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Important RGPV Question, BT-204, Basic Civil Engineering & Mechanics, 1st Year

Updated: Jan 29, 2024

Important RGPV Question

BT-204, Basic Civil Engineering and Mechanics

1st Year

UNIT-1 Building Materials & Construction

UNIT-2 Surveying & Positioning

UNIT-3 Mapping & Sensing

UNIT-4 Forces & Equilibrium

UNIT-5 Centre of Gravity & Moment of Inertia


Building Material & Construction

Q. 1) What do you understand by building material ? Give examples.


Briefly define building materials used in construction work. (RGPV Dec 2015, RGPV Nov 2019)


Q. 2) Describe briefly the characteristics of good bricks.


What are the good qualities of first class bricks ?


Define and explain various engineering properties of good bricks. (RGPV Jun 2015, RGPV Dec 2017, RGPV Jun 2007)


Q. 3) What are the various field tests applied on bricks to judge the quality of bricks ?


Describe briefly the tests to which bricks may be put before using them for engineering purpose.


How will you judge a good brick.


What are the various field tests carried out for bricks. (RGPV Dec 2012,2013,2014, RGPV Jun 2014)


Q. 4) Define elements of building construction.


Write short not on elements of building construction. (RGPV Jun 2016, RGPV May 2017, RGPV Jun 2020 CBGS)


Q. 5) What do you understand by energy efficiency in building ? (RGPV Jun 2008, RGPV Dec 2008, RGPV Jun 2009)


Q. 6) Write about physical and chemical properties of concrete.  (RGPV Dec 2022)


Q. 7) Explain about the different types of stair case used in building construction with a neat sketch. (RGPV Dec 2022)


Q. 8) Define workability of the concrete and discuss the factor that affect the workability of the concrete.


Define the term workability. Discuss various factors which affect workability of concrete.


What do you mean by workability of the concrete ? Explain about the various factors affecting it.                (RGPV June 2022, RGPV Jun 2013, RGPV Jun 2014, RGPV Nov 2019)


Q. 9) Explain about the different types of footing and types of brick bond used in construction. (RGPV June 2022)


Q. 10) Explain various types of foundation. (RGPV Jun 2006, RGPV Feb 2010, RGPV Dec 2016)


Q. 11) What is the composition of cement ? Briefly define. (RGPV May 2018)


Q. 12) Explain the different types of cement. (RGPV Dec 2016, RGPV Dec 2008, RGPV Dec 2005)


Q. 13) What are various properties of Cement ? Explain in with salient points. (RGPV Jun 2020 CBGS


Q. 14) Briefly define nominal proportion of concrete.


Write short note on – Nominal concrete. (RGPV Nov 2019, RGPV May 2018, RGPV Dec 2010)


Q. 15) Mention and describe the various steps involved in production of concrete. (RGPV Dec 2011, RGPV Jun 2007)


Q. 16) What is the mean of curing ? Also state the principle behind the curing.


Define curing.


What do you mean by curing of concrete ? What are the various methods of curing ? (RGPV Jun 2016, RGPV Dec 2015, RGPV Dec 2016, RGPV Feb 2010, RGPV Jun 2008, RGPV Dec 2006, RGPV Jun 2022, RGPV Dec 2022)


Q. 17) Define cement concrete and mention its property. (RGPV Jun 2015)


Q. 18) How the quality of cement can be accessed ? Explain in brief regarding the laboratory and filed tests performed on the cement.


List out various field tests and laboratory tests of cement. Explain discuss any two tests in detail.


What are various tests of cement ? Explain any two in details. (RGPV May 2018, RGPV Nov 2018, RGPV Dec 2017, RGPV Jun 2012)


Q. 19) What is white cement ? How is it manufactured ? (RGPV Dec 2014)


Q. 20) Define : Plastering and Pointing 


Write short note on – (i) Plastering   (ii) Pointing


Discuss plastering and pointing in civil engineering construction works.


