Important RGPV Question
BT-205, Basic Computer Engineering
1st Year
UNIT-1 Computer & Operating System
UNIT-2 Introduction to Algorithms & C++
UNIT-3 Object & Classes, Introduction to Data Structure
UNIT-4 Computer Networking & Computer Security Basics
UNIT-5 Data base Management System & Cloud computing
Computer & Operating System
Q. 1) Discuss the classification computer with examples.
Discuss the classification of computer. (RGPV Dec 2022, RGPV Jun 2013, RGPV May 2019, RGPV Jun 2011, RGPV Dec 2012)
Q. 2) Discuss the generation of computers (RGPV Jun 2011)
Q. 3) Draw a model of basic Computer system and explain function of each part.
Draw the block diagram of a computer. Explain each component.
Explain the organization of computer with the help of diagram. Also write down the function of each part.
What are the basic components of computer ? Explain.
Draw a model of basic computer system and explain function of each. (RGPV Jun 2020 CBGS, RGPV Jun 2020, RGPV Dec 2011,2017, RGPV Jun 2016,17, RGPV May 2018, RGPV Nov 2018,2019)
Q. 4) Explain how CPU communicates with input/output devices. (RGPV Jun 2012)
Q. 5) Explain about different types of buses and bus architecture.
Explain bus architecture briefly.
Explain different types of buses architecture. (RGPV Dec 2013, RGPV Dec 2011, RGPV Jun 2013)
Q. 6) Define Operating System. Briefly explain the function.
Briefly explain the functions of operating system. (RGPV Dec 2022, RGPV Jun 2020)
Q. 7) What do you understand by the instruction set ? What is the steps taken by the CPU to execute the instructions ?
What is an instruction set ? Write down various steps taken by CPU to execute any instruction. (RGPV Dec 2015, RGPV Dec 2017, RGPV Jun 2016)
Q. 8) Explain the applications of computer in the field of Meteorology and Climatology, Multimedia and Animation. (RGPV Jun 2022)
Q. 9) Discus the uses of computer in the field of Bio-informatics, computer gaming, multimedia and animation. (RGPV Dec 2017)
Q. 10) Briefly explain the functions of operating system.
Explain the major functions performed by an operating system.
What are the function of operating system ? (RGPV Jun 2022, RGPV Dec 2016, RGPV May 2018)
Q. 11) What is operating system ? Explain the functions of operating system as resource manager.
What is operating system ? What are the different function of operating system ?
Define operating system. Write down its functions. (RGPV Jun 2011, RGPV Dec 2010, RGPV Jun 2013, RGPV Dec 2015, RGPV May 2019)
Q. 12) What is the purpose of memory in a computer ? What are volatile and non volatile memories ? Explain.
What is the purpose of main memory ? Define the non-volatile memory.
Write the difference between a volatile memory and non volatile memory. (RGPV Jun 2011, RGPV Jun 2015, RGPV Dec 2011, RGPV Dec 2015)
Q. 13) Explain different computer memories in RAM, ROM, CACHE, REGISTER and HARD DISK in detail. (RGPV Jun 2022)
Q. 14) Distinguish between input unit and output unit. (RGPV Jun 2013)
Q. 15) What is a register ? How are registers used in the arithmetic logic and supervisory-control units of a CPU ?
Define register. Write and explain the purpose of different types of registers. (RGPV Dec 2013, RGPV Dec 2014, RGPV Nov 2018, RGPV Jun 2020, RGPV Jun 2013)
Q. 16) Discuss the applications of computer in the field of computer Gaming, Multimedia and Animation. (RGPV Jun 2020, RGPV Jun 2017)
Q. 17) Describe the structure of UNIX operating system n detail. (RGPV Jun 2015)
Q. 18) Explain how operating system performs file management functions.
Discuss how file management functions is performed by and OS. (RGPV Dec 2010, RGPV Dec 2012)
Q. 19) Explain the applications of computer in the field of health care and remote sensing. (RGPV Nov 2019, RGPV Jun 2020)
Q. 20) What are input devices ? Briefly explain some popular input devices. (RGPV Dec 2016, RGPV May 2018)
Q. 21) Describe the role of computer in remote sensing and GIS field.
Distinguish between remote sensing and GIS.
