Syllabus of VIII SEM CSE (RGPV)
Syllabus of B. Tech. VIII Sem CSE (RGPV)
CS-802 (C) High Performance computing (Departmental Elective)
CS-802 (D) Object Oriented Software Engineering (Departmental Elective)
CS-803 (A) Image Processing and Computer Vision (Open Elective)
CS-803 (B) Game Theory with Engineering applications (Open Elective)
CS-803 (D) Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Open Elective)
Syllabus of CS-801 Internet of Things
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
IoT definition, Characteristics,
IoT conceptual and architectural framework,
Components of IoT ecosystems,
Physical and logical design of IoT,
IoT enablers, Modern day IoT applications,
M2M communications, IoT vs M2M, IoT vs WoT,
IoT reference architecture,
IoT Network configurations, IoT LAN, IoT WAN,
IoT Node, IoT Gateway, IoT Proxy,
Review of Basic Microcontrollers and interfacing.
UNIT-2 :
Define Sensor,
Basic components and challenges of a sensor node,
Sensor features, Sensor resolution;
Sensor classes : Analog, Digital, Scalar,
Vector Sensors; Sensor Types, bias, drift,
Hysteresis error, quantization error; Actuator;
Actuator types : Hydraulic, Pneumatic, electrical,
thermal/magnetic, mechanical actuators, soft actuators
UNIT-3 :
Basics of IoT Networking,
IoT Components, Functional components of IoT,
IoT service oriented architecture,
IoT challenges, 6LowPAN, IEEE 802.15.4, ZigBee and its types,
RFID Features,
RFID working principle and applications,
NFC (Near Field communication), Bluetooth,
Wireless Sensor Networks and its Applications
UNIT-4 :
MQTT, MQTT methods and components,
MQTT communication,
topics and applications,
SMQTT, CoAP, CoAP message types,
CoAP Request-Response model,
XMPP, AMQP features and components,
AMQP frame types
UNIT-5 :
IoT Platforms, Arduino, Raspberry Pi Board,
Other IoT Platforms; Data Analytics for IoT,
Cloud for IoT, Cloud storage models & communication APIs,
Attacks in IoT system, vulnerability analysis in IoT,
IoT case studies : Smart Home, Smart framing etc.
Syllabus of CS-802 (A) lock Chain Technologies
(Departmental Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
Introduction : Overview of Block chain,
Public Ledgers, Bit coin, Smart Contracts,
Block in a Block chain, Transactions,
Distributed Consensus,
Public vs Private Block chain,
Understanding Crypto currency to Block chain,
Permissioned Model of Block chain,
Overview of Security aspects of Block chain;
Basic Crypto Primitives : Cryptographic Hash Function,
Properties of a hash function,
Hash pointer and Merkle tree,
Digital Signature, Public Key Cryptography,
A basic crypto currency
UNIT-2 :
Understanding Block chain with Crypto currency : Bit coin and Block chain: Creation of coins,
Payments and double spending, Bit coin Scripts,
Bit coin P2P Network,
Transaction in Bit coin Network,
Block Mining, Block propagation and block relay.
Working with Consensus in Bit coin : Distributed consensus in open environments, Consensus in a Bitcoin network,
Proof of Work (PoW) – basic introduction,
Hash Cash PoW, Bit coin PoW,
Attacks on PoW and the monopoly problem,
Proof of Stake, Proof of Burn and Proof of Elapsed Time,
The life of a Bitcoin Miner,
Mining Difficulty, Mining Pool
UNIT-3 :
Understanding Block chain for Enterprises : Permissioned Block chain: Permissioned model and use cases,
Design issues for Permissioned block chains,
Execute contracts, State machine replication,
Overview of Consensus models for permissioned block chain- Distributed consensus in closed environment,
Paxos, RAFT Consensus, Byzantine general problem,
Byzantine fault tolerant system,
Lamport-Shostak-Pease BFT Algorithm,
BFT over Asynchronous systems.
