimum water table and minimum discharges.
UNIT-5 : Conventional and Non-conventional Techniques for Water Security
Rainwater harvesting, groundwater mining and artificial recharge,
conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater resources, long-distance water conveyance and transport,
conservation of ‘green water’, desalination,
treatment of poor-quality waters.