Write a brief note on remote sensing and GIS. (RGPV Dec 2013, RGPV Dec 2012, RGPV Dec 2014, RGPV Jun 2014)
Q. 22) Write the names of different operating systems and differentiate them. (RGPV Jun 2020 CBGS)
Q. 23) Explain any five applications of Computer. (RGPV Jun 2020 CBGS, RGPV Nov 2018)
Q. 24) Explain System software and application software.
Differentiate between System software and application software. (RGPV Jun 2020 CBGS, RGPV Jun 2011, RGPV Dec 2014, 2011, 2016, RGPV May 2018, 2019)
Q. 25) Differentiate between RAM and ROM (RGPV Jun 2020 CBGS, RGPV Dec 2016, RGPV May 2018)
Q. 26) Distinguish between CPU and ALU (RGPV Jun 2013)
Q. 27) Explain the term process.
What do you mean by process in operating system ? (RGPV Jun 2013, RGPV May 2018)
Q. 28) What is memory management ? Explain briefly. (RGPV Dec 2016)
Q. 29) Write short note on MS office. (RGPV May 2018)
Q. 30) What is MS word ? (RGPV Jun 2016)
Q. 31) What is MS Excel. (RGPV Dec 2015)
Q. 32) Differentiate between MS-Word and MS-Excel. (RGPV Nov 2018, RGPV May 2019)
Introduction to Algorithms & C++
Q. 1) Define algorithm. (RGPV May 2018)
Q. 2) Write an algorithm to find largest number from array of n numbers. (RGPV Jun 2016, RGPV Jun 2016 CBGS)
Q. 3) What do you mean by complexity of an algorithm ? Explain time and space complexities. (RGPV Nov 2018)
Q. 4) What is flowchart ? Explain different symbols used in flowchart.
Define flowchart. (RGPV Dec 2015, RGPV May 2018)
Q. 5) Write an algorithm that input 5 digit number and checks whether the given number is palindrome or not. (RGPV Dec 2014)
Q. 6) Draw flowchart to display the greatest number from a given set of natural numbers. (RGPV Dec 2013)
Q. 7) Why Algorithm writing and drawing flow chart is necessary before writing a computer program. (RGPV Dec 2022)
Q. 8) Explain procedure oriented programming with example. (RGPV Jun 2010)
Q. 9) Explain classification of programming languages with special emphasis of high level programming languages. (RGPV Jun 2014)
Q. 10) What is a Programming language ? Differentiate Assembly level language and high level language. (RGPV Dec 2022, RGPV Jun 2016, RGPV May 2019)
Q. 11) Explain the concepts of OOP.
Describe the basic concept of object-oriented programming. (RGPV Jun 2022, RGPV Dec 2011, RGPV Nov 2018)
Q. 12) Explain all the features of object oriented programming in detail.
Write down the characteristics of object oriented programming.
What are the salient features of object oriented programming ? Explain. (RGPV Nov 2018, RGPV May 2019, RGPV May 2018, RGPV Dec 2015, RGPV Dec 2014, RGPV Dec 2013)
Q. 13) Discuss the merits and demerits of OOPs.
Discuss the feature and merits of OOPs. (RGPV Dec 2014, RGPV Dec 2012, RGPV Jun 2011)
Q. 14) Differentiate between procedure-oriented vs object oriented programming.
Write down various differences between procedure oriented programming and object oriented programming. (RGPV Jun 2017, RGPV Jun 2016, RGPV Dec 2017)
Q. 15) What is C++ character set ? What are tokens ? (RGPV Jun 2020 CBGS, RGPV May 2019)
Q. 16) Explain various data types in C++.
Explain the term data types.
Define data type. (RGPV Jun 2014, RGPV Nov 2018, RGPV May 2018)
Q. 17) Define variable & expression. (RGPV May 2018)
Q. 18) Define the following : (a) Token (b) Expression (RGPV Jun 2020 CBGS, RGPV May 2018, RGPV Jun 2016)
Q. 19) Write a C++ program to insert and delete an element from stack. (RGPV Dec 2022)
Q. 20) Discuss the structure of a C++ program with a suitable diagram. (RGPV Jun 2020 CBGS)
Q. 21) Explain the various kinds of looping statements in C++ with examples.
Explain the various kinds of looping statements in C++ ? (RGPV Jun 2022, RGPV Jun 2020)
Q. 22) Write a program in C++ to convert the given binary number into the decimal number. (RGPV Jun 2022, RGPV Jun 2020, RGPV Jun 2015)
Q. 23) Explain the different control statements in C++.
What control structures are used in C++.