UNIT-4 :
Enterprise application of Block chain : Cross border payments,
Know Your Customer (KYC), Food Security,
Mortgage over Block chain,
Block chain enabled Trade,
We Trade – Trade Finance Network,
Supply Chain Financing,
and Identity on Block chain
UNIT-5 :
Block chain application development : Hyperledger Fabric- Architecture,
Identities and Policies,
Membership and Access Control,
Channels, Transaction Validation,
Writing smart contract using Hyperledger Fabric,
Writing smart contract using Ethereum,
Overview of Ripple and Corda
Syllabus of CS-802 (B) Cloud Computing
(Departmental Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
Introduction to Service Oriented Architecture,
Web Services, Basic Web Services Architecture,
Introduction to SOAP, WSDL and UDDI;
REST ful services : Definition, Characteristics,
Components, Types; Software as a Service,
Plat form as a Service,
Organizational scenarios of clouds,
Administering & Monitoring cloud services,
benefits and limitations,
Study of a Hypervisor.
UNIT-2 :
Utility Computing, Elastic Computing,
Ajax : asynchronous ‘rich’ interfaces,
Mashups : User interface,
Services Virtualization Technology : Virtualization applications in enterprises, Pitfalls of virtualization Multitenant software : Multi-entity support, Multischema approach,
Multi-tenancy using cloud data stores.
UNIT-3 :
Data in the cloud : Relational databases,
Cloud file systems: GFS and HDFS,
Features and comparisons among GFS,
HDFS etc, Big Table, H Base and Dynamo.
Map-Reduce and extensions : Parallel computing,
The Map-Reduce model : Parallel efficiency of Map Reduce,
Relational operations, Enterprisebatchprocessing,
Example/Application of Map-Reduce.
UNIT-4 :
Cloud security fundamentals,
Vulnerability assessment tool for cloud,
Privacy and Security in cloud : Cloud computing security architecture,
General Issues, Trusted Cloud computing,
Security challenges : Virtualization security management-virtual threats,
VM Security Recommendations,
VM-Specific Security techniques,
Secure Execution Environments and Communications in cloud.
UNIT-5 :
Issues in cloud computing;
implementing real time application;
QOS Issues in Cloud, Dependability,
data migration, streaming in Cloud.
Cloud Middleware.
Mobile Cloud Computing.
Inter Cloud issues.
Agrid of clouds, Sky computing,
load balancing, Resource optimization,
Resource dynamic reconfiguration,
Monitoring in Cloud,
Installing cloud platforms and performance evaluation,
Features and functions of cloud computing platforms.
Syllabus of CS-802 (C) High Performance Computing
(Departmental Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
Introduction to modern processors : General Purpose cache based architecture performance metric and bench marks,
Moors Law, pipelining, super clarity, SIMD.
Memory Hierarchies, Multi core processors,
Multi threaded processors,
Vector processors- Design principle ,
Max performance estimates,
programming for vector architecture.
Basic Optimizations for serial codes: Scalar profiling, common sense optimizations,
Simple measures and their impacts,
role of compilers,
C++ optimizations.
UNIT-2 :
Data access optimizations : balance analysis and light speed estimates,
storage order, Algorithm classifications and assess optimizations,
case studies for data access optimizations.
Parrall Computers : Shared memory computers,
Distributed memory computers,
hybrid systems, Network computers.
UNIT-3 :
Basics of parallel computing : data and functional parallelism,
parallel scalability- laws, metrics, factors, efficiency and load imbalance.
Shared memory parallel programming with Open MP : Parallel execution, data scoping, work sharing using loops,
synchronization, Reductions,
loop scheduling and Tasking.
UNIT-4 :
Efficient Open MP Programming : Program profiling, Performance pitfalls,
improving the impact of open MP work sharing constructs,
determining overheads for short loops,
Serilisation and false sharing.