Briefly define plastering and pointing. (RGPV Jun 2020 CBGS, RGPV Jun 2016, RGPV Dec 2016, RGPV Nov 2018, RGPV Nov 2019)


Q. 21) Narrate about the classification of stone used in construction industry. (RGPV Dec 2022)


Q. 22) Discuss about the any two-laboratory test conducted on the concrete. (RGPV June 2022)


Q. 23) How workability of concrete can be increased ?


What do you understand by the term workability ? Explain


Write short note on- Workability of concrete. (RGPV Jun 2020, RGPV Nov 2018, RGPV Dec 2014, RGPV June 2016, RGPV Jun 2022)


Q. 24) What are various types of Doors and Windows ? Explain with neat sketches. (RGPV Jun 2020)


Q. 25) Briefly define types of staircase. (RGPV Nov 2019)


Q. 26) Write short notes on the following : (Any two)

a)            Raft or mat foundation

b)            Marble flooring

c)            Purpose of dams

d)             Linoleum flooring (RGPV June 2022 CBGS)


Q. 27) Write short notes on Shallow and deep  (RGPV Dec 2022, RGPV June 2022, RGPV Jun 2020, RGPV Nov 2018)


Q. 28) Write short notes on Roofs (RGPV Dec 2022, RGPV June 2022)


Q. 29) What do you understand by brick bonds ? What are the different types of bonds used in brick masonry ? (RGPV Feb 2007, RGPV Dec 2007, RGPV Dec 2008, RGPV Jun 2014)

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Surveying & Positioning

Q. 1) What do you understand by the term levelling ? Also give name of various instruments used in levelling. (RGPV Nov 2018)


Q. 2) Explain the individual component of the Theodolite with a sketch.


What do you mean by the term theodolite ?


What are the main function of a theodolite (RGPV Dec 2022, RGPV Jun 2015, RGPV Nov 2018)


Q. 3) Explain different types of theodolite.


What do you mean by transit and non-transit theodolite. (RGPV Dec 2016, RGPV Jun 2014)


Q. 4) What are the various steps on temporary adjustment of theodolite. (RGPV Jun 2016)


Q. 5) What do you understand by plane table surveying. (RGPV Jun 2016)


Q. 6) What are the advantages and disadvantages of plane table surveying. (RGPV Dec 2014)


Q. 7) State various methods of plane table surveying. Explain any one method in detail.


What are the various methods of plane table survey ? Explain intersection method with the help of neat sketch.


What are the various methods of plane table surveying ? Explain any two in detail. (RGPV Dec 2012, RGPV Dec 2013, RGPV Feb 2010, RGPV Jun 2013, RGPV Jun 2008)


Q. 8) Explain about the description of the Dumpy level with a neat sketch. (RGPV June 2022)


Q. 9) Explain in brief with about the Remote sensing and its application in construction. (RGPV Dec 2022)


Q. 10) Explain in brief with about the different type of levelling operation ( Profile, Cross-sectional, Differential and Fly levelling) used in survey of the field. (RGPV June 2022)


Q. 11) The following are the consecutive reading were taken with a level and a 4-meter levelling staff on continuously sloping ground at a common interval of 30m.

0.855(A), 1.545, 2.335, 3.115, 3.825,0.455, 1.380, 2.055, 2.855, 3.455, 0.585, 1.015, 1.850, 2.755, and 3.84 (B). The R.L. of the first reading at A was 380.500. Make entries in level book and apply the usual check. Determine the gradient of AB. The instrument is shifted after 5th and 10th reading. (RGPV June 2022)


Q. 12) List out various instruments used in surveying.


List out of various surveying instruments. Also show their application. (RGPV Jun 2020 CBGS, RGPV Dec 2015)


Q. 13) Illustrate the difference between the Height of Collimation and Rise and Fall Method. (RGPV Dec 2022)


Q. 14) The following are the consecutive reading were taken with a levelling instrument at intervals of 20m.

2.375, 1.730, 0.615, 3.450, 2.835, 2.070, 1.835, 0.985, 0.435, 1.630, 2.255 and 3.630 m. The instrument was shifted after the fourth and eight reading. The last reading was taken on a BM of RL 11.200 m. Find the RLs of all the point using Rise and Fall method and satisfy the answer with arithmetic Check. (RGPV Dec 2022)


Q. 15) The following readings were taken by a 4m staff :

0.875, 1.225, 1.285, 1.425, 1.165, 0.785, 0.925, 1.225, 2.825, 0.895, 1.255, 1.685 and 0.915 The instrument was shifted after 5th and 9th reading. Enter the data in level book and calculate R.L. of all the points its first reading was taken on B.M. 100.00 apply check. (RGPV Jun 2020 CBGS)


Q. 16) What do you understand by reciprocal leveling ? Explain.


Define reciprocal levelling.