What are control structures in C++ ? Explain any two control structure with example.
Explain various structures in C++ with examples. (RGPV Jun 2016, RGPV May 2019, RGPV Dec 2017, RGPV Nov 2019, RGPV Dec 2016, RGPV Jun 2015)
Q. 24) What is an Array ? Explain different types of Arrays with syntax and suitable example program.
Explain the significance of array ? What are different types of array ? (RGPV Dec 2022, RGPV Jun 2020, RGPV Nov 2018, RGPV Dec 2015)
Q. 25) Define an array. What are its properties ? Write a program in C++ to arrange numbers in an array in ascending order. (RGPV Dec 2017, RGPV Nov 2019)
Q. 26) Write a C++ program to find the smallest number in given array of 100 integers. (RGPV Jun 2017)
Q. 27) Define program and function. (RGPV Dec 2013, RGPV Dec 2014)
Q. 28) Explain the concept of function prototyping. (RGPV Jun 2014)
Q. 29) How is structure different from an array ? (RGPV Jun 2015)
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Object & Classes, Introduction to Data Structure
Q. 1) Compare object and class.
Define object and class.
What are the difference between a class and an object ? (RGPV Jun 2013,RGPV May 2018, RGPV Dec 2014, RGPV Jun 2015)
Q. 2) What is class and object in C++ ? Explain with example. (RGPV Dec 2015, RGPV Jun 2016)
Q. 3) What is a class ? Explain the structure of a class with the help of an example. Differentiate between a class and structure. (RGPV Dec 2010)
Q. 4) How function overloading and operator overloading is done ? Explain them with a simple program. (RGPV Dec 2022)
Q. 5) What is a Constructor and Destructor ? Explain them with a simple program. (RGPV Jun 2022, RGPV Jun 2016, RGPV Dec 2013)
Q. 6) Explain the different types of constructors in C++. (RGPV Dec 2012, RGPV Jun 2013, RGPV Dec 2013)
Q. 7) Explain the concept of constructors and destructors with the help of program. (RGPV Dec 2017)
Q. 8) Define Inheritance. Explain different types inheritance with suitable program. (RGPV Jun 2022)
Q. 9) What is friend function ? Explain it with a suitable example program. (RGPV Jun 2022, RGPV Jun 2016, RGPV Dec 2013, RGPV Nov 2018, RGPV May 2018)
Q. 10) What is inheritance ? Explain various types of inheritance.
What is inheritance ? Explain its types.
Define inheritance. Explain its types with example.
What do you mean by inheritance ? Explain different types of inheritance. (RGPV Nov 2019, RGPV Nov 2018,RGPV Jun 2020, RGPV Jun 2016, RGPV Dec 2013, RGPV May 2019)
Q. 11) What is the significance of friend function ? How is friend function different from member function. (RGPV Jun 2020)
Q. 12) What are friend functions ? Explain their characteristics. (RGPV Dec 2016)
Q. 13) What is a derived class ? Explain with example. (RGPV Dec 2014)
Q. 14) Write short note on polymorphism. (RGPV May 2018)
Q. 15) Explain and illustrate function overloading.
Explain the term function overloading with example.
Explain function overloading with the help of a program.
What is function overloading ? What are the scope rules for governing the functions overloading. (RGPV Jun 2013, RGPV Jun 2014, RGPV Jun 2015, RGPV Dec 2014)
Q. 16) Define virtual function.
Write short note on virtual function. (RGPV Dec 2017, RGPV May 2019, RGPV Nov 2019)
Q. 17) Define data structure.
Write brief note on data structures. Differentiate between linear and non linear data structure. (RGPV Jun 2016, RGPV Dec 2014)
Q. 18) Define stack and describe different operations that can be performed on the stack. (RGPV Jun 2015)
Computer Networking & Computer Security Basics
Q. 1) Define computer networking. (RGPV Dec 2015)
Q. 2) Write a brief notes on different types of networking devices. (RGPV Jun 2020)
Q. 3) What computer networking ? Write its advantages. (RGPV Dec 2015 CBGS)
Q. 4) What are the goals and applications of computer network ? Explain. (RGPV Dec 2015, RGPV Dec 2014, RGPV Dec 2013)
Q. 5) Explain LAN, MAN and WAN. (RGPV Jun 2011)
Q. 6) Explain the ISO-OSI model of computer network.
Explain OSI model.