UNIT-5 :
Distributed Memory parallel programming with MPI : Message passing, Message and point to point communication,
collective communication,
non blocking point-to-point communication,
virtual topologies.
Efficient MPI Programming : MPI performance tools,
communication parameters,
impact of synchronizations sterilizations and contentions,
reductions in communication overhead.
Syllabus of CS-802 (D) Object Oriented Software Engineering
(Departmental Elective )
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
Review of Object Oriented Concepts and Principles : The Object Oriented Paradigm,
Basic Concepts,
Software Development Life Cycle and Model Architectures.
UNIT- 2 :
Introduction to RUP : Basic Concepts, Symptoms in Software Development and their Root Causes,
Best Practices of RUP,
RUP software life cycle, 4+1 view model,
Various Workflows
UNIT-3 :
Introduction to UML, Notations, Relationships,
Stereotypes, Study of UML based tools Like Rational Rose,
Poseidon, etc.
Object Oriented Analysis : Conventional v/s OO analysis approach,
Requirement analysis, Use case diagram,
Activity diagram, Analysis class Model.
UNIT-4 :
Object Oriented Design : Conventional v/s OO design approach,
Design of CRC cards,
Class diagram Behavioral Modeling: Interaction Diagram,
State chart Diagram,
Implementation Diagram : Component and deployment Diagram.
Illustrative Case Studies like ATM,
Payroll, Course and Registration System.
UNIT-5 :
Object Oriented Testing : Correctness and consistency of OOA & OOD models,
Testing Strategies and test cases for OO software process,
Project Management,
Rational Tool Mentors.
Introduction to Design Patterns.
Syllabus of CS-803 (A) Image Processing and Computer Vision (Open Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
Introduction to computer vision and Image processing (CVIP) : Basics of CVIP, History of CVIP, Evolution of CVIP,
CV Models, Image Filtering,Image Representations,
Image StatisticsRecognition Methodology : Conditioning, Labeling,
Grouping, Extracting, and Matching,
Morphological Image Processing : Introduction, Dilation, Erosion,
Opening, Closing, Hit-or-Miss transformation,
Morphological algorithm operations on binary images,
Morphological algorithm operations on gray-scale images,
Thinning, Thickening, Region growing,
region shrinking.
UNIT-2 :
Image Representation and Description : Representation schemes,
Boundary descriptors,
Region descriptors Binary Machine Vision : Thresholding, Segmentation, Connected component labeling,
Hierarchal segmentation, Spatialclustering,
Split& merge, Rule-based Segmentation,
Motion-based segmentation.
Area Extraction : Concepts, Data-structures, Edge,
Line-Linking, Hough transform,
Line fitting, Curve fitting (Least-square fitting).
UNIT-3 :
Region Analysis : Region properties, External points,
Spatial moments, Mixed spatial gray-level moments,
Boundary analysis : Signature properties, Shape numbers.
General Frame Works For Matching : Distance relational approach,
Ordered structural matching,
View class matching,
Models database organization
UNIT-4 :
Facet Model Recognition : Labeling lines, Understanding line drawings, Classification of shapes by labeling of edges,
Recognition of shapes, Consisting labeling problem,
Back-tracking AlgorithmPerspective Projective geometry,
Inverse perspective Projection,
Photogrammetric -from 2D to 3D,
Image matching : Intensity matching of ID signals,
Matching of 2D image, Hierarchical image matching.
Object Models And Matching : 2D representation, Global vs.
Local features
UNIT-5 :
Knowledge Based Vision : Knowledge representation,
Control-strategies, Information Integration.
Object recognition-Hough transforms and other simple object recognition methods, Shape correspondence and shape matching,
Principal component analysis ,
feature extraction,
Neural network and Machine learning for image shape recognition
Syllabus of CS-803 (B) Game Theory with Engineering applications (Open Elective)
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
Overview : What is a Game, Game Design Schema,
Game Design fundamentals, Engineering application of game theory,
Design Process : Iterative design, Commissions,
Design & Testing of the Board Game,
Introduction to meaningful play,
two kinds of meaningful play- discernable & integrated.