Write short note on Reciprocal levelling.                 (RGPV Jun 2020, RGPV Nov 2018, RGPV Dec 2015, RGPV Nov 2019, RGPV May 2018)


Q. 17) What do you understand by Surveying. Also explain EDM.


Define surveying. States uses of surveying. (RGPV Jun 2020, RGPV Jun 2008, RGPV Jun 2016, RGPV Nov 2019)


Q. 18) What is survey station ? Where this term use ?


Define survey station.


Explain survey station of its importance.


Write short on Survey station.


What are Survey stations and how to select a Survey station. (RGPV Nov 2018, RGPV Jun 2016, RGPV Dec 2016, RGPV Jun 2015, RGPV June 2020, RGPV June 2022)


Q. 19) Explain about the term  Plane table and its used instruments (RGPV Dec 2022)


Q. 20) What are various types of error in chaining ? Explain in brief. (RGPV Dec 2010, RGPV May 2018)


Q. 21) What is local attraction ? How it is detected at a station ?


Write short note on local attraction.


What is local attraction ? How it is detect at any station. (RGPV Dec 2017, RGPV Nov. 2018)


Q. 22) Write short note on Planimeter. (RGPV May 2018, RGPV Nov 2018)


Q. 23) Explain the principle of electronic distance measurement.               (RGPV Jun 2015)


Mapping & Sensing

Q. 1) What do you understand by the use of remote sensing and how it is work in the field of civil engineering ? Explain clearly. (RGPV Jun 2020)


Q. 2) Discuss us about the contour line, Contour Interval, Horizontal Interval and Use of Contour Map. (RGPV Dec 2022)


Q. 3) Briefly discuss the properties of contour.


Enumerate various properties of contour. (RGPV Dec 2015, RGPV Jun 2016)


Q. 4) Explain step by step procedure, how the capacity of reservoir can be determined using contour maps.


Explain how contour maps can be used to draw cross-sectioning and find out capacity of reservoir. (RGPV Jun 2012, RGPV Jun 2014)


Q. 5) Explain the graphical method of interpolation of contour with example. (RGPV Dec 2014)


Q. 6) An embankment of a width 10m and side slope of 1.5 : 1 is required to be made on a ground which is level in direction transverse to the centerline. The centre line heights at 40m intervals area as follows :

0.90, 1.25, 2.15, 1.85, 1.35, and 0.85

Calculate the volume of earth work according to trapezoidal and prismoidal method. (RGPV June 2022)


Q. 7) The following offset were taken from a line to an irregular boundary line at an interval of 10m.

0, 2.50, 3.50, 5.00, 4.60, 3.20, 0 m

Compute the area between the chain line, the irregular boundary line and the end offsets by

i)             Mid-Ordinate Rule

ii)            Average-Ordinate Rule

iii)           The Trapezoidal Rule

iv)           Simpson’s Rule (RGPV June 2022)


Q. 8) What do you understand by the term ‘Contour”? Also explain properties of contour lines.


What do you mean by contour ? Describe about the characteristics of the contours.