Draw ISO-OSI model of computer networking ? Explain function of each layer.
Explain the ISO-OSI model of computer network. (RGPV Jun 2020 CBGS, RGPV Jun 2022, RGPV Jun 2020, RGPV Dec 2014, RGPV Dec 2016)
Q. 7) Why data communication through circuit switching is not efficient. (RGPV Jun 2015)
Q. 8) What is the function of network interface card ? (RGPV Jun 2012)
Q. 9) What is the function of modern device ? (RGPV Jun 2012)
Q. 10) Briefly discuss about repeater. (RGPV Jun 2013)
Q. 11) What is a bridge and how is it used ?
Briefly discuss about bridge.
Explain the working of bridge. (RGPV Jun 2013, RGPV Dec 2013)
Q. 12) Explain the working of a router.
What is the function of router device ?
Briefly discuss about router. (RGPV Jun 2011, RGPV Jun 2012, RGPV Dec 2013)
Q. 13) Write short note on networking devices.
Write the various networking devices.
Write a brief notes on different types of networking devices.
What are the various networking device ? Explain briefly. (RGPV Dec 2013, RGPV Jun 2016, RGPV Jun 2012)
Q. 14) Write short notes on. (i) E-mail Spoofing (ii) Denial of service (RGPV Jun 2022)
Q. 15) Draw TCP/IP model of computer networking ? Explain function of each layer.
Explain TCP/IP reference model in detail.
Write short note on TCP model.
Explain TCP/IP protocol suite with the help of suitable block diagram. (RGPV Jun 2022, RGPV Dec 2011, RGPV Dec 2010, RGPV Jun 2011, RGPV Nov 2018, RGPV May 2018, RGPV Nov 2019)
Q. 16) Differentiate OSI and TCP/IP model of computer network.
Differentiate between TCP and IP. (RGPV Jun 2020 CBGS, RGPV Dec 2015, RGPV Jun 2016)
Q. 17) Differentiate ISO-OSI with TCP/IP.
Compare the OSI and TCP/IP models.
Compare OSI and TCP/IP reference models on form of three merits and demerits. (RGPV Dec 2022, RGPV Dec 2012, RGPV Jun 2017, RGPV Dec 2015, RGPV Jun 2015, RGPV Nov 2018)
Q. 18) Write short note on world wide web. (RGPV Jun 2011, RGPV Dec 2011, RGPV Jun 2013)
Q. 19) Explain the architecture of www. What is the difference Internet and world wide web. (RGPV Dec 2010, RGPV Dec 2012)
Q. 20) What is E-Commerce ? Write the advantages and disadvantages.
Write short note on E-Commerce. (RGPV Dec 2022, RGPV Jun 2020, RGPV Dec 2010, RGPV Dec 2011, RGPV Dec 2012)
Q. 21) Explain following attacks in detail. (i) Logic Bombs (ii) E-mail spoofing (RGPV Jun 2020 CBGS)
Q. 22) What is a firewall ? How can it provide security to the system ? (RGPV Dec 2022)
Q. 23) Describe the term virus with its types.
Write short note on virus. (RGPV Dec 2013, RGPV Dec 2014, RGPV May 2018)
Q. 24) Describe the term worm with its types. (RGPV Dec 2013, RGPV Dec 2014)
Q. 25) Describe various types of malware.
Briefly describe the different threats to network security. (RGPV Jun 2012)
Q. 26) Describe the term Trojan with its types. (RGPV Dec 2013, RGPV Dec 2016)
Q. 27) Write short note on money laundering. (RGPV Jun 2017)
Q. 28) Discuss the term denial of services.
Explain DoS attacks.
Write short note on denial of services(DOS) (RGPV Nov 2018, RGPV Nov 2019, RGPV Dec 2015)
Q. 29) What do you know about cyber laws on internet fraud ? Explain different types of cyber crimes.
Explain different kinds of cyber crimes.
Give a brief note on cyber law about internet fraud. (RGPV Nov 2018, RGPV Jun 2012, RGPV Jun 2011)
Data Base Management System & Cloud Computing
Q. 1) Write the advantages of data base management system. (RGPV Dec 2015)
Q. 2) What are the different types of database and users. ? Discuss the main activities of each. (RGPV Dec 2012)
Q. 3) What is the need for evaluation of a DBMS ? List the technical criteria that are to be considered during the evaluation process.