UNIT-2 :
Introducing design, design & meaning,
Semiotics : A brief overview,
four semiotic Concepts,
Context Shapes interpretations.
UNIT-3 :
Introduction to Systems, elements of a System,
Framing Systems, open & closed systems,
Introduction to Interactivity,
a multivalent model of interactivity,
interaction & choice, choice molecules,
anatomy of choice, space of possibility.
UNIT-4 :
Defining games : overview of digital games,
magic circle.
Primary Schemas : conceptual framework,
rule, play, culture.
UNIT-5 :
Rules : defining rules, a deck of cards,
quality of rules, rules in context,
Rules on three levels : Operational, Constituative,
Implicit, Identity of a Game,
Specificity of Rules, Rules of Digital games.
Case Studies : Tic Tac Toe, Deck of Cards.
Syllabus of CS-803 (C) Internet of Things (Open Elective )
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
IoT definition, Characteristics,
IoT conceptual and architectural framework,
Components of IoT ecosystems,
Physical and logical design of IoT,
IoT enablers, Modern day IoT applications,
M2M communications, IoT vs M2M, IoT vs WoT,
IoT reference architecture,
IoT Network configurations, IoT LAN, IoT WAN,
IoT Node, IoT Gateway, IoT Proxy,
Review of Basic Microcontrollers and interfacing.
UNIT-2 :
Define Sensor, Basic components and challenges of a sensor node,
Sensor features, Sensor resolution;
Sensor classes : Analog, Digital, Scalar,
Vector Sensors; Sensor Types, bias, drift,
Hysteresis error, quantization error; Actuator;
Actuator types : Hydraulic, Pneumatic,
electrical, thermal/magnetic,
mechanical actuators, soft actuators
UNIT-3 :
Basics of IoT Networking, IoT Components,
Functional components of IoT,
IoT service oriented architecture,
IoT challenges, 6LowPAN, IEEE 802.15.4,
ZigBee and its types, RFID Features,
RFID working principle and applications,
NFC (Near Field communication), Bluetooth,
Wireless Sensor Networks and its Applications
UNIT-4 :
MQTT, MQTT methods and components,
MQTT communication, topics and applications,
SMQTT, CoAP, CoAP message types,
CoAP Request-Response model,
XMPP, AMQP features and components,
AMQP frame types
UNIT-5 :
IoT Platforms, Arduino, Raspberry Pi Board,
Other IoT Platforms; Data Analytics for IoT,
Cloud for IoT, Cloud storage models & communication APIs,
Attacks in IoT system, vulnerability analysis in IoT,
IoT case studies : Smart Home, Smart framing etc.
Syllabus of CS-803 (D) Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Open Elective )
Source: (
UNIT-1 :
Innovation, the basic definition and classification : The relationship of innovation and entrepreneurship,
creation of competitive advantage based on innovation.
Innovative models, Product, process,
organizational and marketing innovation and their role in business development.
UNIT-2 :
Sources of innovation (push, pull, analogies),
transfer of technology.
Creative methods and approaches used in innovation management.
Approaches to management of the innovation process (agile management,
Six Thinking Hats, NUF test).
UNIT-3 :
Project approach to innovation management,
method Stage Gate, its essence,
adaptation of access to selected business models.
In-house business development of the innovation process in the company.
Open Innovation as a modern concept,
the limits of this method and its benefits for business development.
UNIT-4 :
Innovations aimed at humans,
role of co-creation in the innovation process.
The strategy of innovation process,
types and selection of appropriate strategies.
UNIT-5 :
Measurement and evaluation of the benefits of innovation for business (financial and nonfinancial metrics, their combination and choice).
Barriers to innovation in business,
innovation failure and its causes,
post-audits of innovative projects.
Organization and facilitation of an innovation workshop.