What do you understand by the term contour ? Also explain properties of contour lines. (RGPV Jun 2020, RGPV Nov 2019, RGPV Nov 2018, RGPV Dec 2017, RGPV Dec 2012, RGPV Dec 2011)


Q. 9) Write short note on contour interval. (RGPV Dec 2016)


Q. 10) Explain the factors on which contour interval depends. (RGPV Jun 2014)


Q. 11) Explain about the term Profile Cross-sectioning. (RGPV Dec 2022)


Q. 12) Discuss various methods used for calculation of area.


Explain in brief the various methods of measurement of area by offsets find the base line. (RGPV Dec 2010, RGPV June 2015)


Q. 13) Explain methods for measuring the area and volume.


List out with details of various methods to calculate area and volume in surveying. (RGPV Dec 2012, RGPV Dec 2015)


Q. 14) With reference to civil engineering practice explain what is meant by the prismoidal rule. (RGPV Jun 2015)


Q. 15) With reference to civil engineering practice explain what is mean by the following –

(i) Trapezoidal and prismoidal rules

(ii) Prismoidal corrections. (RGPV Dec 2013)


Q. 16) State various applications of remote sensing.


What is remote sensing ? Give its applications to civil engineering.


What do you understand by the use of remote sensing and how it work in the field of civil engineering ? Explain clearly.


Write explanatory note on applications of remote sensing. (RGPV May 2019, RGPV Dec 2016, RGPV Jun 2016, RGPV Dec 2015)


Forces & Equilibrium

Q. 1) Define coplanar and concurrent forces. Also explain concurrent forces with suitable practical examples.


Write short note on – Coplanar and concurrent forces


What do you understand by coplanar and concurrent forces ? (RGPV Dec 2020, RGPV Nov 2018, RGPV Nov 2019, RGPV Jun 2009 RGPV Dec 2015, RGPV May 2019, RGPV Jun 2020, RGPV Jun 2016)


Q. 2) Define various types of forces with the help of sketches.


What are the various types of forces. (RGPV Dec 2012, RGPV Dec 2014)


Q. 3) State and explain the law of polygon of forces. (RGPV Jun 2019)


Q. 4) Explain the coulomb’s law of friction.


State and explain Coulomb’s laws of dry friction.                (RGPV Jun 2014, RGPV Jun 2006, RGPV Jun 2008)


Q. 5) Find out the mass moment of inertial of a right circular cone of base radius R and mass M about the axis of the cone.

                (RGPV Jun 2020 CBGS)


Q. 6) What is couple ? Differentiate between moment and couple.


Write short note on – Couple. (RGPV Jun 2013, RGPV Dec 2016)


Q. 7) Write short notes on – Load and couple. (RGPV May 2019)


Q. 8) State and prove Lami’s theorem ?


Write short note on Lami’s theorem. (RGPV Jun 2020 CBGS, RGPV Dec 2017, RGPV Jun 2016, RGPV Dec 2015)


Q. 9) State and prove Varignon’s theorem ?


State and explain theorem of Varignon.


Explain Varignon’s theorem. (RGPV Jun 2020 CBGS, RGPV Jun 2014, RGPV Jun 2013, RGPV Jun 2011)


Q. 10) Define concept of free body diagram. Also show its applications.


Define free body diagram.


Explain the term free body diagram. (RGPV Jun 2020, RGPV Dec 2020, RGPV May 2019, RGPV Nov 2019, RGPV Jun 2016)


Q. 11) Explain the following term : Bow’s notations 


Define Bow’s notation.


Write short note on Bow’s notations. (RGPV Jun 2020, RGPV Dec 2020, RGPV May 2019, RGPV Nov 2019)



Q. 12) What are different statically equilibrium conditions ? Explain.


Explain the condition of equilibrium. (RGPV Jun 2011, RGPV Dec 2019, RGPV Jun 2013, RGPV Jun 2007)


Q. 13) State and derive the Lami’s theorem and solve the problem given below using the theorem.


(RGPV Dec 2022)


Q. 14) A block of mass M = 10 kg is sitting on a surface inclined at angle θ = 450 . Given that the coefficient of static friction is μs = 0.5 between block and surface, what is the minimum force F necessary to prevent slipping ? What is the maximum force F that can be exerted without causing the block to slip ?


(RGPV Dec 2022)


Q. 15) Find the least value of P required to cause the system of blocks shown in fig. P-511 to have impending motion to the left. The coefficient of fiction under each block is 0.20.