What are the disadvantages of using files system over database system. (RGPV Dec 2010, RGPV Jun 2016)
Q. 4) Define DBMS. Compare file oriented approach and database approach.
Differentiate file oriented and abase approach. Why DBMS is needed ? (RGPV Dec 2013, RGPV Jun 2011)
Q. 5) Discuss the architecture of DBMS.
Explain the architecture of database system.
Write short note on component of DBMS.
Explain briefly the architecture of DBMS with a neat diagram.
Write short note on architecture of database system. (RGPV Dec 2012, RGPV Jun 2017, RGPV Dec 2010, RGPV Dec 2014, RGPV Dec 2013, RGPV Dec 2017, RGPV Nov 2019, RGPV Jun 2022)
Q. 6) What are the functions of DBA ?
Explain the functions of DBA.
Explain the roles and functions of DBA.
What are the typical roles and responsibility of a DBA. (RGPV Dec 2011, RGPV Jun 2012, RGPV Jun 2013, RGPV Dec 2014, RGPV Jun 2016, RGPV Jun 2015 )
Q. 7) Differentiate between domain and attribute. (RGPV Jun 2012)
Q. 8) What is database ? How it differs from data file ? (RGPV Jun 2014)
Q. 9) What is a data model ? Explain its various types. (RGPV Dec 2016)
Q. 10) Explain data independence.
What is data independence ? Explain the different types of data independence.
Define data independence.
Write short note on data independence. (RGPV Dec 2011, RGPV Jun 2015, RGPV Dec 2013, RGPV May 2018, RGPV Nov 2019)
Q. 11) Explain data dictionary.
What do you mean by data dictionary.
What is data dictionary ? What types of information is stored in data dictionary ?
Write short not on data dictionary. (RGPV Dec 2011, RGPV Jun 2016, RGPV Dec 2015, RGPV May 2019)
Q. 12) Write short notes on : (a) BUS Architecture (b) MD Word Vs MS Excel (c) Polymorphism (RGPV Dec 2022)
Q. 13) Write shorts notes on : DBA (RGPV Dec 2022, RGPV Jun 2020, RGPV Dec 2015, RGPV Dec 2017)
Q. 14) Discuss the term primary key.
Write short note on primary key.
Define primary key. (RGPV Dec 2011 , RGPV Jun 2016, RGPV Dec 2015, RGPV May 2018)
Q. 15) Define alternate key. (RGPV May 2018)
Q. 16) Distinguish between primary key and candidate key.
Distinguish between primary key and candidate key with the help of an example. (RGPV Dec 2012, RGPV Jun 2014)
Q. 17) What do you understand by data definition language(DDL) ?
Write short note on data definition language (DDL).
Define data definition language. (RGPV Jun 2020, RGPV Dec 2016, RGPV May 2018, RGPV May 2019)
Q. 18) Write short note on data manipulation language.
Write short note on DML. (RGPV Jun 2020, RGPV Dec 2016, RGPV May 2019)
Q. 19) Explain DDL and DML commands with a suitable examples. (RGPV Dec 2022)
Q. 20) Write short note on cloud computing. (RGPV Dec 2017, RGPV May 2018, RGPV Nov 2018)
Q. 21) Explain different types of clouds. (RGPV Dec 2022)
Q. 22) Explain the terms cloud infrastructure. (RGPV Dec 2015)
Q. 23) Write down the Pros and Cons of cloud Computing. (RGPV Jun 2022)
Q. 24) Define IaaS, PaaS and SaaS.
Write short not on IaaS, PaaS and SaaS.
Differentiate IaaS, PaaS and SaaS. (RGPV Jun 2022, RGPV Jun 2020 CBGS, RGPV Nov 2018)
Q. 25) Differentiate public, private and hybrid cloud. (RGPV Nov 2018)
Q. 26) Write short notes on : (a) Good computer security habits (b) Data manipulation Language (RGPV Jun 2022)
Q. 27) Write short notes on (a)Primary key (b) Cloud Infrastructure (c) types of cloud (RGPV Jun 2020)
Q. 28) Write short notes on any two.
(a) Types of Cloud
(b) Advantages of cloud computing (RGPV Jun 2020 CBGS, RGPV Nov 2018)
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