(RGPV June 2022)


Q. 16) What do you understand by Truss. Also explain any one method in details to analyse a plane truss.


Write short note on trusses. (RGPV Jun 2020, RGPV Nov 2019, RGPV Nov 2018)


Q. 17) Explain the method of joints. (RGPV Dec 2016)


Q. 18) Calculate the force in the member show in fig. using the method of joints.


  (RGPV June 2022)


Q. 19) Determine the force in members BC,CF and EF shown in fig. using the method of joints.


(RGPV June 2022)


Q. 20) Write about the difference between Method of Joint and Method of Section. (RGPV Dec 2022)


Q. 21) What are various methods to analyze a truss. Discuss limitation of each method.


What are different methods to analysis a plane truss ? Also explain their limitations. (RGPV May 2010, RGPV Dec 2015)


Q. 22) What are the assumptions made while analyzing a frame ?


State the assumptions made in analysis of perfect plane trusses. (RGPV Dec 2016, RGPV Feb 2010)


Centre of Gravity & Moment of Inertia

Q. 1) Draw SFD and BMD for a simply supported beam of span 6m, subjected to a UDL of 5kN/m over its entire length. (RGPV Jun 2020 CBGS)


Q. 2) Differentiate the difference between Moment of inertia and Product of inertia. (RGPV Dec 2022)


Q. 3) Calculate the Moment of Inertia about the X-axis.


 (RGPV Dec 2022)


Q. 4) Draw shear force and bending moment diagram for a cantilever beam loaded as shown in figure 1.0 below.


(RGPV Jun 2020 CBGS)


Q. 5) Enumerate the expression for a moment of Inertia of Triangular lamina bout its base. (RGPV Jun 2020 CBGS, RGPV Jun 2016)


Q. 6) Define various types of beams and loadings with the help of neat sketches.


Show with the help of neat sketches the various types of beam and loading. (RGPV Dec 2012, RGPV Jun 2012)


Q. 7) What types of loads are known to you ? Explain.


What are the different types of load acting on a beam. (RGPV Jun 2008, RGPV Sept 2009)


Q. 8) Draw the Shear force and Bending moment diagram for the simple supported beam carries a Uniform distributed load of intensity ‘W’ kN/m throughout a span of length ‘L’ m. (RGPV Dec 2022, RGPV June 2022)


Q. 9) Explain about the Moment of inertia.


Explain principal of moment of inertia. (RGPV June 2022, RGPV Dec 2017)


Q. 10) Explain about the term Centroid and Centre of Gravity


What do you understand by centre of gravity ? (RGPV Dec 2022, RGPV Dec 2015)


Q. 11) Distinguish between centre of gravity and centroid. (RGPV Jun 2015)


Q. 12) Write short notes on Radius of Gyration


Define radius of gyration and its uses.


Explain radius of gyration of any section. (RGPV June 2022, RGPV Nov 2019, RGPV Dec 2016,  RGPV Jun 2020, RGPV Nov 2018, RGPV Jun 2016)


Q. 13) Define C.G. and M.I. (RGPV Nov 2019)


Q. 14) Define and explain parallel axis theorem.


State and prove the theorem of parallel axis.


Define and deduce and expression for parallel axis theorem. (RGPV Nov 2018, RGPV Dec 2015, RGPV Jun 2013)


Q. 15) What do you mean by polar moment of inertia ? (RGPV Jun 2014)


Q. 16) Deduce an expression for moment of inertia of rectangular plane lamina about its centroidal axes which is parallel to base. (RGPV May 2019, RGPV Dec 2006)


Q. 17) Determine moment of inertia of the circle about its diametral axis using first principle.


Find out the moment of inertia of a circular lamina about it diametral axis using first principle. (RGPV Jun 2012, RGPV Dec 2011)


Q. 18) What is shear force and bending moment.


Write short note on Shear force and bending moment.


Define shear force and bending moment. Give the sign conventions for S.F. and B.M. (RGPV Jun 2014, RGPV Jun 2016, RGPV Dec 2014, RGPV May 2019)


Q. 19) What is point of contraflexure ? State and explain.


What do you mean by point of contraflexure.


What is the point of contraflexure ? (RGPV Jun 2008, RGPV Jun 2009, RGPV Jun 2010, RGPV Sep 2009)

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